
影畫絮語 - 永久居留 + 大耳無罪

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走漏眼電影推介: 在 RottenTomatoes 獲95%好評的哈薩克電影《大耳無罪》呈現天人合一的和諧美,與你一起踏上影像絢麗、幽默動人的異國尋夢之旅。

"想聽得清楚D? 記住按 HQ 呀!"

20 則留言:

  1. 第28屆香港電影金像獎遊戲 @ Perdition's Blog: 11 Bingos / 8 Wrong Guesses 最佳電影 《天水圍的日與夜》WRONG GUESS 最佳導演 許鞍華 《天水圍的日與夜》BINGO 最佳編劇
    《一個好爸爸》WRONG GUESS 最佳男主角 張家輝 《証人》BINGO 最佳女主角 劉美君 《我不賣身.我賣子宮》WRONG
    GUESS 最佳男配角 廖啟智 《証人》BINGO 最佳女配角 陳麗雲 《天水圍的日與夜》BINGO 最佳新演員 徐嬌
    《長江7號》BINGO 最佳攝影 鄭兆強 《文雀》WRONG GUESS 最佳剪接 邱志偉 《保持通話》
    BINGO 最佳美術指導 葉錦添 《赤壁》BINGO 最佳服裝造型設計 葉錦添 《赤壁》BINGO 最佳動作設計
    洪金寶、梁小熊 《葉問》BINGO 最佳音響效果 吳江、Roger Savage 《赤壁》BINGO 最佳視覺效果  《畫皮》WRONG GUESS 最佳原創電影音樂 《文雀》WRONG
    GUESS 最佳原創電影歌曲 心戰 《赤壁》WRONG GUESS 新晉導演 麥曦茵 《烈日當空》WRONG
    GUESS 最佳亞洲電影 《集結號》BINGO

  2. 多謝你! 永久居留都是一套我超想看的電影 !!!!!
    [版主回覆04/20/2009 14:47:00]Welcome. I think it is a sincerely made independent movie, despite a few minor flaws.

  3. 兩套都想睇 ^^
    [版主回覆04/20/2009 21:47:00]Enjoy these SPECIAL films!!! Recommended!!!

  4. Tulpan 個中文名好騎呢,近來好多好戲睇,金像獎得獎d戲都未睇返添 ,真係有 d 透不過氣來。看有無咁嘅緣份睇 Tulpan ,猜應該不錯。好在有你 Lee 個渠道,自己都留注唔到咁多資訊。謝謝你的推介。
    [版主回覆04/21/2009 23:46:00]You are welcome!!! I am the one who should thank you for listening and replying. Welcome to share how you feel about the film after watching it. Movies are really powerful hahaha... in my humble opinion. ^^

  5. 我out到震,呢兩齣我都唔識,無聽過添呀!
    [版主回覆04/22/2009 14:04:00]they will be released tomorrow.

  6. 同志電影? my fav r!
    [版主回覆04/22/2009 14:04:00]go go go ... it is made in HK haha.

  7. 你講得真係好詳盡同精彩, 差d被你講到想入場睇睇呢
    [版主回覆04/23/2009 02:19:00]Are you Siusheep88? HAHAHA... the film is much better than City Without Baseball and homosexuals may be able to relate to the main character. Tulpan is even better... I guess you will love this special exotic movie. Don't miss it.... Panda? Wow... it seems that you have subscribed to the Youtube Channel. ^^

  8. uwant唔係我post㗎, 但我見到有人咁讚你, 所以就話聲你知嘛...好嘢自然多人賞識...加油呀!
    係呀, 我偷聽咗你段講panda嘅啦...呵~題材特別, 又唔係日本d tear-jerker, 我有d興趣一睇呢...況且四川拍嘛...嗚~~
    [版主回覆04/23/2009 13:20:00]kidding ar haha... Trail of the Panda is a Disney family movie... the story is very simple and of course the ending is predictable... OK wor~~~!

  9. 你好嗎?老Ken,最近我忙着tests和projects,都唔得閒上黎。但一切都搞掂了,我返來了!
    嘩...呢排咁多同性戀電影?《永久居留》雖然係港產片,而且又係三級,但我可能會租碟囉... 之前《無野之城》好似話唔係好掂,所以冇睇,希望《永久居留》會好些吧。  不過你講得好似好「情慾」咁 ,我會唔會嘔?
    [版主回覆04/25/2009 01:53:00]Welcome back! Miss you so much! I'm also busy preparing myself for the new academic structure. Sometimes, I think I should not spend too much time on movies, but I can't help thinking about them... Sigh... 永久居留 has flaws, but some people may relate to the main characters. I think you should watch it after 18. After all, it is a category 3 film about abstract concepts like life and death... not sure if it is your cup of tea. AND... it is a very special one haha... You should watch 大耳無, a very special exotic movie about the people and animals in that remote place. GO GO GO!!!!

  10. 我覺得此片麻麻,除了兩位男主角外,其他角色都是可有可無,而有些場面都是專登賣弄何B仔,如第二位男主角,即是EO2的成員,為何在浴桑室練拳?當他跌了毛巾,露出何B仔,又不拿起毛巾,繼續練拳;還有第一主角的弟弟,為何無端端在男主角的家裏剝光豬,我認為本片一看無妨,都不要抱著很大的期望。
    [版主回覆04/25/2009 12:48:00]Thank you for leaving a message here. 其他角色 have their functions and I mention those in my show. Welcome to listen to it. 賣
    弄何B仔? I also mentioned that in my show. These only happen in those two
    scenes, but they are also naked in many other scenes and I think they
    make sense. The situation is much better than City Without Baseball. I
    believe some homosexuals can relate to the main character. The film
    indeed shows a homosexual's past, fantasy, expectations of the future,
    feelings towards life, death and love, etc. Sincerely made!

  11. 死啦死啦....你講到《大耳無罪》咁好睇,但我真係好似冇乜興趣呢!等我睇下點先啦...
    [版主回覆04/25/2009 13:19:00]Perhaps you can watch the trailer on Youtube and read the summary of the story first.

  12. 哈 你睇到的果然很多 (唔係講緊肉呀~~)
    大耳無罪見到metropop介紹都想去睇 但呢排都未得閒去戲院睇戲=.=|| 希望有機會睇到啦
    [版主回覆04/26/2009 12:24:00]Quite a lot... as I won't see too many when I am busy after 5 months. HAHAHA...

  13. Hello Kenji~ long time no see and not coming your blog, and also long time not listen your show, i am sorry~
    actually if i choose the homeosexuality movie to watch...i think show in this week the movie which call "花吃了那女孩"will very nice....maybe i am so busy is these day, so i don't have the time to see this one, but maybe next week i will see this movie, and then i will come back to tell you the review....
    oh...and what about "17 again"???it seems good....will you watch this one???
    [版主回覆04/26/2009 17:05:00]Welcome back, Kari. 花吃了那女孩's reviews are not so good, though I love the OST very much. I will surely watch 17 Again. Because of this film, I also watched HSM 3 and think it is a nice musical. Zac is also handsome. I am looking forward to your sharing.

  14. I just think 永久居留 is so-so....   :P 看了差不多兩小時,很很多多地方就是看不明白。我覺得同性戀題材沒有問題,但硬說"mutation"讓同性戀者比其他人更優秀卻恐怕沒有科學支持,誠然很多歷史上偉大出色的哲學家,科學家,藝術家,音樂家,是gay的,但簡單的二分法恐怕只會加深矛盾...... 跟著,我想問片中的男人Ivan明知Windson是喜歡女的,卻為何不願放手捨下?一時失足,把持不住,okay!人有時總會失去理智--特別是因為愛情;但六年以後依然如是...則怕且不只是深情,其實是執著~ 苦苦纏繞,大家痛心,何苦呢?如果是真愛,不就是要愛人快樂嗎?我的觀念是"愛"是讓人快樂的,是兩情相悅的,愛怎能勉強呢?如果沒有愛的基礎,我寧願選擇離場。 到了後期探討死亡,fine,但一幕舊屋鬧鬼戲(已過世的先人大家閑話家常?)到底想說明什麼呢?相信很多人也不明白...... 到底是gay片還是鬼片?!
    [版主回覆04/29/2009 01:25:00]1. I also very much disagree with the main character (director) saying this. Nevertheless, I guess he tries to mock at some Christians who claim that other religions (Buddhism, Wong Tai Sin, Catholic, etc) are evil. After all, he just shares his own theory (which may, to some people, sound as ridiculous as what those Christians claim). Just my 2 cents ^^ 2. First, I totally understand why you cannot relate to the main character. However, I totally respect his unrequited love for Windson and this kind of love also exists in the heterosexual world e.g. a woman falling in love with a married man. Besides, I agree with the director who says that Windson does love Ivan. I personally think his love for Ivan is just suppressed by his parents and the social norm. We do NOT see his girlfriend and wife in the film and he is not seen having sex with a woman. When he tells him that he is willing to die for him, I think this is love. My interpretation is that Windson thinks he is straight, but indeed his desire for men is just suppressed. 3. 舊屋鬧鬼戲? I cannot recall that. Could you please describe that scene? Thank you! Thanks so much for your thought provoking questions.

  15. Refer to "舊屋鬧鬼戲", 電影尾段有大概唔夠10秒,係間舊屋內,沒有人,只有聲音,應該係D已過身既人講邊個邊個幾時返...... Again, thank you for your sharing ar. After reading your reply, I find some new point of view even though I can't step into Ivan & Windsons' shoes....... Having said that, I am going to take a MA in Literary and Cultural Studiest in HKU. I really need to learn from you, becuase you are really good at analysing  movie~  
    [版主回覆04/29/2009 17:32:00]Oh... really? I really can't recall that bit... Do you think it is just Ivan's fantasy before he dies? It sounds plausible to me. Wow Bravo. So proud of you. I already have a CUHK part time master degree in education and think the process of working and studying at the same time is very tiring. I really can't go through the pain again hahaha... I also graduated from HKU and guess you will enjoy it. A few years ago, my friend also asked me to take this course, but I really did not have the time... AND... I spent the time hosting the show hahaha... Please share with me your experience in your spare time and wish you a great time at HKU.

  16. Oops, typo: should be cultural study  :P
    [版主回覆04/29/2009 17:33:00]No worries! ^^ Thanks for chatting with me about movies. I just enjoy it.

  17. 我都有看《大耳無罪》好good尤其是沙漠的風景,全部好自然﹗
    [版主回覆04/30/2009 17:09:00]I love the animals. They can ACT!!!!

  18. "無野之城"實在太過掛羊頭賣狗肉喇! 所以"永"都興趣不大.
    [版主回覆04/30/2009 22:09:00]無野之城 is pretentious in my opinion and so I originally did not plan to see 永久居留. However, after several thoughts, I think HK independent movies need our support and progress is possible. Besides, 無野之城's cinematography strangely captures some beautiful HK views and the story is unique in HK, so I give the director a second chance. I think he has made obvious progress and will surely see the next two upcoming films. The film has some flaws, but it does have some strengths which change me attitude towards this director. At least, he made this film sincerely from his own point of view.

  19. I am totally agree
    [版主回覆05/01/2009 02:30:00](Empty)

  20. "大耳無罪" 是一部非常有趣的電影, 似是一部劇情片, 也像一部記錄片. 在片中, 小孩子好像懂得演戲, 動物也好像懂得演戲, 連風和沙也好像懂得演戲.
    [版主回覆06/06/2009 01:37:00]Right... a very special exotic movie!!!
