
Christmas Celebrations with Family

TIFFIN @ GRAND HYATT - 2011 Christmas

Never in my life have I seen a 6-tier tray! It definitely looks elegant, but the food on the tray and the macarons are quite disappointing. I advise visitors to feast on the luscious cakes in the fridge.  Please note that it is a semi buffet. You can get whatever you want from the fridge.


This was my second visit to this famous French restaurant in the city. One of the local waiters sounded a bit cocky, but my mum and I were blown away by the festive decor with baubles and tinsel. We also like the rose wine which warmed and relaxed us. What a magical experience!

crystal chandeliers


I had afternoon tea here with my mum and grandmother last month. We do love this place because it is easily accessible. Besides, the cakes are of high quality and the view is superb.

In 2011, I visited Tiffin and Gaddi's with my mum to celebrate Christmas, whereas I was too busy to share the dining experiences here. I'm glad that I can spend more time chilling out with the people whom I love this academic year. I wish my mother a lifetime of love and my grandmother good health.

王的盛宴 The Last Supper - 3.7 / 5
聖手回春 The Sessions - 4 / 5
黑殺令 Django Unchained - 4.5 / 5
一代宗師 The Grandmasters - 3.7 / 5
終極封鎖線 The Last Stand - 3.6 / 5
雲圖 Cloud Atlas - 4.1 / 5
給親愛的你 Dearest - 3.5 / 5
校緣心曲 Liberal Arts - 3.9 / 5
愈傷愈愛 Laurence Anyways - 3.9 / 5
停屍間的深呼吸 Breathing - 3.6 / 5
不老騎士 Go Grandriders - 3.8 / 5

14 則留言:

  1. Grand Hyatt 的座位很舒適,不過食物就一般 (四季酒店的 lunch buffet,同樣令我好失望~~~)
    [版主回覆01/09/2013 12:44:49]True when it comes to high tea. However, it is said that the buffet dinner at Grand Hyatt is good. Not sure if it is true. As for Four Season, I don't know which restaurant provides lunch buffet.

  2. 你媽有你這個兒子,她早已讓滿滿的愛包圍著
    [版主回覆01/09/2013 12:46:04]Thanks a lot. I think I am also surrounded by loving parents and friends.

  3. That's your mum on the photo? she looks very very young!!!
    [版主回覆01/09/2013 12:46:54]Yes! She is a young-looking mum. She was only 23 years old when I was born.

  4. thanks for sharing! a warmest family, a lovely places, a great scenic, but don't know the taste of food because i never have it before...
    [版主回覆01/10/2013 18:15:12]Welcome. All these three places are worth visiting.

  5. 媽媽很有貴氣呢
    [版主回覆01/10/2013 18:14:43]She is successful when it comes to pretending to be a rich woman, hahaha. As she does not know English, she insists on staying with me in the restaurant. That's why I can't go to the washroom. ^^

  6. Your mom looks unbelievably young for her age and gorgeous :)
    Wish you & your family a very happy and healthy new year.
    [版主回覆01/12/2013 01:10:25]Thank you so much for your compliment. I also wish you love and joy in the new year.

  7. 下次過來香港 high tea, 定要參考 Kenji 您的推介呢!:)
    [版主回覆01/16/2013 20:20:52]I love Hong Kong. ^^ Next time when I visit Macau, I will definitely go to 天巢法國餐廳Robuchon au Dome.

  8. Thanks for your visit!!
    Nice blog!!
    [版主回覆01/18/2013 00:25:54]You are welcome! THANKS!!!

  9. The Sessions 個分調高左!^o^
    我同日看 Django 和 The Grandmasters,因為後者,令我覺得前者平平無奇~
    [chestnut girl回覆01/26/2013 21:51:50]芝:那就好好休息一下吧,過完年再衝過戲院!
    [芝回覆01/26/2013 21:04:46]我最近冇時間同精力入戲院!我最近冇時間精力入戲院!
    [chestnut girl回覆01/20/2013 18:11:29]BTW, Loft is quite nice.
    [chestnut girl回覆01/20/2013 18:09:11]我剛好相反。Django 我唔知佢想講乜,visually 也不覺得特別吸引。而一代宗師,我為了宮二流了幾滴眼淚。
    [版主回覆01/20/2013 17:40:07]You have a pair of sharp eyes hahaha. Right, the Sessions has a capable cast and a special story. It deserves a higher rating. As for the Grandmasters, the pace is too slow for me and I fail to get the gist. Compared with The Grandmasters, Django is more thought provoking and visually stunning. This bloody and violent movie tells a story about the emancipation of black people in a darkly humorous way. This cult movie directed by Quentin Tarantino currently ranks 39th in the top-250-movie list at IMDB. At the end of the movie, I was thrilled, feeling for those who were discriminated against, cheering for the black hero and hoping that one day there will be one in Hong Kong.

  10. thanks for your come by! have a nice week!
    [版主回覆01/24/2013 21:16:39]Thanks a lot for your visit.

  11. 雪糕伴Macaron? 咁得意既?你另外點的?
    [版主回覆02/04/2013 20:22:30]It is a semi-buffet hahaha. Anyway, thanks for your visit. By the way, the macaroons there are disappointing.

  12. Breathing 已經睇咗?好快手!^_^
    Would you recommend 'Go Grandriders'?
    [chestnut girl回覆02/07/2013 18:07:52]我估我會鍾意 Go Grandriders 的,讓我排個時間去看 :p
    (EUFF 有齣 Wrinkles,是關於老人家的動畫,我猜可能不錯,所以買了票看。)
    [版主回覆02/06/2013 23:34:02]Breathing is beautifully shot and there are interesting symbols. However, the story is slightly paper-thin to me. As for Go Grandriders, I am surprised! It is funny and moving. Go achieve your dreams when you are young. I love the message and the people involved are sentimental and are willing to express their pent-up emotions. I do recommend it to you.

  13. 新年快樂, 真係好耐無到訪你的部落...
    現在的你多了笑容... 你媽媽很漂亮啊...
    [版主回覆02/07/2013 16:22:00]Happy New Year! After working in a new environment, I am happier and I have learnt to deal with the despicable bullies.

  14. Nice blog!!
    [版主回覆03/02/2013 15:29:35]THANKS!
