被英國傳媒稱為「上世紀的JK羅琳」的琵雅翠絲波特 Beatrix Potter (雲妮絲穎嘉 飾),是二十世紀初文學界的一個傳奇。在那個要求女人三從四德的年代,年輕女子的唯一目標就是找一張好飯票;但琵雅翠絲卻堅持自己的理想利用自己的創作,逐漸走出社會和禮教的枷鎖,找到自由與尊嚴。波特小姐年過三十,才鼓起勇氣踏出家門,找出版社出版她的兒童插畫叢書,因此與編輯諾曼汪 Norman Warne (伊雲麥葵格 飾) 結緣 。沒想到這兩個初出茅廬的新鮮人,以他們的熱情,聯手寫下暢銷書的佳話,也在朝夕相處的狀況下,暗生情愫。可惜童話故事結局並沒有發生,諾曼汪忽然患病離世,琵雅翠絲大受打擊,躲到以賣書利潤買下的湖區 Hill Top 農場,並遇上生命中第二位男人 – 律師 William Heelis。他們婚後定居於湖區,並買下大片土地,大自然的環境為她的創作帶來不少啟發。1943年77歲的她與世長辭,她把土地贈予環保機構「National Trust」。當然,她流給後世的,還有一共二十三本的兒童讀物。
Lyrics of "Let Me Teach You How To Dance" By Ewan McGregor
Let me teach you how to dance
Let me lead you to the floor
Simply place your hand in mine
And then think of nothing more
Let the music cast the spell
Give the atmosphere a chance
Simply follow where I lead
Let me teach you how to dance
Lyrics of "When You Taught Me How To Dance" By Katie Melua
When you taught me how to dance
Years ago, with misty eyes
Every step and silent glance
Every move, a sweet surprise
Someone must have taught you well
To beguile and to entrance
For that night you cast your spell
And you taught me how to dance
Like reflections in a lake
I recall what went before
As I give, I'll learn to take
And will be alone no more
Other lights may light my way
I may even find romance
But I won't forget that night
When you taught me how to dance
Cold winds blow
But on those hills you'll find me
And I know
You're walking right behind me
When you taught me how to dance
Years ago, with misty eyes
Every step and silent glance
Every move, a sweet surprise
Someone must have taught you well
To beguile and to entrance
For that night you cast your spell
And you taught me how to dance
Despite the lack of focus, Miss Potter is an educational, entertaining and somewhat touching biopic about a woman who strives for her dream to be a writer and the same opportunities as men. The cast is also charismatic. I give it 3.5 stars out of 5.
鳴謝: Golden Scene Co. Ltd.