第二次大戰期間,美麗的猶太歌手史莉荷 Rachel Stein 藏身之所被炸毀,遂與家人逃到已解放的荷蘭南部;可惜他們的船被一隻德國巡邏艇攔截,船上只有莉荷逃出生天。莉荷決定加入抗德游擊隊,化名韋艾利絲 Ellis de Vries 掩飾真正身分,並竭力調查是誰殺死她一家的兇手。
莉荷巧遇上德國軍官蒙茲 Müntze,蒙茲對她一見傾心。莉荷奉命潛入德國情報部門,救出一群被囚的抗德隊隊員,怎料有人告密,計畫最終慘告失敗,德國和抗德隊兩方都把矛頭指向莉荷,令她陷入腹背受敵的困境。在蒙茲的協助下,她又在過着匿藏的生涯,靜待戰爭結束。
Black Book is a well-cast and entertaining World War II thriller inspired by true events, yet this two-and-a-half-hour melodrama with an overstuffed storyline gussied up with female nudity and bloodletting may overstay its welcome. I give it 3 stars out of 5.
Golden Scene Co. Ltd.
自由煉獄 - The Free Will:
It is a disturbing, but beautiful German movie subtly depicting a rapist's guilt and his ways to cope with his out-of-control "id" (the primitive, instinctive component of personality that operates according to the pleasure principle demanding immediate gratification of one's biological urges for food, sex, sleep, etc. according to Freud). The movie also studies if a rapist can truly love a woman and if love can change the rapist. There are some disturbing rape scenes and this pessimistic movie lasting for 2 hours and 43 minutes is slow-paced. Despite these, owing to the stunning cinematography (repeated motifs), original plot and natural acting, I personally don't find it long. Buy the DVD if you are looking for a unique cinematic experience. I give this haunting, if disturbing, movie 3.5 stars out of 5.
在電影中心看了黑色名冊的trailer,竟然聽到跟xmen3 trailer一樣的配樂,頓時對這部德國片扣了印象分...
回覆刪除I went to see it early this morning. The plot of the movie is well-organized. I don't find it long even it is over 2.5 hours.
回覆刪除A famous film critic 登徒 also loves this movie!
回覆刪除I think so. The plot is entertaining, though melodramatic.
回覆刪除我個人不太喜歡"Black Book"....實在是舊酒新瓶, 導演只是聰明的利用二次大戰作背景為包裝, 立時比"Total Recall"多了幾分格調和深度! 仍然有他的"Showgirl"和"本能"的不必要性感色情, "Robocop"同"Starship Trooper"的血腥槍戰......頭半部還算緊湊和有逼力, 但最後半小時就真係節奏悶得我想死, 刻意但無信服力的浮誇"佈局", 和不必要也不感人的濫情~~~ (我十分同意你的評論: 演出和娛樂性皆不弱!)
回覆刪除You are right. It seems too entertaining that it looks pretentious.
回覆刪除Well, I think "Black Book" is one of the best Verhoeven's work, since "Robocop" and "Total Recall". great storyline, directing and acting. I enjoyed it a lot.