
影畫絮語 - 東京部落 Tokyo




15 則留言:

  1. 哈哈!!!聽咗了~ 我覺得有D似年前嘅〈戀愛地圖〉嗰個TYPE喎…
    [版主回覆12/13/2008 22:56:00]I wanna watch it!

  2. 最期待是久違了的Leos Carax.
    [版主回覆12/13/2008 22:58:00]Wow very special taste!!! I know a lot about the other two directors, but I have not seen Leos Carax's films before. Any recommendations?

  3. 好期待
    [版主回覆12/13/2008 23:45:00]Artistic and symbolic! Please share how you feel after watching it.

  4. Leos Carax 嘅Les Amants du Pont-Neuf (新橋之戀)絕對係一齣好正嘅激情佳作.
    [版主回覆12/13/2008 23:45:00]Oh... I would love to see it ^^!!!

  5. 〈戀愛地圖〉都係差唔多係咁咖~ 都係幾個故事咁,但係呢套係咪慘咖???〈戀愛地圖〉就比較遺憾lor~
    [版主回覆12/13/2008 23:46:00]NOT sad, but artistic!

  6. 咁就好了~ 因為〈戀愛地圖〉個結局太可惜了~ 特別係第一段---日本故事伊東美咲嘅段最遺憾,但係又唔會令觀眾睇到喊嗰種遺憾,係一種失望lor~ 咁呢套係咪全部故事都係喺晒東京發生咖???〈戀愛地圖〉就係喺幾個唔同地方嘅愛情故事,但係幾個都唔太Happy Ending,如果呢套係咖sad嘅都可以睇吓來比較吓喎…
    [版主回覆12/14/2008 01:47:00]Yes they all happen in Tokyo!

  7. 我尋日首次係搭車時用手機聽咗你節目啦!
    你講得好吸引, 分析得好仔細, 原來三個導演都來頭不小, 令我由原本毫無興趣嘅到家下都想睇呢~
    [版主回覆12/14/2008 12:09:00]I guess you must be very bored on the train HAHAHA!!! Anyway, thank you for your support. Have you given me some stars on Youtube? HAHA! I think you will like this film because of the three directors, artistic images and symbolism.

  8. 哇~~IAN用手機上網,潮爆呀!
    [版主回覆12/14/2008 12:50:00]1. Right... I am an IT idiot. 2. I think the second story is quite disturbing.

  9. 想不到 Kenji 喜歡讓人不安的東西呢!
    OK. The second story sounds really disturbing. I'm not sure if I could stand it ...
    [版主回覆12/14/2008 21:55:00]HAHA! Sometimes very ordinary people like me need to be SHOCKED. hahaha!!!

  10. 生活單調, 身不由己...很想去投入你介紹的電影...無奈步伐仍是趕不上你...
    [版主回覆12/14/2008 22:03:00]It seems that HK people's everyday lives are very similar, tiring and stressful. Watching movies can sometimes bring me to another world, but in the morning, I become an ordinary people again. Monday is coming and I usually have Monday sickness. Try to cheer yourself up by doing exercise or watching VCDs. Sometimes, watching too many movies is tiring and hosting the show is stressful too haha. Let's work hard and play hard together. Smile!!!

  11. Tokyo, 荒失失奇兵也看似幾好睇, 近來有很多戲都想看....... btw, Kenji, 是否等埋X'mas之後先post favorite movies 會好D呀? 因為X'mas 期間似是有些好戲.........
    [版主回覆12/16/2008 18:56:00]Sure! BUT I personally don't think the movies at Christmas are very good. Those released before Oscar are! ^^

  12. No! I just want to listen to your show anytime, anywhere and by any mean...It's just that good! (quote me in your advertisment..hahaha) 
    I just hope that the film is not off yet. I would try to see it this weekend!
    [版主回覆12/16/2008 13:01:00]HAHA... okok! Waiting for your review.

  13. Kenji, 多謝你的安慰...
    所以今個聖誕我又要出外買些禮物去送給別人...好叫自己感染一下普天同興的歡樂... 事實又証明...錢是可以買到快樂...!
    [版主回覆12/16/2008 19:00:00]I am sorry to hear that and please accept my condolences. Sometimes, money is important, but I  personally cheer myself up by doing exercise, watching very good movies, chatting with my friends, listening to music, etc. There are a lot of ways to make yourself happy. Smiling can make yourself happy too (according to psychology: happy ---> smile / smile ---> happy), because some chemicals will be released when you smile and they will make you feel excited. Try to smile now!

  14. hi kenji, i post the favorite in 2008 in my blog already, will you give yr comments on them?!
    [版主回覆12/18/2008 22:56:00]Wow... so fast!

  15. 真的不錯,最鍾意係變形o個段,真係變得好型,哈哈。
    [版主回覆12/24/2008 00:09:00]HAHAHA... a symbolic film, right? Apart from the special images, the members of the audience have to THINK about the messages behind.
