
影畫絮語 - 怪人二十面相傳 K-20




2 則留言:

  1. HAHA, 竟然無人回應?? "偶像劇" 果然不得人心. 我是打算看的啊, KENJI-SAN 可能也知我對俊男是完全沒有抵抗能力的吧, 只是呢~~ 就算是我的第二最愛金城武, 要花錢入戲院睇的話還是要好好考慮一下, 況且今個月要睇的戲太多... 過後總會有方法看的啊, 嘻嘻
    我跟你的 HKIFF 選戲只有 "橫山家之味" 相同啊, 雖然 "大絕食" 都想睇, 但我卻買了 "幸福黃手絹" 啦, 這一套也算是口味一致吧, 睇完戲再交流一下啦.
    你學校是否期中考試了呢? 老師加油啊!!
    [版主回覆03/16/2009 00:20:00]1. Exactly! I am surprised!!! BUT the Youtube head counts show that HK mainstream audience are interested in this film and so maybe the box office should not be very disappointing. 2. 幸福黃手絹 - I have seen the Japanese version. It is great. It is said that the USA version is very similar to the original one (e.g. the ending) though the setting is different. Besides, the film will be formally released in HK, so I skip it. 3. My S5 students are having their mock exam. Let's work hard and enjoy our LIVES!!! Thanks for your words!!!

  2. 男配角是否在"海猿"內飾演有眼疾那個演員?
    [版主回覆03/21/2009 12:00:00]Sorry... I dunno... I have not seen that film ^^
