Spider-Man 3 (2007) - 蜘蛛俠成魔之路 The greatest battle lies within
蜘蛛俠在一次拯救行動中,不幸纏上外太空不明物質,慢慢更受其控制,最初是外表的轉變,漸漸心智亦受蠶食。蜘蛛俠內外受敵,除了應付 Venom 外,好友哈里 Green Goblin 2 為報父仇,不停追殺蜘蛛俠;而殺蜘蛛俠叔父的 Sandman 力量比蜘蛛俠更強! 在愛情路上,他將周旋在舊愛 Mary Jane 及新歡 Gwen Stacy之間,到底蜘蛛俠能否戰勝心魔,挽回他至親及至愛的人?
Since Spider-Man 1 was released in 2002, I have been of the opinion that watching the Spider-Man movies with stupendous special effects is a great treat! Since then, it has gone from "good (3.5 / 5)" to "excellent (4)" and now "good, though a bit disappointing (3.5)".
In Spider-Man 2, Peter Parker is more human and the characterisation is more impressive. Besides, the entertaining gags inserted from time to time do not go very well with the movie talking about revenge and forgiveness.
With great power, one can do both good and evil. Whichever road you take, everyone indeed has a choice. That's the main message of the movie.
Although Spider-Man 3 has a cliched story-line and slightly drags, it is an entertaining blockbuster which you cannot afford to miss. Listen! Mary Jane Watson is screaming again!
Aunt May: Uncle Ben wouldn't want us living with revenge in our hearts, it's like a poison. It can take you over and turn us into something ugly.
Peter Parker: The suit... where'd this come from... the power... feels good... if you lose yourself to it.
The creator of Spiderman, Stan Lee: One man can make all the difference.
Spider-Man 2 (2004) - Peter Parker - an ordinary man VS Spider-Man - superhero with supernatural powers
May Parker: We need a hero, couragous sacrificing people, setting examples for all of us. Everybody loves a hero, people line up for 'em, cheer for them, scream their names, and years later tell how they stood in the rain for hours just to get a glimpse of the one who told them to HOLD ON a second longer. I believe theres a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble. And finally gets us to die with pride. Even though sometimes we have to be steady and give up the thing we want most, even our dreams.
Rosalie Octavius: Peter, do you have a girlfriend?
Peter: Uh, well... I don't really know.
Dr. Otto Octavius: Well, shouldn't you know? Who would know?
Rosalie Octavius: Leave him alone. Maybe it's a secret love.
Dr. Otto Octavius: Love should never be a secret. If u keep something as complicated as love stored up inside, it could make u sick.
Peter: [sobbing] I went someplace else, I thought I could win some money, to buy a car, because I wanted to impress Mary Jane. It happened so fast... I won the money, the guy wouldn't pay me, then he got robbed... the thief was running towards me... I could have stopped him, but I wanted to take revenge... I let him go, I let him get away. He wanted a car, he tried to take Uncle Ben's. Uncle Ben said no... and then he shot him...
Peter: [narrating] I made a choice to live a life of responsibility. A life she can never be a part of. Who am I? I'm Spider-Man, given a job to do. And I'm Peter Parker, and I too have a job.
Peter: [speaks to MJ through a dead phone line] I wanna tell u the truth... here it is: I'm Spider-Man. Weird, huh? Now u know why I can't be with u. If my enemies found out about u... if u got hurt, I could never forgive myself. I wish I could tell you how I feel about you...
Uncle Ben: This guy, Flash Thompson, he probably deserved what happened. But just because you can beat him up doesn't give you the right to. Remember, with great power, comes great responsibility.
Peter Parker: This is my gift... this is my curse.
Peter Parker: Sometimes we hurt people whom we love.