
天煞撞正怪怪獸 Monsters vs Aliens

繼《功夫熊貓》及《史力加》系列後,夢工場打造首部3D立體科幻動畫《天煞撞正怪怪獸》(By the directors of Shark Tale and Shrek 2),絕對是09年復活節一家大細的爆笑娛樂首選!─班怪獸平日被政府囚禁在秘密基地,完全唔見得人,點知遇上外星惡霸「銀河煞」來襲,總統無計可施,唯有派出怪獸雜牌軍應戰,拯救地球

1. The monsters are well-developed, cute and memorable.
2. The film is fast-paced and there are enough jokes entertaining the audience.
3. The movie uses sarcasm about the United States President's idiocy.
4. The messages: Everyone has his  strengths & women can become heroes.
5. The "3D" images are great.

1. The messages look familiar and the story lacks surprises.

3.5  / 5 (GOOD - An entertaining film lacking originality!)

P.S. Wanna take a break these days because of HKIFF. Please forgive me for not hosting the show hahaha. Thank you!!!

11 則留言:

  1. 你睇咗 我都未睇呀!咁快既
    [版主回覆04/07/2009 10:47:00]I am not free tonight. I have to see an HKIFF film, Sexykiller. Very excited now haha.

  2. Thx for sharing, Fun~~~Fun~~~Fun~~~~Film 
    [版主回覆04/08/2009 18:09:00](Empty)

  3. 條片去左邊
    [版主回覆04/08/2009 18:10:00]I just write a few points about the film this time, as I am busy watching films at HKIFF. I will try to host the show next week. Thanks!!! ^^

  4. just watch this movie, very good
    [版主回覆04/10/2009 19:31:00]The images are gorgeous!!!

  5. 每次出品ge動畫都有新難道挑戰.... 今次最大挑戰一定係那個半透明物體.... 做到咁迫真...其實暗地裡夢工場除左同彼思鬥票房外..... 仲鬥埋技術... 我淨係睇左預告...仍有一貫的作風.... 好多角色表情上仍是咁鬼馬...討人歡心.... 一定要入場睇哩套
    [版主回覆04/10/2009 22:58:00]Go watch it! Bob is cute haha. Nevertheless, Pixar still outperforms Dreamworks in a number of ways.

  6. 好多過不好,我沒有選錯
    [版主回覆04/10/2009 22:59:00]It is an entertaining film. If one does not expect too much, he should feel satisfied and I guess most people have a good time after watching it.

  7. 無o麥期望之下, 仍有少許失望.
    或者已看過太多類似的動畫, 懶有少少意思嘅內容 (天生我才必有用) 都救不了整體成績多少.
    [版主回覆04/11/2009 23:53:00]The message is cliched and the ending is predictable. BUT the 3D images are great and I guess viewers do have a fun time! OK ge!

  8. Seems good but maybe I will not watch it ...
    [版主回覆04/11/2009 23:53:00]If you do, you may consider watching it at IMAX.

  9. 我又要問一條問題  that 我問過老創~~
    [版主回覆04/11/2009 23:59:00]I do remember that SOME images pop out in BOLT... 血戰 is NOT an HKIFF film. It will be released this Thursday. It stars Daniel Craig and Jamie Bell!!! 音樂人生? Really have not heard of it hahaha...

  10. 這一套的影評好像麻麻... 而且因為電影節和復活節, 有些戲積咗未睇, 所以... 放棄
    [版主回覆04/15/2009 15:56:00]HKIFF is already very tiring!!! MVA is not a must see in my opinion, but it is relaxing and entertaining. Bolt and Kung Fu Panda are better.

  11. 星期三跟六婆去了看這齣,期間不覺得有甚麼,但看完後愈想愈失望。以往看夢工場的動畫片,總會找到感動位,但這齣真是半個也找不著,唉~~~
    [版主回覆04/18/2009 19:58:00]Just for fun!!! HAHAHA
