
影畫絮語 - 九降風 Winds of September + 死亡預告 Ikigami: The Ultimate Limit

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28 則留言:

  1. "九降風"聽聞比"烈日當空"還好.
    [版主回覆12/02/2008 12:17:00]That's why I am looking forward to seeing it.  死亡預告 is a suspenful tear jerker... quite special!  

  2. It's so special for the story of 死亡預告, it let me think of 死亡筆記!  But sure i think these are 2 different story but also focus on the message of death! right?
    [版主回覆12/02/2008 17:43:00]Right! Death and the meaning of life! Quite special as it also talks about the Japaneses militarism.

  3. 我會睇《死亡預告》!我之前睇左預告片,已經想喊了。我大概知道故事內容,我記得有一幕係母親致電父親︰「個仔收到逝紙啦~~請你來看看他最後的演出。」類似的說話,該就是你所說的「唱歌」部份吧?
    [版主回覆12/02/2008 20:27:00]RIGHT!!! Remember to bring some tissues. 烈日當空 is a very special HK movie with great images and 3D characters. You should watch it when you are 18. HAHAHAHA!!!

  4. 死亡預告, i watched it on 26 nov .no special effect   only strong stroy line!
    [版主回覆12/04/2008 10:46:00]A slow-paced tear jerker which moves me successfully.

  5. 有冇九降風大陸版消息呢? 好似味聽講佢幾時上畫哦??
    [版主回覆12/04/2008 10:47:00]NO... it seems that it won't be released in HK.

  6. Kenji, 'death and the meaning of life' which also let me think of  'Sweet Rain' , have you seen this film?  It also including 3 sections for the preterminal ppls!!  In the film the meaning of life is really not applicable for the third one, it's sad for their life indicated !!  but it's not a film for crying! 'the ultimate limit' is a film for crying?? haha....it's interesting to see!!  By the way, i still think of yr assignment and sure i think 'Batman' is the first one we should support him ar..... hahaha......
    [版主回覆12/05/2008 10:55:00]I have not seen Sweet Rain, but I think comparing both film would be interesting. The Ultimate Limit is a slow-paced tear jerker with special messages and a unique world created. 3.5 / 5 in my opinion. I heard people cry ^^!!! Assignment?  Batman? You mean... I am a bit lost ^^

  7. Sorry to make you confuse, just the Top Ten movies in this yr you want me to list out ^^  And i think 'Batman' is the first one movie for selecting, don't you think so?...... let you know the others later ^^
    [版主回覆12/05/2008 23:25:00]OIC... right!!! BUT I won't pick Batman this time because I personally think the movie focuses too much on the Joker and Batman does not have much personal growth. Two Face also changes TOO suddenly. I also think the movie's title should be The Dark Joker. Otherwise, I think it is a kind of "straying away from the title". Although there are some strengths and I think it is a GOOD film, I personally think it is NOT a flawless classic, as stated by many other movie critics. I know there are many people who love it, it is not one of my top 10 films this year ^^.

  8. i agree that you said they do not have much personal growth...... and their psych development not positively in the film ..... !! cannot become a successful classic..... em ..... how about Wall-E ?   ^^
    [版主回覆12/06/2008 00:10:00]Wall E will be one of my top 10. Silence is sometimes louder than words. A classic because this is the first animated movie moving me with two robots and no words. I think most good movies this year were released in the first half of the year...

  9. 我好想看【死亡預告】呢!聽完 Kenji 的介紹更加心動。
    譬如 BS2 說 Saw 所帶出的訊息很好,但一想起可能看見的自相殘殺畫面,我就怕怕啦......
    [版主回覆12/06/2008 11:37:00]Right! 死亡預告 and 大逃殺 are totally different stories!!! I just spotted one similarity i.e. the Japanese government passing a very controversial law. I think both directors successfully created a unique futuristic Japan-like world. Anyway, the idea is creative and it seems that the audience is drawn into another WORLD! ^0^  P.S. 死亡預告 is much more slow-paced than 大逃殺.

  10. 九降風在金馬獎剛贏了 最佳原著 劇本!
    [版主回覆12/06/2008 23:03:00]Thanks a lot!!! I also like the script. Have you watched this film? I personally prefer High Noon to Winds of September and I hope High Noon will get an award in HK.

  11. 九降風像不像台灣版的烈日當空?
    [版主回覆12/07/2008 10:36:00]Similar in a number of ways. BUT Ms Mak from HK makes some changes to the script and so the stories are a bit different.

  12. "死亡預告"漫畫剬出了第五期啦!
    [版主回覆12/07/2008 19:15:00]What a great comic fan!

  13. IAN又有一個「影畫絮語小說」新主意,是關於你的「霧水愛情故事」。如果你介意,轟IAN,我沒有責任的啊~~哈哈!! 你都可以給一些主意我,越多靈感,故事就越快面世的啊!!
    我之前寫了「聖誕電影心水選擇」,give some comments!!! 你的聖誕電影心水選擇又是什麼呢?不妨分享交流啦~~
    [版主回覆12/07/2008 22:15:00]OK no problem!!! I am neither creative nor interesting. I hope I can give you some good ideas. Let me spend some time THINK THINK SIN ^^.

  14. 九降風!
    [版主回覆12/07/2008 22:13:00](Empty)

  15. 你個Playlist…點解會Cut剩十七首歌嘅???
    [版主回覆12/10/2008 13:01:00]Dunno?!

  16. 我都看了 《九降風》....劇本不錯...拍得不錯...平實而有所感動...讓我很想看香港版的烈日當空
    [版主回覆12/10/2008 13:05:00]I think Taiwan people will be touched by Wonds of September. However, before watching it, I have not heard of the Black Hawk Incident, so I was not touched by that bit. It is always good to do some research after the film so that I can know more about the country. As a HK guy, I prefer High Noon which is more shocking and beautiful.

  17. 兩套都似乎幾好睇咁啵?!
    [版主回覆12/10/2008 13:06:00]I think both are quite good! I am just worried that there are not many good films in December.

  18. 你個Playlist之前有廿二首歌咖~ 但係唔知幾時開始就得返十七首歌了…
    [版主回覆12/11/2008 23:38:00](Empty)

  19. 總覺九降風比烈日當空
    [版主回覆12/11/2008 22:35:00]You may say so. 烈日當空 is more shocking! 九降風 is more 平淡!

  20. Kenji, if most good movies this year were released in the first half of the year .... i think i missed a lot!  but i think i can post my 5 favorite movies in my blog later and waiting to see yrs top 10 later ^^
    [版主回覆12/12/2008 18:28:00]Oh it is really a pity. Don't worry! You can still buy the VCDs. I will post the list of my top 10 movies at the end of the year. ^^ Let's share in due course.

  21. 我看了"死亡預告"。
    [版主回覆12/12/2008 18:29:00]Thanks for your sharing. I also love this song, but I have not read the comic. Any differences? Right... you can listen to the song HERE! http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=43157777

  22. kenji這個聖誕會睇咩戲呀? 會唔會睇返d大片呢.... 你都好耐冇睇大片啦喎
    [版主回覆12/13/2008 12:26:00]Some great films will be released in February before Oscar and I am looking forward to seeing them, e.g. Milk, etc. Concerning the Christmas films, I am interested in watching 梅蘭芳, 魔法童話夜, 澳大利亞, 大耳仔走天涯, 荒失失奇兵 2 and 吸血新世紀. However, the foreign reviews of SOME films are just OK. I am still thinking which films I should talk about. It seems to me that, in 2008, the films in the first 6 months are more attractive than the ones in the second half of the year.

  23. it's ok we share in due course ar~  BTW, i watched [the day the earth stood still] i find it's ok also..... so difficult to pick up which movies are better now.....
    [版主回覆12/13/2008 23:08:00]It seems to me that many people are disappointed by "The Earth".

  24. i also know about that, but it seems to me it's ok lor   maybe taste are different......
    [版主回覆12/13/2008 23:44:00]AGREE!!! One of my bloggers also like it.

  25. sorry kenji, are you talking about the film ' The earth' or any other thing else...... hope i have not misunderstanding your meaning.....??
    [版主回覆12/13/2008 23:44:00]Yes!

  26. 我今日先睇死亡預告~超正超正~我第1次喺戲院睇到喊...真係忍都忍唔到...> <一唱首路標我d眼淚就喪流...
    [版主回覆12/14/2008 22:06:00]I guess there won't be a sequel... not sure! BUT it is really heart warming, esp the last one. My ranking is 3 > 1 > 2!!!  How about you?

  27. 唔知呢~可能因為佢呀頭叫佢等,,直到時機成熟..好似留緊伏線咁~ 我就覺得1>3>2~雖然3都好感人,,不過我就覺得第3果度細妹最後由唔信變為相信佢呀哥之間轉得太突然..搞到有d刻意..減左少少分...而1果時我就喊得最勁...> <
    [版主回覆12/14/2008 22:50:00]Oh I see!!! I think his sister believes him because his brother, nurses and other patients act so well haha.

  28. 看了「死亡預告」~的確很催淚......
    其實個故事 concept 很令人心寒....是什麼令到一個城市對於一個人的生命毫不在意???
    [版主回覆12/15/2008 12:58:00]The human race is changing as time goes by and moral values are changing too. We never know if what happens in the film will become true one day. ^^
