福田麻由子近幾年經常出現於大銀幕and電視 @@ 演技已受肯定 , 唔知今套演出發揮點 ? 十分令人期待 我想問問點解日本咁鐘意呢類題材 ? [版主回覆09/07/2008 17:40:00]福田麻由子, as usual, is very cute in the film. I think she acts naturally and she looks very sincere. I mean she is as cute as the dog. It is an interesting question!!! Why ~~~~~~ ??? Who can help answer this question? THANKS!
hey, I'm no expert in Jap culture, but these are loyal folks (to their Emperor, their country, their tradition and culture), that might explain why they're so into producing touching stories about the most loyal animal of all - dogs. How does that sound? O, you could spare time for moviesssss! I'm utterly worn out now. Am interested in the latter tho, and still have REC on the side. [版主回覆09/07/2008 23:29:00]WOW... good analysis. AGREE!!! They are loyal! I will be worn out at the same time next year. Please let me spit here for one more year!
So want to see《我和尋回犬的十個約定》, the dog and 福田麻由子 so cute but i'm afraid this kind of film makes me can't stop , so fish nai A Decade of Love made me nearly cry out, I highly recommended this film! [版主回覆09/08/2008 12:23:00]They are extremely ute. Don't worry. It is not a tear jerker. I am interested in A Decade of Love too, but I am recently very busy. I may watch the VCD later.
"快樂小小姐"我都想睇, 因為好喜歡導演Mike Leigh; 尤其佢套"Naked" (不過唔似佢風格, 對人與人的關係幾悲觀下). [版主回覆09/08/2008 18:43:00]It is a pity that I have not seen his films. I wanna see "Vera Drake".
聽完你兩段聲帶, 我又唔覺音效同以前有咩分別喎~~~一樣好清啫... 我淨係覺得: 1. 你講得好吸引, 令我馬上對那套狗片改觀 (想害我破財嗎??); 2. 你對影片睇得愈來愈深入, 發掘出更多不為人察覺的訊息及電影語言來! 3. 你的時間掌握很好呀, 八分鐘已足夠有餘~~ [版主回覆09/09/2008 18:34:00]THANKS a lot Ian. Thanks for your words. Last night, I tried to use different positions of the voice recorder and I found the best position!!! Perhaps my voice was not so good that morning and I was tired... so frankly I was not satisfied with the audio quality AND the content... Anyway, with your words, I am confident now haha. 那套狗片 is quite good. Of course, the ending is predictable, but it is entertaining and it is special as it is also about our old parents. Watch it when you are free. 破財? You have a lot to 破!!! NO worries!!!
hi kenji have watched "Happy Go Lucky" last Sat and have just listened to your comment just now; u are so detailed about those "number" findings! Overall agree with you that it is a light comedy with no focus but they are some "click" points for me and my OL friends. It is certainly a ladies' movie; there are times we feel alonely, they are times we need support from friends; good to watch with "sisters" .... esp with the "social worker" episode; makes our fantasy comes true! I think the taxi driver is a very good actor, esp for the scene of the last lesson; which is as you have mentioned; turnaround the mood of the whole movie; actually i felt sad for him but what is the purpose of this episode? It is so unmatched with the whole movie; is it for highlighting that even you try to keep everyone around you to be happy but they are times that you cannot control? And after that, the scene turn to the lake episode, and poppy's friend told her that she cannot always be nice? Does these 2 echoes? Kenji, what do you think?
[版主回覆09/09/2008 18:54:00]Thanks for coming back and sharing with us how you feel. I think it is not a film which can make one laugh for 2 hours, but there are some funny moments and I do like Poppy's happy-go-lucky disposition, though some dislike her character for not driving safely. What do you think? RIGHT the last two scenes, as I said, echo with each other and it is POWERFUL!!! The emotional outburst scene comes suddenly, but the last scene looks peaceful. The contrast is so big and I was SHOCKED... I mean I really felt uncomfortable during the last two scenes. I think it is intentional. The director wants to deliver a message that the reality is cruel and people are often unhappy. However, Poppy chooses to stay in her happy world in the end... an imagined one. It is always said that you cannot change the weather, but you can change your mood. I think Poppy is doing it. Do you remember the book at the beginning of the film... called Road to Reality? Poppy chooses to stay in her own world and stay away from the cruel reality. Although some people think Sally overacts the character, I do know this kind of people in real life. They may feel unhappy sometimes, but they look hyperactive in front of people. Do I want to be Poppy? I dunno, but I think sometimes it is good to be happy-go-lucky. HAHA!! Thanks again for listening to the show, despite the poor audio quality. ^^ THANKS!!! (P.S. my voice was not so good perhaps)
《快樂小小姐》開始時有點怪怪的感覺,可能都市人都不懂無原無故的笑…不過越睇越好睇,而且真的覺得好人難做。 [版主回覆09/10/2008 00:14:00]Some people dislike the main character. She keeps laughing!!! Although I think her character is a bit annoying and she should not wear high heel shoes when driving, I learn from her that we should not be too serious sometimes . Come what may and be happy!!! As I said in the show, I think a good film needs a well developed character. Of course, a pleasing character (e.g. the little girl in 10 Promises to my Dog) is a plus. Poppy may not be able to please most of the people, but she is a well developed character. (P.S. Some people also dislike the character in REC haha... she keeps shouting nosily haha)
我仲諗緊睇唔睇快樂小小姐 [版主回覆09/10/2008 12:38:00]NOT bad. See it if you have time. Perhaps you may consider watching the HK movie consisting of TEN short films. ^^ I still have not seen it ^^.
看過了我和尋回犬的十個約定,真的有一種眼前一亮的感覺。 首先,角色方面,福田麻由子在這部電影當中演得相當好,能帶給觀眾一種自然的感覺,不會太過造作,而且我覺得她比死亡筆記時的演技更勝一籌...至於,飾演爸爸的豐川悅司在片的後期可帶給觀眾一種落寞的感覺,令觀眾更容易看出 導演想帶出的massage,真期待可以再看到他所演出的電影^^ 另外,背景方面,我覺得這電影用色調較得相當不錯,以柔和的顏色來帶出故事的溫暖,令觀眾可以以一種安心的感覺看下去..... 故事的massage,也是值得觀眾反思的,大家不能只固工作而怱略了家庭,就算工作多繁忙也好,每天也必須抽一點時間陪同家人,那怕幾分鐘也好,也足以令家人感到親情的溫暖。 另外,也想在此一提有關於日文版的感想,這套電影的日文不算太深,因此在學日文可以進場觀看日文版,相信會比中文版的更有趣味的^^ 總之,這部電影我是覺得值得入場觀看的,在此再一次感謝kenji的分享。 [版主回覆09/11/2008 19:31:00]Her acting is very natural and she looks so sincere that I fall in love with her. Do you also think the message is quite special ??? This is not only about dogs, but also our parents. I also saw the Japanese dubbed version and I enjoyed it!!! Worth seeing!!! AGREE!!! Thanks again for sharing with us how you feel. ^^
福田麻由子近幾年經常出現於大銀幕and電視 @@
回覆刪除演技已受肯定 , 唔知今套演出發揮點 ? 十分令人期待
我想問問點解日本咁鐘意呢類題材 ?
[版主回覆09/07/2008 17:40:00]福田麻由子, as usual, is very cute in the film. I think she acts naturally and she looks very sincere. I mean she is as cute as the dog. It is an interesting question!!! Why ~~~~~~ ??? Who can help answer this question? THANKS!
hey, I'm no expert in Jap culture, but these are loyal folks (to their Emperor, their country, their tradition and culture), that might explain why they're so into producing touching stories about the most loyal animal of all - dogs. How does that sound?
回覆刪除O, you could spare time for moviesssss! I'm utterly worn out now. Am interested in the latter tho, and still have REC on the side.
[版主回覆09/07/2008 23:29:00]WOW... good analysis. AGREE!!! They are loyal! I will be worn out at the same time next year. Please let me spit here for one more year!
[版主回覆09/08/2008 12:24:00]The movie stills are excellent!!!Thanks again to the film distributors.
So want to see《我和尋回犬的十個約定》, the dog and 福田麻由子 so cute but i'm afraid this kind of film makes me can't stop , so fish nai
回覆刪除A Decade of Love made me nearly cry out, I highly recommended this film!
[版主回覆09/08/2008 12:23:00]They are extremely ute. Don't worry. It is not a tear jerker.
I am interested in A Decade of Love too, but I am recently very busy. I may watch the VCD later.
"快樂小小姐"我都想睇, 因為好喜歡導演Mike Leigh; 尤其佢套"Naked" (不過唔似佢風格, 對人與人的關係幾悲觀下).
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/08/2008 18:43:00]It is a pity that I have not seen his films. I wanna see "Vera Drake".
原來係福田麻由子,睇唔出添! 失策!
[版主回覆09/08/2008 18:44:00]Why not? You do not want to cry in front of others?
聽完你兩段聲帶, 我又唔覺音效同以前有咩分別喎~~~一樣好清啫...
1. 你講得好吸引, 令我馬上對那套狗片改觀 (想害我破財嗎??);
2. 你對影片睇得愈來愈深入, 發掘出更多不為人察覺的訊息及電影語言來!
3. 你的時間掌握很好呀, 八分鐘已足夠有餘~~
[版主回覆09/09/2008 18:34:00]THANKS a lot Ian. Thanks for your words. Last night, I tried to use different positions of the voice recorder and I found the best position!!! Perhaps my voice was not so good that morning and I was tired... so frankly I was not satisfied with the audio quality AND the content... Anyway, with your words, I am confident now haha. 那套狗片 is quite good. Of course, the ending is predictable, but it is entertaining and it is special as it is also about our old parents. Watch it when you are free. 破財? You have a lot to 破!!! NO worries!!!
hi kenji
回覆刪除have watched "Happy Go Lucky" last Sat and have just listened to your comment just now; u are so detailed about those "number" findings! Overall agree with you that it is a light comedy with no focus but they are some "click" points for me and my OL friends. It is certainly a ladies' movie; there are times we feel alonely, they are times we need support from friends; good to watch with "sisters" .... esp with the "social worker" episode; makes our fantasy comes true!
I think the taxi driver is a very good actor, esp for the scene of the last lesson; which is as you have mentioned; turnaround the mood of the whole movie; actually i felt sad for him but what is the purpose of this episode? It is so unmatched with the whole movie; is it for highlighting that even you try to keep everyone around you to be happy but they are times that you cannot control? And after that, the scene turn to the lake episode, and poppy's friend told her that she cannot always be nice? Does these 2 echoes? Kenji, what do you think?
[版主回覆09/09/2008 18:54:00]Thanks for coming back and sharing with us how you feel. I think it is not a film which can make one laugh for 2 hours, but there are some funny moments and I do like Poppy's happy-go-lucky disposition, though some dislike her character for not driving safely. What do you think? RIGHT the last two scenes, as I said, echo with each other and it is POWERFUL!!! The emotional outburst scene comes suddenly, but the last scene looks peaceful. The contrast is so big and I was SHOCKED... I mean I really felt uncomfortable during the last two scenes. I think it is intentional. The director wants to deliver a message that the reality is cruel and people are often unhappy. However, Poppy chooses to stay in her happy world in the end... an imagined one. It is always said that you cannot change the weather, but you can change your mood. I think Poppy is doing it. Do you remember the book at the beginning of the film... called Road to Reality? Poppy chooses to stay in her own world and stay away from the cruel reality. Although some people think Sally overacts the character, I do know this kind of people in real life. They may feel unhappy sometimes, but they look hyperactive in front of people. Do I want to be Poppy? I dunno, but I think sometimes it is good to be happy-go-lucky. HAHA!! Thanks again for listening to the show, despite the poor audio quality. ^^ THANKS!!! (P.S. my voice was not so good perhaps)
回覆刪除睇過畫頭,知道要感人肺腑, 哭得要命那種. 我唔敢睇.
[版主回覆09/09/2008 18:39:00]Don't worry. It is not a tear jerker. Quite comfortable!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/09/2008 18:38:00](Empty)
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/10/2008 00:14:00]Some people dislike the main character. She keeps laughing!!! Although I think her character is a bit annoying and she should not wear high heel shoes when driving, I learn from her that we should not be too serious sometimes . Come what may and be happy!!! As I said in the show, I think a good film needs a well developed character. Of course, a pleasing character (e.g. the little girl in 10 Promises to my Dog) is a plus. Poppy may not be able to please most of the people, but she is a well developed character. (P.S. Some people also dislike the character in REC haha... she keeps shouting nosily haha)
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/10/2008 12:38:00]NOT bad. See it if you have time. Perhaps you may consider watching the HK movie consisting of TEN short films. ^^ I still have not seen it ^^.
回覆刪除首先,角色方面,福田麻由子在這部電影當中演得相當好,能帶給觀眾一種自然的感覺,不會太過造作,而且我覺得她比死亡筆記時的演技更勝一籌...至於,飾演爸爸的豐川悅司在片的後期可帶給觀眾一種落寞的感覺,令觀眾更容易看出 導演想帶出的massage,真期待可以再看到他所演出的電影^^
[版主回覆09/11/2008 19:31:00]Her acting is very natural and she looks so sincere that I fall in love with her. Do you also think the message is quite special ??? This is not only about dogs, but also our parents. I also saw the Japanese dubbed version and I enjoyed it!!! Worth seeing!!! AGREE!!! Thanks again for sharing with us how you feel. ^^
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/30/2008 13:29:00]I am a movie maniac. Welcome to share how you feel here. THANKS!!!