
新年祝願 @ 2007 日本東北

I'm Kenji San.

The railways remind me of a Japanese animation, 5 centimeters.

Unlike most of the people, I LOVE the bleak landscape which looks depressing.


I wish you love and happiness in the New Year.

A garden overlooking the city of Sendai

Very fresh and yummy!!!

It snowed heavily at night and it was the first time in my life I had ever seen it. That night, I was in a hot spring outside. I was mesmerized by the feathery snowflakes dancing in the air, fluttering in profusion and melting in my hands. How unforgettable and romantic!

In the very early morning, I woke up and saw the mountains, trees and cars covered in blankets of snow. The same place felt completely different.

I visited north-eastern Japan at the end of 2007. The places I visited include 仙台, 青森, 岩手, 山形, etc. Compared with Tokyo, the cities are much quieter and I personally prefer the tranquility of the countryside to the hustle and bustle of city life. Many years have passed and the photos remind me of two things. First, the huge earthquake and tsunami have taken some towns in north-eastern Japan off the map. I cannot help but wonder if the peaceful places I visited still exist. Second, recent years have witnessed a deterioration in relations between Japan and China, so I have not set foot in Japan since then. I hope the relation will restore to normal soon and I wish everyone love and happiness in the new year.

停屍間的深呼吸 Breathing - 3.5 / 5
不老騎士 Go Grandriders - 3.8 / 5
暴雨中的驕陽 Tyrannosaur - 4 / 5
奇洛李維斯給電影的情書 Side By side - 4 / 5
熱血喪男 Warm Bodies - 3.5 / 5
失戀自作業 Silver Linings Playbook - 3.9 / 5
驚慄大師:希治閣 Hitchcock - 3.9 / 5
機密真相 Flight - 4 / 5

13 則留言:

  1. 好欣賞個雪人 ^_^ 新年快樂!
    [版主回覆02/07/2013 21:02:11]It was made by someone. I just took a photo of it haha. 新年快樂!!!

  2. 那幅鋪滿雪看來像黑白的照片好靚! 仲有海鷗, 影得好好, 佢地好可愛!
    [版主回覆02/07/2013 23:15:05]Yes those pictures are precious! I am always fascinated by the bleak and snow-covered landscape, so one day I will go to Iceland and the North Pole. I also wish you good health in the new year. ^^

  3. Great photos! You enjoyed there, heavy snow landscapes attractive~
    [版主回覆02/08/2013 21:48:50]Thanks a lot. I loved the snowflakes dancing in the air and melting on my hands when I was in a hot spring. How romantic and magical!

  4. nice pics ~ Wish you a wonderful "year of snake"!!!! Happy CNY!!! ^^
    [版主回覆02/09/2013 14:45:11]Thank you so much. You too!

  5. very nice place! Happy Chinese New Year!
    [版主回覆02/09/2013 14:45:26]Happy New Year!

  6. 恭喜發財!
    [版主回覆02/09/2013 23:24:21]GOOD HEALTH!!!

  7. 祝蛇年萬事勝意🎊身體健康!!
    [版主回覆02/10/2013 14:14:49]You too!

  8. 恭喜發財,祝蛇年繼續桃李滿天下~
    我在FB 開左個PAGE 叫「離開是為了回來」得閒黎睇下啦,多D 相, 呵呵~

    [supersweet回覆02/11/2013 16:40:37]NZ IS A VERY GD PLACE FOR TRAVEL~
    [版主回覆02/11/2013 13:11:24]Thank you. I hope my students can be more strong-willed in the new year. I will pay a visit for sure, as I do wanna visit New Zealand.

  9. Kenji San: Happy Chinese New Year! 今年事事順利,身體健康,笑口常開!^_^
    [版主回覆02/11/2013 20:33:08] You too!!! More good movies in the new year!

  10. 我在311事件前,也就是2010年的三月走過那條紅橋,餵過海鷗,走過商店街...
    [版主回覆02/17/2013 00:38:38]I agree. I like Japan. However, there are two things that worry me. You have mentioned the first one, radiation. Second, I am worried about the worsening relation between the two countries because of a very small island. Is that possible if two countries just stop setting foot on that area in order to avoid conflicts? I know it is a silly thought though.
    [Mimo回覆02/15/2013 17:21:37]Kenji, you know, I love Japan this place, its culture and whatever...
    I enjoy self-driving in Japan by the GPS, it's safe!
    I even go to learn Japanese for several years, but now I'm afraid of the terrible bad effect of the tsunami - radiation!
    I don't know whether it's a suitable place for me to go again, but last year, I went to the Okinawa which is quite far away from the disaster area... However, we can't avoid the contaminated food and water...
    I do feel sad for that country, its citizen, its beautiful environment...
    [版主回覆02/15/2013 00:50:18]I feel really sad. That was a peaceful place. The videos on Youtube are very shocking indeed. Do you think the places that we visited have disappeared? I am not very sure. Maybe the little islands somehow lowered the power of the deadly tsunami.

  11. 日本的雪景好靚,香港的冬天好熱!
    [版主回覆02/23/2013 15:15:56]I was mesmerized by the feathery snowflakes fluttering in profusion and melting in my hands when I was in a hot spring outside. It's romantic!

  12. kenji san is so smart!
    snowy scenes are so fantastic!

    [版主回覆03/04/2013 01:29:54]Thank you. I miss this beautiful place.

  13. great snow view
    [版主回覆03/25/2013 22:45:19]It was and I loved it.
