I am a bit worried... it seems that many people have not heard of this touching road movie. The kid is really charismatic. Right, the plot may be a bit sentimental and outdated, but the story and the cast can still touch me. Quite GOOD gar!!! 75% Positive in Rotten Tomatoes. 家下d細路好老積 Some of my students are!!! By the way, 無知的聲音 Innocent Voice is a GOOD film. http://www.avpnet.com.hk/pddisplay.asp?ProductID=AVPASIA323 http://movie.sina.com.hk/cgi-bin/mv/nw/show.cgi?id=38205
咦?咁呢套咪《千里尋親》的墨西哥版本? 不過,kenji點解突然咁失策,只有一幅劇照only? 而家的細路之所以老積,因為佢地想融入成年人的世界。不過我老唔老積就見仁見智,只不過我唔想融入成人的世界囉……我想成世做小朋友無憂無慮就好啦! [版主回覆09/12/2008 19:11:00]There are 14 movie stills Have you put on the glasses??? As time goes by, one will grow up. Nevertheless, you can still look young and feel young if you want to! Let's stay YOUNG! ^^
熊秉文在《都市日報》有介紹過這齣電影,他說劇情有點堆砌,像肥皂劇,因此讓我卻步了 [版主回覆09/15/2008 00:22:00]This is a road movie and the boy will meet different people. I think the ending is predictable and the story is a bit outdated, but it does touch me. The foreign reviews are quite GOOD. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/same_moon/ 72% of the 81 reviews are positive and the Consensus is: If Under the Same Moon is often manipulative, it is also heartfelt, and features strong performances from its leads.
不過好有一番墨西哥風情。我中意,同埋上個月睇時好應景。 [版主回覆10/02/2008 20:59:00]Agree. After all, it is a melodrama. HAHA!!! Sometimes, people need to see this kind of film to relieve their pressure and mixed emotions. I really enjoyed it.
I personally enjoyed it though it's definitely not "great"! It's quite similar to August Rush but more "realistic" already! The child actor is marvelous, he made me care about his journey and the result~ [版主回覆10/04/2008 01:19:00]100% agree!!! More realistic than August Rush? Then it should be a melodrama hahaha! I still have not watched it. BUT one day, I am sure I will, because of your recommendation.
名不經傳, 你唔講我都唔知有套咁嘅嘢~~~
喂, 家下d細路好老積㗎啦 (你睇下呀吹仔...), 所以卡洛仔嘅行為表現都未必算好唔合理啫~~~千里尋親, 自古皆有嘅橋段呢!
另外, "無知的聲音"英文名係咩呀??? 唔知我睇過未呢?!? 都好睇嘅咩???
I am a bit worried... it seems that many people have not heard of this touching road movie. The kid is really charismatic. Right, the plot may be a bit sentimental and outdated, but the story and the cast can still touch me. Quite GOOD gar!!! 75% Positive in Rotten Tomatoes. 家下d細路好老積 Some of my students are!!! By the way, 無知的聲音 Innocent Voice is a GOOD film. http://www.avpnet.com.hk/pddisplay.asp?ProductID=AVPASIA323 http://movie.sina.com.hk/cgi-bin/mv/nw/show.cgi?id=38205
[版主回覆09/12/2008 19:11:00]There are 14 movie stills Have you put on the glasses??? As time goes by, one will grow up. Nevertheless, you can still look young and feel young if you want to! Let's stay YOUNG! ^^
現在看到劇照啦!之前部電影只show了一張~~~= =
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/12/2008 19:51:00]^^ I love movie stills because they can remind me of the story!!!
I know why, Jason. Yahoo Blog is undergoing some technical problems and so you saw only one movie still.
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/15/2008 00:22:00]This is a road movie and the boy will meet different people. I think the ending is predictable and the story is a bit outdated, but it does touch me. The foreign reviews are quite GOOD. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/same_moon/ 72% of the 81 reviews are positive and the Consensus is:
If Under the Same Moon is often manipulative, it is also heartfelt, and features strong performances from its leads.
Le yang di metà autunno Festival
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/15/2008 00:19:00]Must be a blessing hahaha!!! THANKS!!
[版主回覆10/02/2008 20:59:00]Agree. After all, it is a melodrama. HAHA!!! Sometimes, people need to see this kind of film to relieve their pressure and mixed emotions. I really enjoyed it.
I personally enjoyed it though it's definitely not "great"! It's quite similar to August Rush but more "realistic" already! The child actor is marvelous, he made me care about his journey and the result~
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/04/2008 01:19:00]100% agree!!! More realistic than August Rush? Then it should be a melodrama hahaha! I still have not watched it. BUT one day, I am sure I will, because of your recommendation.