
羅拔神奇家族@4D超立體巨幕影館 + 尋找快樂的故事 + 吾友妻 + 再造人之戀


I watched the 3D version of Meet the Robinsons in 4D Extreme Screen on 31/3. This is the first time a 3D version of a Disneyland film has been shown in HK and this is my first experience watching a 3D film for more than 90 minutes, with specially made glasses worn. I'm impressed by the gripping 3D visuals and the heart warming ending. Besides, the movie emphasizes the importance of family and conveys the message that we should keep moving forward. Although the movie is criticized for having weird characters, lacking origniality and rushing into conveying too many messages,  it is absolutely suitable for children to watch and the Cantonese dubbing is amusing! In my opinion, it is worth watching its 3D version in the airport as there are lots of shops and restaurants. I suggest you spend 5 hours in Sky Plaza. The environment is really relaxing and people there are polite. Let's meet the Robinsons @ 4D Extreme Screen! I give this feel-good animated sci-fi comedy 3 (2D) / 3.5 (3D) stars out of 5.

Special thanks to the Intercontinental Film Distributors (HK) Ltd.

由香港機場管理局、洲立影藝有限公司及SimEx-Iwerks共同合作的全球首間「4D超立體巨幕影館」(4D EXTREME SCREEN),選址定於香港國際機場「翔天廊」。4D超立體巨幕影館擁有全亞洲最大的4D影院銀幕,由世界最權威的立體特技娛樂公司SimEx-Iwerks提供尖端的放映技術,以及最先進的F/X特技裝置和音響效果。觀眾除可在高逾4樓層的巨型銀幕上欣賞到逼真震撼的立體影像,更可現場感受到與劇情同步發展的各式感官刺激,例如風吹、雪飄、水濺及各種氣味。觀眾將仿如置身影片之中,完全投入真假難分的4D虛擬世界,效果絕非一般動感或立體電影可比擬。4D超立體巨幕影館的主要特色如下:

●亞洲最大4D影院銀幕(64呎x 44呎),高逾5樓層;
●榮獲奧斯卡大獎的Iwerks 8/70 Linear LoopR 尖端放映技術;

Four movies are being shown there. Adults: $75 & Students: $50
迷你魔界大冒險 英文版 (特效版)
白馬奇緣(粵語) (4D 版)
白馬奇緣(英文) (4D 版)
羅拔神奇家族 粵語版 (3D版)

3D版 - 立體電影 (需要配戴3D 眼鏡)
4D版 - 3D電影加上特別感官效果 (需要配戴3D 眼鏡)
特效版 - 2D電影加上特別感官效果 (無需配戴3D眼鏡)

尋找快樂的故事 The Pursuit of Happyness
The Pursuit of Happyness is perfectly cast but clichéd melodrama which is long, dull and depressing. This is not a feel-good movie unless you believe that a few moments of good cheer can redeem 110 minutes of gloom. Sitting through The Pursuit of Happyness is a chore. Downbeat movies aren't inherently bad (in fact, many are powerful), but this one provides artificial characters in contrived circumstances. This movie "inspired by a real story" feels faker than those based on fictions (Rottentomatoes). I give it 3 stars out of 5.

吾友妻 My Friend and His Wife (申東一,2006)
It is a low-budget Korean film shown in the Film Festival. Although the director claim that the film is a boring one, I think the content is rich and there are several symbolic scenes. However, some sex scenes are disturbing to children and there is a shocking scene in the middle of the movie. Is it necessary to shoot that one?  It is also a pity that the message cannot be effectively conveyed despite the good acting. I give it 3 stars out of 5. By the way, the audience could only ask the director 2 questions. Then we had to talk to him outside the theatre ON THE STREET! The organisation has spent so much money inviting directors from different countries to come to HK and we discussed the movie on the STREET?????????? I'm disappointed...

再造人之戀 I am a Cyborg, but that's ok
I wanted to see this film because of the dirctor's trilogy on revenge... Yet, I'm disappointed! I do like the setting and there are some funny ideas, but what is the message of the film? Besides, my friend and I fell asleep for 10 minutes and we woke each other up. Moreover, the ending made me scratch my head. When we left the theatre, I overheard someone saying it is "MO LIU". I give this movie 2 stars out of 5.

HI I am Kenji! 

The first picture was taken several months ago in the Novotel Citygate Hotel located in Tung Chung and the second one was taken on 31/3/2007 in Sky Plaza (Terminal 2).

