
2008年我的十大電影 - My Top 10 Movies in 2008


1.    一奏傾情 Once
2.    2百萬奪命奇案 No Country for Old Men
3.    末世凶煞 Cloverfield / 霧地異煞 The Mist
4.    美國清一Sick檔案 Sicko
5.    魔法奇緣 Enchanted
6.    JUNO少女孕記 Juno
7.    太空奇兵威E Wall E
8.    狐狸小姐你好嗎 The Fox and the Child
9.    秘岸 Lost Indulgence
10.  烈日當空 High Noon


東京奏嗚曲 Tokyo Sonata
黑幫有個荷李活 The Magic Hour

意 The Home Song Stories
追擊者 The Chaser
低清老翻王 Be Kind Rewind
華麗安琪兒 Angel (By Ozon)
儘管如此我沒做過 I just didn't do it
天水圍的日與夜 The Way We Were
沙煲兄妹日記 The Savages
警察樂隊來訪時 The Band's Visit殺神特工 Wanted
東京殘酷警察 Tokyo Police Gore

  1. In 2008, I have watched 127 films at cinemas. On average, I watched one film every three days.
  2. My top-10-movie list is tentative and subject to changes as time goes by.
  3. Everyone's top-10-movie list can be very different & everyone's choice should be respected.
  4. The movies this year are less attractive than the ones released in 2007.
  5. I have talked about most of the films listed above (except Tokyo Sonata & The Way We Were) at Move Thee Reviews. If interested, please feel free to listen to the shows at www.mov-reviews.com.
Do you have a top-10-movie list? Would you like to recommend any films?
Let's share! I wish you all a Happy New Year!


1.    落葉歸根 Getting Home
2.    魔間迷宮 Pan's Labyrinth
3.    醜聞日記 Notes on a Scandal
4.    愛.誘.罪 Atonement
5.    硫磺島戰書 Letters From Iwo Jima
6.    愛情回水 Cashback
7.    不能說的.秘密 Secret / 穿越時空的少女 The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
8.    色,戒 Lust, Caution
9.    巴別塔 Babel
10.  愛在遙遠的附近 The Painted Veil

練習曲 Island Etude
高校男生 The History Boys
最後的蘇格蘭王 Last King of Scotland
超時空泡泡女 Bubble Fiction Boom or Bust


1.    斷背山 Brokeback Mountain
2.    花樣奇緣 Memories of Matsuko
3.    布達佩斯之戀 Gloomy Sunday
4.    迷失決勝分 Match Point
5.    韓流怪嚇 The Host
6.    尋找他媽...的故事 Transamerica
7.    陽光小小姐 Little Miss Sunshine
8.    死亡魔法 The Prestige
9.    真心無戾 Tsotsi
10.  蘇菲最後的5天 Sophie Scholl - The Final Days

特別推介: 八月的故事 August Story


1.    可可西里 Kekexili
2.    美麗女狼 Monster
3.    感官樂園 3-Iron
4.    爸爸愛的回信 Dear Frankie
5.    世上的另一個我 Nana
6.    藉著雨點說愛你 Be With You
7.    牛仔褲的夏天 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
8.    三丁目之黃昏 1 Always - Sunset on Third Street 1
9.    壞孩子 Evil
10.  當年相戀意中人 Broken Flowers

我的馬拉松 Marathon
最後的時光 Time to Leave
誘心人 Closer
海南雞飯 Rice Rhapsody
恐懼鬥室 Saw
超人特工隊 The Incredibles
深入深喉 Inside Deep Throat
哈爾移動城堡 Howl's Moving Castle
神經俠侶 Crazy N' the City
引人入性 Kinsey

