


地址: 銅鑼灣廣場1期6樓
電話: 3520 2730

Food: 4.5 / 5
Service: 3.5 / 5
Environment: 4 / 5
Price: Dinner - $250 per head

Comments: The food is very fresh and has a savory smell. For example, the lobster's eyes are still rolling and its antennae are twitching in the first picture. At first we were disappointed by the expensive lobster as the portion was small. Later we found that its head and shell were used to make soup and it was delicious. Of course, it was still quite expensive. As for service, a waitress was extremely kind to us. However, when I made a phone call at 2:30 p.m. to book a table, a waiter answered my call and said bluntly, “Can you call later AR?” I was stunned and could not utter a word. Perhaps he was very busy at that moment, but he should try to be polite. This is the first time I have been “ordered” to call later after expressing my wish to make a reservation. What a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Recommended Dishes:
伊勢海老兩食 ($280)
魚八風什錦海鮮壽司 ($148)
蟹肉蟹膏大蔥錫紙包燒 ($68)
串燒牛舌 ($30) --- Sorry! It looked so attractive that I forgot to take a photo!


127 Hours - 3.7 / 5

9 則留言:

  1. Wow wow.... be the first one haha......it is so attractive Good recommendation!!
    [版主回覆02/11/2011 13:41:00]Welcome! The seafood is VERY fresh.

  2. 價錢唔算貴,食物都好新鮮good ar 。不過,點解好似咁少人﹖
    [版主回覆02/12/2011 11:29:00]價錢唔算貴? I think the price is acceptable, but still above the average, more expensive than the common Japanese restaurants in HK. 咁少人﹖Yes... dunno why... my friend said that not many people patronized this kind of restaurants during the Lunar New Year Holidays.

  3. 你邊叫"有時"要對自己好啲呀,你係"經常性"都對自己好就真,食得是福,你真係super 有福了!
    "127 hours" rate 3.7 only?我好鍾意喎~ 會寫review 嗎?
    [版主回覆02/13/2011 18:28:00]Working as a teacher nowadays is a real downer. Without movies and great food, I would have killed myself probably.  As for 127 Hours, I love James Franco and the humor. However, the story does not surprise me. Using flashbacks can show us
    what a dying person thinks of in his mind, but it does not really help save his
    life. For instance, his relationship with his ex-girlfriend is not very important. I personally perfer Touching the Void. Besides,
    I am looking forward to seeing Buried, in which the main character only stays in
    a box for the whole film. It is said that no flashback is used.

  4. Hi~Kenji~
    哇~這些食物看來真是很好吃 真是口水都流出來了~ 哈哈~
    [版主回覆02/15/2011 18:58:00]Yes, let's live life to the full. My work is too stressful and I have to squeeze time to do things I relish. It can be relaxing!!!

  5. kenji sir usually eats out wor...55
    For me, service is mostly important (more than taste)...of course...the price is the main consideration ^^
    [版主回覆02/15/2011 18:56:00]I think most waiters are nice, except the one I mentioned. He is quite famous at Open Rice.

  6.  waH!!!! 宜家做埋食評家?
    [版主回覆02/15/2011 23:05:00]Not qualified LAR. I need more experience and vocabulary. Just wanna recommend some good restaurants and dishes to others.

  7. I think u'd better have ur own TV show for talk about the movie and FOOD!!!
    [版主回覆02/20/2011 15:44:00]Hosting a TV show? I am neither fat (e.g. Choi Lan) nor handsome. NO authority at all.

  8. 無黎呢度一排...原來你仲寫埋食評...haha 係喎, 今年hkiff有冇咩心水呀??
    [版主回覆02/26/2011 01:44:00]1. 食評? NO... just some sharing on the restaurants and dishes I like. 2. I will pick some tomorrow... too late now haha. ^^

  9. tht's good!!!FOOD, MUSIC, & MOVIE....Important to my life!! 哈...好...等我睇下你D心水同我有冇D一樣先...Haha
