


Candy was sweet
A smile please
Need not grieve
Don't forget us
You are loved

18 則留言:

  1. 我相信您的學生見到這篇blog,一定唔會忘記你們﹗您真是一個好老師。
    [版主回覆12/11/2009 22:22:00]I had a sore throat this morning and felt unwell, but I had determined to attend her funeral. It turned out to be an unforgettable occasion. Her united classmates... her mother reminding us not to learn from Candy... crying and comforting each other... seeing a young face on the picture... all these will stay in my mind for the rest of my life. I dare not believe it until I was outside the room seeing her picture... I couldn't help crying when I saw her sleeping peacefully. I was heartbroken.

  2. hi kenji, I haven't been here for a while and this is the first msg I stumble upon after a long break. sorry to hear that, my regards go to you. take care, am sure your student felt your love and care.
    [版主回覆12/11/2009 22:12:00]After breaking up with her boy friend, she committed suicide. I just wanna remind her that she is loved. Three years ago, Candy graduated from S7. She was a very helpful girl who loved English and art. The school has just closed. Never have I imagined that I would meet my students again in this occasion. At 6:30, I attended the funeral with my former students who are now around 22 years old. Very united... around 20 of them were there... Still young, death seems distant... After seeing her face, most of them dissolved into tears. How fragile life is! I think both my students and I have learnt a valuable lesson... When I looked at her face, I couldn't help shedding tears, thinking that if someone cries because of one's death, perhaps his or her life is not wasted...

  3. 生命是很脆弱的, 也有很多我們意料之外的事情會發生... 無人能知, 無人能主宰...!
    從你的字句中充滿傷感, 我知你很傷心...!
    希望你能儘快平復心情 !
    [版主回覆12/12/2009 12:43:00]Thank you.

  4. Dear Kenji, 明白您的心情,的確很難過﹗多多保重﹗
    [版主回覆12/12/2009 12:31:00]Thank you... that's why I also understand how her mum and brother feel.

  5. kenji,節哀!
    [版主回覆12/13/2009 13:58:00]Thanks! It was hard for me to accept it until I saw her lying peacefully.

  6.  人生本是無常,請節哀!
    [版主回覆12/13/2009 19:11:00]Thanks! Let's live life to the full.

  7. Life's good because it's short. We should learn how to breathe indeed because it's too easy! Believe it or not, death is not the end. It's just another beginning of another journey!
    [版主回覆12/14/2009 18:50:00]I dunno... I just hope we will be more grateful for what we have because of her death. Life can be beautiful.

  8. 我也曾在一夜間失去朋友, 很難勸你 : 節哀... 但我會為你和你的學生祈禱.
    [版主回覆12/14/2009 21:15:00]Thank you so much! I do feel better now. Through the poem and the song, my pent-up feelings can be expressed.

  9. Hi~Kenji~ 想不到你與你的學生會遇到這些事... 希望她能安息...也希望你不要太傷心了... 知否世事常變.變幻原是永恆 很多事情也不由我們去選擇, 當事情發生後...我們也只能接受現實... 我不懂得說很多好話... 只希望你不要太傷心了... 我相信Candy在天上能生活得快樂,亦希望你們能幸福地生活下去
    [版主回覆12/16/2009 21:58:00]Thank you Blue. Life is fragile sometimes. We should look at the bright side and live life to the full. Thanks for your support.

  10. 人生本無常,生離死別是悲痛,也是成長。
    [版主回覆12/17/2009 21:25:00]Right... goodbye Candy...

  11. I am so sorry to hear that.
    Kenji, take care and hope you would feel better soon.
    and I hope Candy's family, esp her mother, could always remember the happiness that Candy brought to them.
    [版主回覆12/17/2009 21:26:00]Candy has great potential. Her mum is so proud of her. Her death is really pity. Anyway, although Candy has left, Christmas is coming. May everything smile on everybody in 2010!

  12. merry X'mas
    [版主回覆12/18/2009 22:04:00]學生,走了。                          聖誕 , 來了 。

  13. 很明白你的心情,希望你節哀順變,相信CANDY已去了一個很美好的世界。 不知你有沒有看過 Tuesdays with Morrie,真人真事,也是有關師生情,也是有關生與死,我相信你一定會看得通看得透。
    [版主回覆12/20/2009 01:06:00]Thank you for your comfort and recommendation. It is after all her choice, be it wise or not, so I do respect it. Still, we are sad...perhaps she is in a better world now... hopefully she is.

  14. 節哀順變, my dear friend
    [版主回覆12/20/2009 19:03:00]May her rest in peace!

  15. Oh ! Kenji 感受到你這份哀傷 她在另一個地方得到了安息 .... 不知說些什麼,不要太傷心了。
    [版主回覆12/22/2009 01:34:00]Thanks! A new year is coming and may my wishes come true.

  16. 節哀順變
    [版主回覆12/23/2009 01:28:00]Thanks!

  17. Dear Kenji, 您的心情點沒有﹖我衷心祝福您能夠渡過愉快的聖誕節。
    [版主回覆12/23/2009 01:29:00]Thank you! I have pulled myself together. Christmas is coming and I will share some good movies here.

  18. 第一次聽呢首歌, 嘩,不得了, 好感動...
    [版主回覆02/14/2010 14:37:00]Love is sometimes like a dagger. It hurts.
