The comics is good! Although approaching the end it's more boring... [版主回覆09/21/2008 12:27:00]Many fans of this comic also say so. It starts BIG, but the author does not know how to end it. I am looking forward to seeing the film. I hope the adaptation is OK.
did u read 20世紀少年's comic?? it's very cool!! [版主回覆09/21/2008 20:11:00]I haven't. I seldom read comics! Ar... I suddenly remember my favourite comic which is called "Floating Classroom" / "Pui Lau Gau Suk". ^^
聽說20世紀少年係三部曲.... kenji你知唔知幾時會出第二第三集呢? 佢地係唔係一齊拍緊呢? [版主回覆09/22/2008 13:00:00]It is said that NO 2 and 3 will be released in 2009. At the moment, they are making NO 2. After so, they will film NO 3. Hopefully, both 2 and 3 will be released in 2009, though it is not yet confirmed.
thz.... 聽說金瓶梅的票房亦不俗.... 唔知kenji會唔會講講哩套戲呢 [版主回覆09/23/2008 00:38:00]THANKS! I will not watch 金瓶梅 because I already need to watch 6 films in 10 days... it is really tiring. 金瓶梅's preview has been held and people think it is entertaining and it can remind you f the HK pornographic films made in the past.
kenji,聽過關於追撃者的評論,使我很想入場觀看 打算星期四到百老匯看,但好像很嚇人血腥的^^",有點怕怕..... 這種寫實的驚懼是不是有別於喪屍片的驚懼呢。 我想親身感受一下!! 最後,再一次感謝kenji,又找到好戲看了 [版主回覆09/23/2008 18:13:00]You are welcome Hei Ling! Indeed, if this film cannot frighten you, it is not worth watching. I can only say that this is the best Korean film this year and it is really frightening. The story, the acting and the images will haunt you for long. I think the murderer in this film is more terrifying than the zombies in REC haha. Please, in you spare time, share how you feel after watching it. Thanks for listening to the show once again. HAHA... not many people listen to it indeed.
Kenji san, 我應該星期日會去睇 "20世紀少年", 我是超級漫畫迷, 所以對此戲不抱期望, 睇完之後再同你分享. 另外, 明天 "亞洲電影節" 開賣啦, 聽說有我的偶像小田切讓主演, 金基德的 "悲夢", 必睇!! 唔知仲有乜戲呢? 等訂好票, 交流下大家買了哪些場次啦. [版主回覆09/24/2008 14:26:00]Thanks for telling me. I also think the movie is just OK. I will watch it tonight and will talk about it on Sat. By the way, the website of HKAFF is not ready, isn't it? The tickets will be sold tomorrow? I really have no idea???? I am so shocked... how do you know the news?
對"追擊者"抱很大期望, 希望不會失望吧. "20世紀少年"看過頭兩本覺得有點故弄玄虛, 暫時較喜歡"死亡筆記". 期待金基德新作. [版主回覆09/24/2008 16:05:00]THINK so... I am worried that the film drags. As you know, this is a characteristic of Japanese films. Lots of money has been spent and I wonder if the visual adaptation is a successful one. 金基德新作 - I will check if it will be formally released in HK. If so, I will WAIT haha. By the way, The German Films Festival will be held too. I will be very busy with my work soon. HELP!!! I love MOVIES.
我好想睇《鷹眼追擊》噢!史提芬史匹堡監製,又由沙拉保夫演出,好有噱頭喎!仲好似話有美國咩咩聯邦組織、中央情報局那些不知甚麼東西..........協助製作呢套戲喎!睇講有IMAX巨幕版喎~~ [版主回覆09/25/2008 13:15:00]I guess it is entertaining. I will watch it tonight and hope it is good.
HKAFF + The German Films Festival ,十月真係死得… [版主回覆09/25/2008 13:17:00]100% agree! I will surely take part in BOTH festivals. There are already at least 10 films in my mind. AND don't forget the newly released ones... sigh... and Move Thee Reviews... HELP...
嘩,原來呢度係網上電影評論節目個 blog,真係好多野睇喎﹗我都好鍾意睇戲,不過冇你地咁 pro,等我得閒黎睇下同聽下你哋嘅節目先~~ [版主回覆09/25/2008 13:20:00]Thanks for your visit. There are many movie stills and you can listen to our Youtube Channel in your spare time. I hope the show can help you choose films which suit your needs and provide you with one more way to look at films. After watching the film, you can also discuss movies here. Welcome Welcome! 上面的LINK是今年 "亞洲電影節" 的消息, 大家一齊去撲金基德啦. 仲有好多日本戲, 忙死啦~~ [版主回覆09/25/2008 13:21:00]HKAFF is my favourite film festival so far. I hope I will have time to watch more films this year. BUT I am recently busy with my work. Poooooooor me.... Thanks for the link first.
[版主回覆09/25/2008 23:37:00]RIGHT... very disturbing!!! I just didn't do it is a very realistic film, while Chaser is a commercial film. I totally agree that 片中大多看到警方來遲一步的情況,但令觀眾感到好像是強加似的!!! Very good observation!!! Oh it is you! ^^ So happy that we have one more supporter. Wholehearted thanks! ^^
KENJI SAN, 原來 "亞洲電影節" 的節目和售票分別在 bc 和 amc 的網上, 大家要分頭去找一找了, 而戲院票房都開始賣票啦 [版主回覆09/25/2008 23:31:00]Not only BC and AMC, but also IFC... Busy these days and still do not have enough time to study the films. I hope buying tickets on Sat / Sun is not too late. SIGH...
今日連睇左20世紀少年 + 鷹眼追擊,兩套都OK緊張,搞到腎上腺升左唔少 不過我覺得鷹眼追擊太快爆個幕後兇手出黎喇,所以電器鋪入面我覺得可以遲D講囉 20世紀故事都好流暢,雖然不斷插播之後既畫面,但都跟得上.... 而且我覺得真係好有漫畫FEEL囉,真係每一幕都好似漫畫COPE D人呀景呀出黎咁,好搞笑 但係第一章係最易明,之後第二章就真係要打醒十二分精神睇,因為聽人講第二章插敍得最多 題外話,聽聞呢套電影起日本既票房高過死亡筆記.... [版主回覆09/26/2008 17:15:00]20世紀少年 is JUST OK to me. It drags and the characters are not well developed. Eagle Eye is fast paced, exciting and entertaining, but the idea has been used by another film before. BUT I don't think 太快爆個幕後兇手出黎! I think the timing is OK. Without knowing it, we may have less fun. ^^ (P.S. I saw you at the preview of Eagle Eye, but as my friend had not yet come, I had to occupy our seats and so I could not say hi to you haha!!!)
kenji,我今天和朋友看過了<<保持通話>>,是一套純商業的電影,沒什麼訊息表達出來,但我覺得它的高潮起伏做得不錯(是不是叫action seen ),low down興high up的位置完全可以連結在一起,令觀眾感覺得相當自然。 其中有一幕講述主角撞向一輛貨車,但事後竟然絲毫無損.....這令我想起《滅絕生還者》撞向巴士那一幕,只好慨嘆:最近的車店還真喜歡拿電影來hard sell啊
[版主回覆09/26/2008 20:23:00]NO. I have not heard of it. I have not watched Connected, but I guess it is an entertaining and exciting HK film. Recently I have watched lots of films and will watch more because of HKAFF and HKGFF. TIRED!
我對乜乜電影節沒甚麼興趣的。 那位煩擾的美少女,似乎跟我一樣對日本藝能界好熟悉喎! 電影咁快就諗定《20世紀少年》係三部曲,如果唔收得咪弊傢伙! 點解唔可以爆另一部Eagle Eye電影既名?我真係唔知喎~~ [版主回覆09/27/2008 16:21:00]1. HKAFF is one of my favorite film festivals. BUSY choosing films. 2. RIGHT... but it seems that the production crew is confident because there are lots of stars and the budget is BIG. What's more, the comic fans will surely see it. 3. I mean there is another movie which has a very similar idea. If I told you the name of that film, you would be able to guess who that "powerful" woman is and the ending is predictable. SO just go watch it. Jason, I think you will enjoy watching Eagle Eye. I am quite sure. ^^
HKAFF有咩電影揀呀? 我都覺得我會鍾意睇Eagle Eye....好似有IMAX巨幕版呢!《20世紀少年》我都想睇,但係比我揀我就睇《鷹眼追擊》。 我計劃緊入場睇.....如果趕不及就要等出碟。 我睇完之後,你話我知個「another film」係邊套啦! [版主回覆09/28/2008 00:53:00]Surely LAR!!! Maybe you already know the answer after watching Eagle Eye. Get ready for the roller coaster ride! GO!!! HKAFF 2008 has lots of Asian Films. Have a look in your spare time.
這陣子太多好戲上映了,自己就連續4天都在看電影.... 看過了20世紀少年,深深被它的故事吸引了,雖然我不是漫畫迷,但我想會看之後兩集的。 故事的流程十分緊湊,這種插述敍事的手法對我來說很有新鮮感,片中主角們的往事竟可和現在的事件拼合得如此自然,就像兩個世界同時進行的一般,出來的感覺還滿不錯的!! 儘管它的場景,OST也做得不錯,但從表達信息方面似乎不太鮮明,就這點自己比較喜歡死亡筆記,它可以充分反映出人性,生與死的意義,而20世紀少年則沒有引起我有太大的反思,卻只有一大堆的天馬行空。 總恬而言,我認為這套電影充滿故事性,滿不錯的。 接下來就要看鷹眼追撃了,期待沙拉保夫的演技^^" [版主回覆09/28/2008 01:11:00]WOw... four consecutive days!!! Every movie lover will be busy in October because of HKAFF. About the 20th Century Boys, I think one of the things disappointing me is that the 7 "friends" are not well developed. They are no longer closed after so many years and why motivate them to work together at the end? I dunno. I just cant remember much about these characters and it seems that they do not do much to save the world. Just OK to me and I am still thinking if NO 2 is worth watching... in fact, it is said that some comic fans also dislike the ending of the comic and think the story dragssssss. Eagle Eye is fast paced and very exciting. A successful commercial film though the foreign reviews are negative. The idea is not new!
剛上YOUTUBE果陣見到你有段秘岸味post出黎喎.... 這期是否太忙呀 [版主回覆09/28/2008 00:16:00]HAHA BUSY watching films indeed, but this is intentional. Lost Indulgence will be released next Thursday and so that clip will be formally released next Wednesday. I plan to post 20 pictures in my blog. ^^ Busy Bee... I plan to watch 10 HKAFF films. HELP...
Compare 20th Century Boy with Death Note, which one is better??? [版主回覆09/28/2008 01:55:00]I prefer Death Notes, though 20th Century Boys has more stars and is made with a bigger budget.
PS.我都想漂流教室電影化 你有無睇日劇? [版主回覆09/28/2008 12:54:00]Oh I see. Right!!! Some comic fans also complain about the comic because of various reasons. Anyway, the movie itself is just OK to me. As I spend too much time, I seldom watch TV programmes. 日劇? sometimes! ^^ By the way, another movie adapted from a movie 爆粗BAND友 (DMC)
will be released at the end of October. Do you know that?
Are your name Kenji is Japanese ? ( just for fun ) My feeling of 20th Century Boys are not so good .The film is really long ...142mins I feel very sleepy , but i think the younger characters are nice , they are so funny . [版主回覆09/28/2008 18:45:00]Kenji is a Japanese name, but I am a Hong Kong man. I totally agree that the film is too long and the kids are so cute. Thanks for your sharing. Come often!!!
Kenji san, 請保衛地球和平啊~~ haha 很明白你覺得人物刻畫不足的感覺, 因為連我這個漫畫迷也覺得電影版太簡單了, 但因為每個人物的立體感都是由20多期書累積而成, 所以只好接受這還可以的第一部. 又如果以第一部的手法和剪裁來看, 相信第二部會好好多, 因為人物的交待會更多, 但會睇到頭暈, 因為除了有新人物出場, 時空的交互敘述會更複雜... ps, 我已經買咗 "悲夢" 的票啦!! "magic hour" 多數會留待上正場時才看了 (本來星期四有得扯衫尾去睇記者場架, 可惜要開會... 嗚嗚) [版主回覆09/30/2008 13:26:00]HAHA I kept laughing in the cinema when they looked for the terrorist Kenji haha. Too many characters indeed. I am not sure if I should watch no 2. 悲夢 & Magic Hour will be formally released. I will watch them later. Tomorrow, I will put down, in my blog, the HKAFF films I will watch. ^^
看了'鷹眼追擊', 故事情節幾特別, 之前剛巧 'X file' 有集又講類似的劇情, 不過沒有這套裡頭所講的computer 那麼有威力...... 其實覺得那種威力所產生的影響都幾恐怖呀~~ [版主回覆10/01/2008 10:20:00]SPOILER WARNING Another film that I can think of is I Robot. Very similar. So critics dislike it because it borrows ideas from other previous films and the idea is NOT new. I found the film so entertaining and exciting that I forgive the plot which looks similar to other films'.
一條clip講兩套戲, 好睇極有限啦~~~ 漫畫我唔識, 所以實唔睇... Eagle Eye我期望唔大, 無嘢做都會去望下嘅...但如果有邊個穿橋我聽就唔睇囉...haha [版主回覆10/04/2008 01:14:00]20th CB is not my cup of tea. Eagle Eye is very exciting!!! BUT the foreign reviews are very negative and it borrows lots of ideas from previous films. NOT a must see, but I had a great time!
you know when i was watching the movie '20th century boy' i cannot stop thinking of you [KENJI] and guessed every KENJI has the sense of justice and reliable character ~~~ [版主回覆10/29/2008 19:31:00]Me too... and my friends kept laughing at me. -_-
I have NOT seen the following films.
回覆刪除醇酒醋男 - 1. The foreign reviews are OK, neither bad nor good. 2. Sideway is just OK to me. 3. I was busy in September.
花樣跳水少年 - 1. I am not interested in the story and I am afraid that it is another typical I-will-beat-you-and-never-give-up movie.
The comics is good! Although approaching the end it's more boring...
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/21/2008 12:27:00]Many fans of this comic also say so. It starts BIG, but the author does not know how to end it. I am looking forward to seeing the film. I hope the adaptation is OK.
did u read 20世紀少年's comic?? it's very cool!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/21/2008 20:11:00]I haven't. I seldom read comics! Ar... I suddenly remember my favourite comic which is called "Floating Classroom" / "Pui Lau Gau Suk". ^^
聽說20世紀少年係三部曲.... kenji你知唔知幾時會出第二第三集呢? 佢地係唔係一齊拍緊呢?
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/22/2008 13:00:00]It is said that NO 2 and 3 will be released in 2009. At the moment, they are making NO 2. After so, they will film NO 3. Hopefully, both 2 and 3 will be released in 2009, though it is not yet confirmed.
thz.... 聽說金瓶梅的票房亦不俗.... 唔知kenji會唔會講講哩套戲呢
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/23/2008 00:38:00]THANKS! I will not watch 金瓶梅 because I already need to watch 6 films in 10 days... it is really tiring. 金瓶梅's preview has been held and people think it is entertaining and it can remind you f the HK pornographic films made in the past.
[版主回覆09/23/2008 18:13:00]You are welcome Hei Ling! Indeed, if this film cannot frighten you, it is not worth watching. I can only say that this is the best Korean film this year and it is really frightening. The story, the acting and the images will haunt you for long. I think the murderer in this film is more terrifying than the zombies in REC haha. Please, in you spare time, share how you feel after watching it. Thanks for listening to the show once again. HAHA... not many people listen to it indeed.
Kenji san, 我應該星期日會去睇 "20世紀少年", 我是超級漫畫迷, 所以對此戲不抱期望, 睇完之後再同你分享.
回覆刪除另外, 明天 "亞洲電影節" 開賣啦, 聽說有我的偶像小田切讓主演, 金基德的 "悲夢", 必睇!! 唔知仲有乜戲呢? 等訂好票, 交流下大家買了哪些場次啦.
[版主回覆09/24/2008 14:26:00]Thanks for telling me. I also think the movie is just OK. I will watch it tonight and will talk about it on Sat. By the way, the website of HKAFF is not ready, isn't it? The tickets will be sold tomorrow? I really have no idea???? I am so shocked... how do you know the news?
對"追擊者"抱很大期望, 希望不會失望吧.
回覆刪除"20世紀少年"看過頭兩本覺得有點故弄玄虛, 暫時較喜歡"死亡筆記".
[版主回覆09/24/2008 16:05:00]THINK so... I am worried that the film drags. As you know, this is a characteristic of Japanese films. Lots of money has been spent and I wonder if the visual adaptation is a successful one. 金基德新作 - I will check if it will be formally released in HK. If so, I will WAIT haha. By the way, The German Films Festival will be held too. I will be very busy with my work soon. HELP!!! I love MOVIES.
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/25/2008 13:15:00]I guess it is entertaining. I will watch it tonight and hope it is good.
HKAFF + The German Films Festival ,十月真係死得…
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/25/2008 13:17:00]100% agree! I will surely take part in BOTH festivals. There are already at least 10 films in my mind. AND don't forget the newly released ones... sigh... and Move Thee Reviews... HELP...
嘩,原來呢度係網上電影評論節目個 blog,真係好多野睇喎﹗我都好鍾意睇戲,不過冇你地咁 pro,等我得閒黎睇下同聽下你哋嘅節目先~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/25/2008 13:20:00]Thanks for your visit. There are many movie stills and you can listen to our Youtube Channel in your spare time. I hope the show can help you choose films which suit your needs and provide you with one more way to look at films. After watching the film, you can also discuss movies here. Welcome Welcome!
回覆刪除上面的LINK是今年 "亞洲電影節" 的消息, 大家一齊去撲金基德啦. 仲有好多日本戲, 忙死啦~~
[版主回覆09/25/2008 13:21:00]HKAFF is my favourite film festival so far. I hope I will have time to watch more films this year. BUT I am recently busy with my work. Poooooooor me.... Thanks for the link first.
[版主回覆09/25/2008 23:37:00]RIGHT... very disturbing!!! I just didn't do it is a very realistic film, while Chaser is a commercial film. I totally agree that 片中大多看到警方來遲一步的情況,但令觀眾感到好像是強加似的!!! Very good observation!!! Oh it is you! ^^ So happy that we have one more supporter. Wholehearted thanks! ^^
KENJI SAN, 原來 "亞洲電影節" 的節目和售票分別在 bc 和 amc 的網上, 大家要分頭去找一找了, 而戲院票房都開始賣票啦
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/25/2008 23:31:00]Not only BC and AMC, but also IFC... Busy these days and still do not have enough time to study the films. I hope buying tickets on Sat / Sun is not too late. SIGH...
今日連睇左20世紀少年 + 鷹眼追擊,兩套都OK緊張,搞到腎上腺升左唔少 不過我覺得鷹眼追擊太快爆個幕後兇手出黎喇,所以電器鋪入面我覺得可以遲D講囉 20世紀故事都好流暢,雖然不斷插播之後既畫面,但都跟得上.... 而且我覺得真係好有漫畫FEEL囉,真係每一幕都好似漫畫COPE D人呀景呀出黎咁,好搞笑 但係第一章係最易明,之後第二章就真係要打醒十二分精神睇,因為聽人講第二章插敍得最多 題外話,聽聞呢套電影起日本既票房高過死亡筆記....
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/26/2008 17:15:00]20世紀少年 is JUST OK to me. It drags and the characters are not well developed. Eagle Eye is fast paced, exciting and entertaining, but the idea has been used by another film before. BUT I don't think 太快爆個幕後兇手出黎! I think the timing is OK. Without knowing it, we may have less fun. ^^ (P.S. I saw you at the preview of Eagle Eye, but as my friend had not yet come, I had to occupy our seats and so I could not say hi to you haha!!!)
kenji,我今天和朋友看過了<<保持通話>>,是一套純商業的電影,沒什麼訊息表達出來,但我覺得它的高潮起伏做得不錯(是不是叫action seen ),low down興high up的位置完全可以連結在一起,令觀眾感覺得相當自然。
回覆刪除其中有一幕講述主角撞向一輛貨車,但事後竟然絲毫無損.....這令我想起《滅絕生還者》撞向巴士那一幕,只好慨嘆:最近的車店還真喜歡拿電影來hard sell啊
[版主回覆09/26/2008 20:23:00]NO. I have not heard of it. I have not watched Connected, but I guess it is an entertaining and exciting HK film. Recently I have watched lots of films and will watch more because of HKAFF and HKGFF. TIRED!
點解唔可以爆另一部Eagle Eye電影既名?我真係唔知喎~~
[版主回覆09/27/2008 16:21:00]1. HKAFF is one of my favorite film festivals. BUSY choosing films. 2. RIGHT... but it seems that the production crew is confident because there are lots of stars and the budget is BIG. What's more, the comic fans will surely see it. 3. I mean there is another movie which has a very similar idea. If I told you the name of that film, you would be able to guess who that "powerful" woman is and the ending is predictable. SO just go watch it. Jason, I think you will enjoy watching Eagle Eye. I am quite sure. ^^
回覆刪除我都覺得我會鍾意睇Eagle Eye....好似有IMAX巨幕版呢!《20世紀少年》我都想睇,但係比我揀我就睇《鷹眼追擊》。
我睇完之後,你話我知個「another film」係邊套啦!
[版主回覆09/28/2008 00:53:00]Surely LAR!!! Maybe you already know the answer after watching Eagle Eye. Get ready for the roller coaster ride! GO!!! HKAFF 2008 has lots of Asian Films. Have a look in your spare time.
這陣子太多好戲上映了,自己就連續4天都在看電影.... 看過了20世紀少年,深深被它的故事吸引了,雖然我不是漫畫迷,但我想會看之後兩集的。 故事的流程十分緊湊,這種插述敍事的手法對我來說很有新鮮感,片中主角們的往事竟可和現在的事件拼合得如此自然,就像兩個世界同時進行的一般,出來的感覺還滿不錯的!! 儘管它的場景,OST也做得不錯,但從表達信息方面似乎不太鮮明,就這點自己比較喜歡死亡筆記,它可以充分反映出人性,生與死的意義,而20世紀少年則沒有引起我有太大的反思,卻只有一大堆的天馬行空。 總恬而言,我認為這套電影充滿故事性,滿不錯的。 接下來就要看鷹眼追撃了,期待沙拉保夫的演技^^"
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/28/2008 01:11:00]WOw... four consecutive days!!! Every movie lover will be busy in October because of HKAFF. About the 20th Century Boys, I think one of the things disappointing me is that the 7 "friends" are not well developed. They are no longer closed after so many years and why motivate them to work together at the end? I dunno. I just cant remember much about these characters and it seems that they do not do much to save the world. Just OK to me and I am still thinking if NO 2 is worth watching... in fact, it is said that some comic fans also dislike the ending of the comic and think the story dragssssss. Eagle Eye is fast paced and very exciting. A successful commercial film though the foreign reviews are negative. The idea is not new!
剛上YOUTUBE果陣見到你有段秘岸味post出黎喎.... 這期是否太忙呀
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/28/2008 00:16:00]HAHA BUSY watching films indeed, but this is intentional. Lost Indulgence will be released next Thursday and so that clip will be formally released next Wednesday. I plan to post 20 pictures in my blog. ^^ Busy Bee... I plan to watch 10 HKAFF films. HELP...
Compare 20th Century Boy with Death Note, which one is better???
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/28/2008 01:55:00]I prefer Death Notes, though 20th Century Boys has more stars and is made with a bigger budget.
回覆刪除因為佢好忠於原 註....
[版主回覆09/28/2008 12:54:00]Oh I see. Right!!! Some comic fans also complain about the comic because of various reasons. Anyway, the movie itself is just OK to me. As I spend too much time, I seldom watch TV programmes. 日劇? sometimes! ^^ By the way, another movie adapted from a movie 爆粗BAND友 (DMC)
will be released at the end of October. Do you know that?
Are your name Kenji is Japanese ? ( just for fun )
回覆刪除My feeling of 20th Century Boys are not so good .The film is really long ...142mins
I feel very sleepy , but i think the younger characters are nice , they are so funny .
[版主回覆09/28/2008 18:45:00]Kenji is a Japanese name, but I am a Hong Kong man. I totally agree that the film is too long and the kids are so cute. Thanks for your sharing. Come often!!!
Kenji san, 請保衛地球和平啊~~ haha
回覆刪除很明白你覺得人物刻畫不足的感覺, 因為連我這個漫畫迷也覺得電影版太簡單了, 但因為每個人物的立體感都是由20多期書累積而成, 所以只好接受這還可以的第一部. 又如果以第一部的手法和剪裁來看, 相信第二部會好好多, 因為人物的交待會更多, 但會睇到頭暈, 因為除了有新人物出場, 時空的交互敘述會更複雜...
ps, 我已經買咗 "悲夢" 的票啦!! "magic hour" 多數會留待上正場時才看了 (本來星期四有得扯衫尾去睇記者場架, 可惜要開會... 嗚嗚)
[版主回覆09/30/2008 13:26:00]HAHA I kept laughing in the cinema when they looked for the terrorist Kenji haha. Too many characters indeed. I am not sure if I should watch no 2.
悲夢 & Magic Hour will be formally released. I will watch them later. Tomorrow, I will put down, in my blog, the HKAFF films I will watch. ^^
看了'鷹眼追擊', 故事情節幾特別, 之前剛巧 'X file' 有集又講類似的劇情, 不過沒有這套裡頭所講的computer 那麼有威力...... 其實覺得那種威力所產生的影響都幾恐怖呀~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/01/2008 10:20:00]SPOILER WARNING Another film that I can think of is I Robot. Very similar. So critics dislike it because it borrows ideas from other previous films and the idea is NOT new. I found the film so entertaining and exciting that I forgive the plot which looks similar to other films'.
一條clip講兩套戲, 好睇極有限啦~~~
回覆刪除漫畫我唔識, 所以實唔睇...
Eagle Eye我期望唔大, 無嘢做都會去望下嘅...但如果有邊個穿橋我聽就唔睇囉...haha
[版主回覆10/04/2008 01:14:00]20th CB is not my cup of tea. Eagle Eye is very exciting!!! BUT the foreign reviews are very negative and it borrows lots of ideas from previous films. NOT a must see, but I had a great time!
套戲有D散,最後一場,仍做不到漫畫震撼作用,看下去大機械人 有少許假
[版主回覆10/11/2008 23:05:00]Yes NOT my cup of tea too... I think I will not see NO 2 and NO 3.
you know when i was watching the movie '20th century boy' i cannot stop thinking of you [KENJI] and guessed every KENJI has the sense of justice and reliable character ~~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/29/2008 19:31:00]Me too... and my friends kept laughing at me. -_-