
影畫絮語 - 蜘蛛俠 3

影畫絮語節目內容: 破盡香港票房紀錄,首日狂收738萬的《蜘蛛俠3》能否粉碎系列電影每況愈下的宿命?www.mov-reviews.com

Spider-Man 3 (2007) - 蜘蛛俠成魔之路 The greatest battle lies within

蜘蛛俠在一次拯救行動中,不幸纏上外太空不明物質,慢慢更受其控制,最初是外表的轉變,漸漸心智亦受蠶食。蜘蛛俠內外受敵,除了應付 Venom 外,好友哈里 Green Goblin 2 為報父仇,不停追殺蜘蛛俠;而殺蜘蛛俠叔父的 Sandman 力量比蜘蛛俠更強! 在愛情路上,他將周旋在舊愛 Mary Jane 及新歡 Gwen Stacy之間,到底蜘蛛俠能否戰勝心魔,挽回他至親及至愛的人?

Since Spider-Man 1 was released in 2002, I have been of the opinion that watching the Spider-Man movies with stupendous special effects is a great treat! Since then, it has gone from "good (3.5 / 5)" to "excellent (4)" and now "good, though a bit disappointing (3.5)".

In Spider-Man 2, Peter Parker is more human and the characterisation is more impressive. Besides, the entertaining gags inserted from time to time do not go very well with the movie talking about revenge and forgiveness.

With great power, one can do both good and evil. Whichever road you take, everyone indeed has a choice. That's the main message of the movie.

Although Spider-Man 3 has a cliched story-line and slightly drags, it is an entertaining blockbuster which you cannot afford to miss. Listen! Mary Jane Watson is screaming again!

Aunt May: Uncle Ben wouldn't want us living with revenge in our hearts, it's like a poison. It can take you over and turn us into something ugly.

Peter Parker: The suit... where'd this come from... the power... feels good... if you lose yourself to it.

The creator of Spiderman, Stan Lee: One man can make all the difference.

Spider-Man 2 (2004) - Peter Parker - an ordinary man VS Spider-Man - superhero with supernatural powers


May Parker: We need a hero, couragous sacrificing people, setting examples for all of us. Everybody loves a hero, people line up for 'em, cheer for them, scream their names, and years later tell how they stood in the rain for hours just to get a glimpse of the one who told them to HOLD ON a second longer. I believe theres a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble. And finally gets us to die with pride. Even though sometimes we have to be steady and give up the thing we want most, even our dreams.

Rosalie Octavius: Peter, do you have a girlfriend?
Peter: Uh, well... I don't really know.
Dr. Otto Octavius: Well, shouldn't you know? Who would know?
Rosalie Octavius: Leave him alone. Maybe it's a secret love.
Dr. Otto Octavius: Love should never be a secret. If u keep something as complicated as love stored up inside, it could make u sick.

Peter: [sobbing] I went someplace else, I thought I could win some money, to buy a car, because I wanted to impress Mary Jane. It happened so fast... I won the money, the guy wouldn't pay me, then he got robbed... the thief was running towards me... I could have stopped him, but I wanted to take revenge... I let him go, I let him get away. He wanted a car, he tried to take Uncle Ben's. Uncle Ben said no... and then he shot him...

Peter: [narrating] I made a choice to live a life of responsibility. A life she can never be a part of. Who am I? I'm Spider-Man, given a job to do. And I'm Peter Parker, and I too have a job.

Peter: [speaks to MJ through a dead phone line] I wanna tell u the truth... here it is: I'm Spider-Man. Weird, huh? Now u know why I can't be with u. If my enemies found out about u... if u got hurt, I could never forgive myself. I wish I could tell you how I feel about you...

Spider-Man 1 (2002) - If you had extraordinary powers, how would you use them?


Uncle Ben: This guy, Flash Thompson, he probably deserved what happened. But just because you can beat him up doesn't give you the right to. Remember, with great power, comes great responsibility.

Peter Parker: This is my gift... this is my curse.

Peter Parker: Sometimes we hurt people whom we love.


黑色名冊 Black Book + 自由煉獄 The Free Will


第二次大戰期間,美麗的猶太歌手史莉荷 Rachel Stein 藏身之所被炸毀,遂與家人逃到已解放的荷蘭南部;可惜他們的船被一隻德國巡邏艇攔截,船上只有莉荷逃出生天。莉荷決定加入抗德游擊隊,化名韋艾利絲 Ellis de Vries 掩飾真正身分,並竭力調查是誰殺死她一家的兇手。

莉荷巧遇上德國軍官蒙茲 Müntze,蒙茲對她一見傾心。莉荷奉命潛入德國情報部門,救出一群被囚的抗德隊隊員,怎料有人告密,計畫最終慘告失敗,德國和抗德隊兩方都把矛頭指向莉荷,令她陷入腹背受敵的困境。在蒙茲的協助下,她又在過着匿藏的生涯,靜待戰爭結束。



Black Book is a well-cast and entertaining World War II thriller inspired by true events, yet this two-and-a-half-hour melodrama with an overstuffed storyline gussied up with female nudity and bloodletting may overstay its welcome. I give it 3 stars out of 5.


Golden Scene Co. Ltd.

自由煉獄 - The Free Will:

It is a disturbing, but beautiful German movie subtly depicting a rapist's guilt and his ways to cope with his out-of-control "id" (the primitive, instinctive component of personality that operates according to the pleasure principle demanding immediate gratification of one's biological urges for food, sex, sleep, etc. according to Freud). The movie also studies if a rapist can truly love a woman and if love can change the rapist. There are some disturbing rape scenes and this pessimistic movie lasting for 2 hours and 43 minutes is slow-paced. Despite these, owing to the stunning cinematography (repeated motifs), original plot and natural acting, I personally don't find it long. Buy the DVD if you are looking for a unique cinematic experience. I give this haunting, if disturbing, movie 3.5 stars out of 5.


影畫絮語 - 波特小姐:比得兔的故事 Miss Potter

影畫絮語節目內容 www.mov-reviews.com

故事簡介 (以下內容透露劇情,敬請留意)
被英國傳媒稱為「上世紀的JK羅琳」的琵雅翠絲波特 Beatrix Potter (雲妮絲穎嘉 飾),是二十世紀初文學界的一個傳奇。在那個要求女人三從四德的年代,年輕女子的唯一目標就是找一張好飯票;但琵雅翠絲卻堅持自己的理想利用自己的創作,逐漸走出社會和禮教的枷鎖,找到自由與尊嚴。波特小姐年過三十,才鼓起勇氣踏出家門,找出版社出版她的兒童插畫叢書,因此與編輯諾曼汪 Norman Warne (伊雲麥葵格 飾) 結緣 。沒想到這兩個初出茅廬的新鮮人,以他們的熱情,聯手寫下暢銷書的佳話,也在朝夕相處的狀況下,暗生情愫。可惜童話故事結局並沒有發生,諾曼汪忽然患病離世,琵雅翠絲大受打擊,躲到以賣書利潤買下的湖區 Hill Top 農場,並遇上生命中第二位男人 – 律師 William Heelis。他們婚後定居於湖區,並買下大片土地,大自然的環境為她的創作帶來不少啟發。1943年77歲的她與世長辭,她把土地贈予環保機構「National Trust」。當然,她流給後世的,還有一共二十三本的兒童讀物。

Miss Potter's Books - Multimedia Texts in English


Lots of Information about Miss Potter

片中男主角送女主角一個音樂盒,並清唱了 Let Me Teach You How to Dance,這段讓我感動不已,很可惜這個版本並沒有收錄在原聲大碟中。http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RD4NALxc02Q

Lyrics of "Let Me Teach You How To Dance" By Ewan McGregor

Let me teach you how to dance
Let me lead you to the floor
Simply place your hand in mine
And then think of nothing more
Let the music cast the spell
Give the atmosphere a chance
Simply follow where I lead
Let me teach you how to dance

Lyrics of "When You Taught Me How To Dance" By Katie Melua

When you taught me how to dance
Years ago, with misty eyes
Every step and silent glance
Every move, a sweet surprise
Someone must have taught you well
To beguile and to entrance
For that night you cast your spell
And you taught me how to dance

Like reflections in a lake
I recall what went before
As I give, I'll learn to take
And will be alone no more
Other lights may light my way
I may even find romance
But I won't forget that night
When you taught me how to dance

Cold winds blow
But on those hills you'll find me
And I know
You're walking right behind me

When you taught me how to dance
Years ago, with misty eyes
Every step and silent glance
Every move, a sweet surprise
Someone must have taught you well
To beguile and to entrance
For that night you cast your spell
And you taught me how to dance

Despite the lack of focus, Miss Potter is an educational, entertaining and somewhat touching biopic about a woman who strives for her dream to be a writer and the same opportunities as men. The cast is also charismatic. I give it 3.5 stars out of 5.

鳴謝: Golden Scene Co. Ltd.

影畫絮語 - 明日的記憶 Memories of Tomorrow

影畫絮語節目內容 www.mov-reviews.com


佐伯問: 妳無所謂嗎?即使我已經不是我…… 甚至我會連跟妳一起攜手走過的人生,統統忘得一乾二淨也無所謂嗎? 枝實子平靜地回答: 有我在,我永遠都會陪在你身邊。我會跟你一起活下去。

我還是我 你還是你 ;

鳴謝: Golden Scene Co. Ltd.


觸動心靈的插曲: 夢之浮橋 + À la claire fontaine

The Painted Veil 插曲的中文版本 - 夢之浮橋
主唱為國內2006年超級女聲總決賽冠軍 - 尚雯(Laure Shang)


il y a longtemps que je t'aime (思君良久)
jamais je ne t'oublierai (不敢或忘)


開始在你來之前 結束在你走後
il y a longtemps que je t'aime
jamais je ne t'oublierai


il y a longtemps que je t'aime
jamais je ne t'oublierai

The Painted Veil 插曲 (法國的搖籃曲) - À la claire fontaine (內容透露劇情,敬請留意)

À la claire fontaine 泉水何其清澈 At the clear fountain
M'en allant promener 我以漫步踟躇 while going for a walk
Il y a longtemps que je t'aime 思君良久 I've been loving you for a long time
Jamais je ne t'oublierai 不敢或忘 I'll never forget you

Sous les feuilles d'un chêne 華蓋蔭蔭之下 I found the water so beautiful
Je me suis fait sécher 我得擦拭浮塵 that I bathed in it.
Sur la plus haute branche 枝繁葉茂深處 Under an oak tree I dried myself
Un rossignol chantait 聞得夜鶯啼聲 A nightingale was singing

Chante rossignol chante 夜鶯聲聲歡鳴 Sing, o nightingale, sing
Toi qui as le cœur gai 為有胸中愛情 your heart is merry
Tu as le cœur à rire 你可一展歡笑 your heart wants to laugh
Moi je l'ai à pleurer 我卻難掩悲音 mine wants to cry

J'ai perdu mon amie 我已永失愛侶 I lost my lover
Sans l'avoir mérité 緣去無跡可循 without deserving it
Pour un bouton de roses 只為一束玫瑰 for a posy of roses
Que je lui refusai 揮手竟如浮雲 I wouldn't give her

Je voudrais que la rose 只冀望那玫瑰 I wish the roses
Fut encore au rosier 仍有昨日光彩 were still on their bush
Et moi et ma maîtresse 我與昔日遊伴 and that my beloved
Dans les mêmes amitiés 度過安寧時光 still loved me

Il y a longtemps que je t'aime 思君良久 I've been loving you for a long time
Jamais je ne t'oublierai 不能或忘 I'll never forget you
À la claire fontaine 泉水何其清澈 At the clear fountain
M'en allant promener 我以漫步踟躇 while going for a walk

影畫絮語第三集 - 愛在遙遠的附近

Kenji Chan's Review on The Painted Veil


羅拔神奇家族@4D超立體巨幕影館 + 尋找快樂的故事 + 吾友妻 + 再造人之戀


I watched the 3D version of Meet the Robinsons in 4D Extreme Screen on 31/3. This is the first time a 3D version of a Disneyland film has been shown in HK and this is my first experience watching a 3D film for more than 90 minutes, with specially made glasses worn. I'm impressed by the gripping 3D visuals and the heart warming ending. Besides, the movie emphasizes the importance of family and conveys the message that we should keep moving forward. Although the movie is criticized for having weird characters, lacking origniality and rushing into conveying too many messages,  it is absolutely suitable for children to watch and the Cantonese dubbing is amusing! In my opinion, it is worth watching its 3D version in the airport as there are lots of shops and restaurants. I suggest you spend 5 hours in Sky Plaza. The environment is really relaxing and people there are polite. Let's meet the Robinsons @ 4D Extreme Screen! I give this feel-good animated sci-fi comedy 3 (2D) / 3.5 (3D) stars out of 5.

Special thanks to the Intercontinental Film Distributors (HK) Ltd.

由香港機場管理局、洲立影藝有限公司及SimEx-Iwerks共同合作的全球首間「4D超立體巨幕影館」(4D EXTREME SCREEN),選址定於香港國際機場「翔天廊」。4D超立體巨幕影館擁有全亞洲最大的4D影院銀幕,由世界最權威的立體特技娛樂公司SimEx-Iwerks提供尖端的放映技術,以及最先進的F/X特技裝置和音響效果。觀眾除可在高逾4樓層的巨型銀幕上欣賞到逼真震撼的立體影像,更可現場感受到與劇情同步發展的各式感官刺激,例如風吹、雪飄、水濺及各種氣味。觀眾將仿如置身影片之中,完全投入真假難分的4D虛擬世界,效果絕非一般動感或立體電影可比擬。4D超立體巨幕影館的主要特色如下:

●亞洲最大4D影院銀幕(64呎x 44呎),高逾5樓層;
●榮獲奧斯卡大獎的Iwerks 8/70 Linear LoopR 尖端放映技術;

Four movies are being shown there. Adults: $75 & Students: $50
迷你魔界大冒險 英文版 (特效版)
白馬奇緣(粵語) (4D 版)
白馬奇緣(英文) (4D 版)
羅拔神奇家族 粵語版 (3D版)

3D版 - 立體電影 (需要配戴3D 眼鏡)
4D版 - 3D電影加上特別感官效果 (需要配戴3D 眼鏡)
特效版 - 2D電影加上特別感官效果 (無需配戴3D眼鏡)

尋找快樂的故事 The Pursuit of Happyness
The Pursuit of Happyness is perfectly cast but clichéd melodrama which is long, dull and depressing. This is not a feel-good movie unless you believe that a few moments of good cheer can redeem 110 minutes of gloom. Sitting through The Pursuit of Happyness is a chore. Downbeat movies aren't inherently bad (in fact, many are powerful), but this one provides artificial characters in contrived circumstances. This movie "inspired by a real story" feels faker than those based on fictions (Rottentomatoes). I give it 3 stars out of 5.

吾友妻 My Friend and His Wife (申東一,2006)
It is a low-budget Korean film shown in the Film Festival. Although the director claim that the film is a boring one, I think the content is rich and there are several symbolic scenes. However, some sex scenes are disturbing to children and there is a shocking scene in the middle of the movie. Is it necessary to shoot that one?  It is also a pity that the message cannot be effectively conveyed despite the good acting. I give it 3 stars out of 5. By the way, the audience could only ask the director 2 questions. Then we had to talk to him outside the theatre ON THE STREET! The organisation has spent so much money inviting directors from different countries to come to HK and we discussed the movie on the STREET?????????? I'm disappointed...

再造人之戀 I am a Cyborg, but that's ok
I wanted to see this film because of the dirctor's trilogy on revenge... Yet, I'm disappointed! I do like the setting and there are some funny ideas, but what is the message of the film? Besides, my friend and I fell asleep for 10 minutes and we woke each other up. Moreover, the ending made me scratch my head. When we left the theatre, I overheard someone saying it is "MO LIU". I give this movie 2 stars out of 5.

HI I am Kenji! 

The first picture was taken several months ago in the Novotel Citygate Hotel located in Tung Chung and the second one was taken on 31/3/2007 in Sky Plaza (Terminal 2).