Kenji, I'm eager to watch Watchman. Besides the special effects,I wanna see Matthew Goode,but it seems that he is just a co-star. What about his perfomance? He's one of my favourite after I have seen Match Point and Bridehead even his performance in both films is soso. But he is really really elegangt and gorgeous. As for Rachel getting Married, I think Anne Hathway is not worthy of the Academy nomination since the heroine from Happy-go-merry or I've love you long deserve it more. She is pretty , of course,but in terms of her performance, she need to keep work hard. This week I'm going to see Dragon Ball since someone dates me to see it, but I have been aware that it most probably be a lousy one. Have you seen it? I'd like to share my opinion with you then.
[版主回覆03/08/2009 22:10:00]His character in the film is relatively small and acting is not the focus of this film. Anyway, go watch this visually stunning movie which is quite different form other typical superhero films. To a certain extent, YES! I agree that the actresses you mentioned are better. As I have not seen I have loved you so long, I cannot say anything about her. I have not seen Dragon Ball. I definitely share your worry. I hope it is entertaining. Waiting for your comment!!!
water man poster is very long,is good.i like this movie because i like comic this movie the personage is very batman,spiderman is no havecompanion but this movie is six personage so is unusual.i wait this movie is long time.(i english is very bad because my english is from one degree,so i hope you excuse.) [版主回覆03/10/2009 18:50:00]No problem!!! My English is not good too. The images are GREAT, but some of the superheros in this film do not have special power. So they look like ordinary men.
我期待這星期的Watchmen 但我上星期六看的「驅逐」優先場也很好看,特別是那個結局 [版主回覆03/11/2009 08:53:00]Gran Torino is a well acted, humorous and touching film. Must see!!! Some say the ending is too dramatic and unreal. I think it is possible and touching. Moives uses fake stories to tell the truth.
Kenji , do you know the difference between IMAX'version and the cut version ? Violence and amorous ? [版主回覆03/11/2009 08:55:00]IMAX version is category three (more violent of course) and it is longer. The images are also clearer. As the director is famous for his visuals, you should go watch it at IMAX if possible.
kenji,i watched "w" already on 9/3, not full house. it is o.k film ,the director mr oliver did great job . the actor 's look is realy look like real mr bush.haaha
[版主回覆03/11/2009 08:57:00]JUST ok? You mean the story? I have not seen it yet.
Hello Kenji I will see "Rachel Getting Married" on this Friday, then I will come back!!! and what about "Blindness" and "The Reader"??? Will you see these movie later??? [版主回覆03/11/2009 22:50:00]Rachel Getting Married - Remember to sit at the back. ENJOY! I have not see Blindness because of the negative reviews. The Reader touches me and the audience needs to think about the message. If one can get the theme, he will love it so much. If not, it is just a melodrama.
hello, kenji, "W" is story of mr w. bush .about his childhood , about his father, become "the head of u.s.a" , the 9-11 accident. the story based on history evemts of mr w. bush. that is no suprise of the story cos i know what mr bush did. so, i say that it is o.k film. now , i know mr w.bush very loyal christan.
[版主回覆03/12/2009 19:15:00]OIC! I am not sure if I will see it, as there will be lots of great films at HKIFF. Will you see any?
你點唔分開兩個POST寫呢? [版主回覆03/13/2009 19:40:00]Thank you for your message. I prefer talking about two films released in the same week in one POST so that bloggers know which films will be released on Thursday.
Kenji-san, 我睇咗 "愛與痛的假期" 啦, 我覺得都幾 TOUCHING, 而且我很喜歡配樂啊, 我覺得好過 "100萬零一夜" 係呢, 你電影節睇邊幾套啊?? 交流下 [版主回覆03/13/2009 19:41:00]Glad to know that you love it as some dislike the shaky images and the typical ending. HKIFF? Please see my reply to Perdition above. Thanks.
I bought "W" America DVD Before, so I can see this before the HKIFF [版主回覆03/13/2009 19:42:00]Wow... great! The film will also be formally released in HK very soon.
After hearing your show, it seems that both are not my cup of tea! (I especially hate dizzy camera shots) I plan to see Nixon this weekend instead! BTW, what's your recommendation concerning HKIFF??? [版主回覆03/13/2009 19:12:00]I know you taste. You dislike shaky images and films which are too long. Indeed, although Watchmen is visually stunning, you may find it too long and the pace not fast enough. So I think it is a good idea to watch NIXON haha. HKIFF - I recommend
Sexykiller 芭比殺手 Deadgirl Tulpan 大耳無罪 J.C.V.D. 玩殘尚格雲頓 Still Walking 橫山家之味 24 City 二十四城記 I've Loved You So Long 別問愛是誰 Gomorrah 我在娥摩拉的日子 Hunger 大絕食 Religulous 荒天下之大教 Wendy and Lucy 小露與我 (NO subtitles) I also wanna see the following films, but it is said that they may be formally released in HK, so I may watch them later. The Baader Meinhof Complex 赤色風暴 Night and Fog 天水圍的夜與霧 風塵三俠決戰地獄門 ( 天映 ) Monsters vs. Aliens 天煞撞正怪怪獸 The Yellow Handkerchief 幸福黃手絹 Crazy Racer 瘋狂的賽車
Hello Kenji I have seen "Rachel Getting Married", the movie use the home vidio is really speacial, and after I seen the movie I was listen to your shows again. I think the movie is Great!!!It's better than "Slumdog Millionaire", it's a really realistically topic and I think Anne actor is really good, I was so suprising!!! But I think the ending is a little bit prosaic, if Kym can have a job will more better than go back to the sanatorium. And the problem about the camera is waver.......sorry, I don't think it is waver and I don't think my head is dizzy. and I haven't sit in the back, but I saw many people leave in started 30 mins (maybe shorter) too, I think it is stupid!!!and they are missing the good movie tonight!!! [版主回覆03/14/2009 00:46:00]Wow then you should watch Cloverfield. Never worry about the shaky camera!!! ^^
保胃奇俠我覺得唔錯嫁,無論視覺效果,拍攝鏡頭及手法都好出位,令我更加投入電影內容,而內容方面其實都算唔錯,城市內佈滿令人討厭既陰霾、人間既醜惡、過住退休生活既正義超人及佢地既私生活、同埋最後結局扭曲既救世思想,一切跟以往超人救世片好唔同 而角色黎講都唔錯啊,英雄造型當然一流啦(第一代watch真係好美國英雄feel),個人有點驚喜就係原來patick willson同jackie earle haley自littechildren後又再合作,而小弟無知其他唔係太熟悉jackie呢位演員,以為佢多出現電影配角,點知今次rorschach真係好出位 另外有個可惜就係patick willson(夜梟二世)肥左之外,個頭禿得令我吃驚...搞乜呀 [版主回覆03/14/2009 10:58:00]Agree it is not a typical superhero movie. NOT fast paced, but visually stunning and meaningful. By the way, both actors come from Little Children, a movie which I really love. 禿頭 - right - but manly middle aged guys tend to lose their hair. HAHA!!!
小弟覺得呢套英雄電影比其他深沉得多,意思重大,表現地球人唔見過鬼都唔怕黑,縱使經過越戰,冷戰同將近爆發既核戰,但當遇到一個接近神級既敵人(即係Dr.)去讓世人吃個苦頭先會和平相處,所以好認同電影中其中一個意思:人類迫使地球滅絕 除此之外,電影所謂既英雄都只係普通市民一個,有各種人性缺點同需要,例如強姦,殺害孕婦,及同性戀等,而且佢地都會逃避自己唔想面對既事情,電影內既英雄其實尚性格分明但帶點矛盾,笑面俠風流成性,清楚對方心意但唔會代表要理會其他人感受,墨譜最堅守正義,但陰險及麻木不仁,王者之王為求目的可以不擇手段,以殘暴換來和平,大概係最走灰色位置既角色,曼克頓厭棄人類,因力量太大而認為人類愈來愈微不足道,但最後都敵不過人類施加既壓力,另外絲靈二世同夜梟二世就唔多講,只係為愛而生存,屬於偏向人類思想既一類 [版主回覆03/14/2009 12:59:00]Good analysis!!! By the way, who is gay in this movie?
我都睇左「愛與痛的嫁期」~ d 對白好正, 好真實, 講到一家人之間有好多不足為外人道的事...... 如何去接受一個「走了歪路」的家人, 那種又愛又恨...... anna act very well ^^ 兩姐妹有一場勁嘈,然後家姐無端端話「有左」0個幕真係經典 !!! 外國人搞party真係有一手~個wedding 好正 ^^ [版主回覆03/14/2009 14:57:00]Family members, no matter how fiercely they once fought with each other, are unconsciously united individuals who love each other. Glad to know that you love this film. In the NOW forum, people dislike it.
看了《愛與痛的嫁期》了,沉痛而感動,家人是人生捨割不開的一部分!姐妹兩位女角表演非常出色! [版主回覆03/14/2009 22:33:00]wow... it seems that the movie lovers here are very different from the ones at the NOW forum. HAHA!!! They dislike this movie. I personally think this family film slightly overrated.
其實係homosexual問題,而電影只係用少少既時間帶出令我十分震撼既劇情,就係妖姬吻護士(前為海軍吻護士),之後因為搞同性戀遭到殺害 小弟睇多一次呢套電影,得到既發現更多,居功厥偉既除左幕後同演員,而導演其實更當之無愧,好多環境設定都造得十分細緻,歷史鋪排恰當,點到即止 (愈來愈hard sell,請大家原諒我,請大家不要搵我算帳 ,速逃) btw,kenji兄,聽晚與你一起讀個愛,討個論 [版主回覆03/15/2009 11:23:00]OIC!!! The lesbian kisses the nurse! Thank you! Indeed, I guess some HK mainstream audience dislikes this film because it is not as fast-paced as Iron Man. They use the word BORING to describe it. However, my friends and I use the word ENGAGING haha. So different! OKOK after watching The Reader, please listen to the show and see if you agree with my analysis. Thank you!
老Ken........ 最近接住打report,你好勤力啊!錄左咁多音!加油呀! 《愛與痛的嫁期》諗住星期六去睇。我有d同學睇左《保衛奇俠》,雖然睇IIB版,但係佢地為當中的裸露場面感到十分「驚奇」,究竟我應不應該看《保》呢? [版主回覆03/17/2009 21:19:00]Thank you so much. BUT I will take a break because of HKIFF. So the next show will be uploaded in April. Watchmen is not as fast paced as Iron Man and some superheroes do not have super power. With these in your mind, you may be surprised by the film's great images and dark atmosphere.
保衛奇俠哩套戲真係好好睇... 咁有政治味ge英雄故事真係好少有.... 哩套野正打破左近年漫畫英雄電影格式量產ge局面.... [版主回覆03/19/2009 21:17:00]Right, it is a unique superhero movie. BUT those hoping to see extraordinary power or films as fast paced as Iron Man may be disappointed.
回覆刪除I'm eager to watch Watchman. Besides the special effects,I wanna see Matthew Goode,but it seems that he is just a co-star. What about his perfomance? He's one of my favourite after I have seen Match Point and Bridehead even his performance in both films is soso. But he is really really elegangt and gorgeous.
As for Rachel getting Married, I think Anne Hathway is not worthy of the Academy nomination since the heroine from Happy-go-merry or I've love you long deserve it more. She is pretty , of course,but in terms of her performance, she need to keep work hard.
This week I'm going to see Dragon Ball since someone dates me to see it, but I have been aware that it most probably be a lousy one. Have you seen it? I'd like to share my opinion with you then.
[版主回覆03/08/2009 22:10:00]His character in the film is relatively small and acting is not the focus of this film. Anyway, go watch this visually stunning movie which is quite different form other typical superhero films. To a certain extent, YES! I agree that the actresses you mentioned are better. As I have not seen I have loved you so long, I cannot say anything about her. I have not seen Dragon Ball. I definitely share your worry. I hope it is entertaining. Waiting for your comment!!!
water man poster is very long,is good.i like this movie because i like comic this movie the personage is very batman,spiderman is no havecompanion but this movie is six personage so is unusual.i wait this movie is long time.(i english is very bad because my english is from one degree,so i hope you excuse.)
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/10/2009 18:50:00]No problem!!! My English is not good too. The images are GREAT, but some of the superheros in this film do not have special power. So they look like ordinary men.
我期待這星期的Watchmen 但我上星期六看的「驅逐」優先場也很好看,特別是那個結局
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/11/2009 08:53:00]Gran Torino is a well acted, humorous and touching film. Must see!!! Some say the ending is too dramatic and unreal. I think it is possible and touching. Moives uses fake stories to tell the truth.
Kenji , do you know the difference between IMAX'version and the cut version ?
回覆刪除Violence and amorous ?
[版主回覆03/11/2009 08:55:00]IMAX version is category three (more violent of course) and it is longer. The images are also clearer. As the director is famous for his visuals, you should go watch it at IMAX if possible.
kenji,i watched "w" already on 9/3, not full house.
回覆刪除it is o.k film ,the director mr oliver did great job . the actor 's look is realy look like real mr bush.haaha
[版主回覆03/11/2009 08:57:00]JUST ok? You mean the story? I have not seen it yet.
But i can't >.<
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/11/2009 18:55:00]What a pity!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/11/2009 19:39:00]RIGHT and he in fact dislikes the use of violence.
Hello Kenji
回覆刪除I will see "Rachel Getting Married" on this Friday, then I will come back!!!
and what about "Blindness" and "The Reader"??? Will you see these movie later???
[版主回覆03/11/2009 22:50:00]Rachel Getting Married - Remember to sit at the back. ENJOY! I have not see Blindness because of the negative reviews. The Reader touches me and the audience needs to think about the message. If one can get the theme, he will love it so much. If not, it is just a melodrama.
hello, kenji, "W" is story of mr w. bush .about his childhood , about his father, become "the head of u.s.a" , the 9-11 accident. the story based on history evemts of mr w. bush.
回覆刪除that is no suprise of the story cos i know what mr bush did.
so, i say that it is o.k film.
now , i know mr w.bush very loyal christan.
[版主回覆03/12/2009 19:15:00]OIC! I am not sure if I will see it, as there will be lots of great films at HKIFF. Will you see any?
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/13/2009 19:40:00]Thank you for your message. I prefer talking about two films released in the same week in one POST so that bloggers know which films will be released on Thursday.
Kenji-san, 我睇咗 "愛與痛的假期" 啦, 我覺得都幾 TOUCHING, 而且我很喜歡配樂啊, 我覺得好過 "100萬零一夜" 係呢, 你電影節睇邊幾套啊?? 交流下
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/13/2009 19:41:00]Glad to know that you love it as some dislike the shaky images and the typical ending. HKIFF? Please see my reply to Perdition above. Thanks.
I bought "W" America DVD Before, so I can see this before the HKIFF
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/13/2009 19:42:00]Wow... great! The film will also be formally released in HK very soon.
After hearing your show, it seems that both are not my cup of tea! (I especially hate dizzy camera shots)
回覆刪除I plan to see Nixon this weekend instead!
BTW, what's your recommendation concerning HKIFF???
[版主回覆03/13/2009 19:12:00]I know you taste. You dislike shaky images and films which are too long. Indeed, although Watchmen is visually stunning, you may find it too long and the pace not fast enough. So I think it is a good idea to watch NIXON haha. HKIFF - I recommend
Sexykiller 芭比殺手
Tulpan 大耳無罪
J.C.V.D. 玩殘尚格雲頓
Walking 橫山家之味
24 City 二十四城記 I've
Loved You So Long 別問愛是誰 Gomorrah 我在娥摩拉的日子 Hunger 大絕食 Religulous 荒天下之大教 Wendy and
Lucy 小露與我 (NO subtitles) I also wanna see the following films, but it is said that they may be formally released in HK, so I may watch them later. The Baader
Meinhof Complex 赤色風暴 Night and Fog 天水圍的夜與霧 風塵三俠決戰地獄門 ( 天映 ) Monsters vs. Aliens 天煞撞正怪怪獸 The Yellow Handkerchief 幸福黃手絹 Crazy Racer 瘋狂的賽車
Hello Kenji
回覆刪除I have seen "Rachel Getting Married", the movie use the home vidio is really speacial, and after I seen the movie I was listen to your shows again. I think the movie is Great!!!It's better than "Slumdog Millionaire", it's a really realistically topic and I think Anne actor is really good, I was so suprising!!!
But I think the ending is a little bit prosaic, if Kym can have a job will more better than go back to the sanatorium.
And the problem about the camera is waver.......sorry, I don't think it is waver and I don't think my head is dizzy. and I haven't sit in the back, but I saw many people leave in started 30 mins (maybe shorter) too, I think it is stupid!!!and they are missing the good movie tonight!!!
[版主回覆03/14/2009 00:46:00]Wow then you should watch Cloverfield. Never worry about the shaky camera!!! ^^
保胃奇俠我覺得唔錯嫁,無論視覺效果,拍攝鏡頭及手法都好出位,令我更加投入電影內容,而內容方面其實都算唔錯,城市內佈滿令人討厭既陰霾、人間既醜惡、過住退休生活既正義超人及佢地既私生活、同埋最後結局扭曲既救世思想,一切跟以往超人救世片好唔同 而角色黎講都唔錯啊,英雄造型當然一流啦(第一代watch真係好美國英雄feel),個人有點驚喜就係原來patick willson同jackie earle haley自littechildren後又再合作,而小弟無知其他唔係太熟悉jackie呢位演員,以為佢多出現電影配角,點知今次rorschach真係好出位 另外有個可惜就係patick willson(夜梟二世)肥左之外,個頭禿得令我吃驚...搞乜呀
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/14/2009 10:58:00]Agree it is not a typical superhero movie. NOT fast paced, but visually stunning and meaningful. By the way, both actors come from Little Children, a movie which I really love. 禿頭 - right - but manly middle aged guys tend to lose their hair. HAHA!!!
小弟覺得呢套英雄電影比其他深沉得多,意思重大,表現地球人唔見過鬼都唔怕黑,縱使經過越戰,冷戰同將近爆發既核戰,但當遇到一個接近神級既敵人(即係Dr.)去讓世人吃個苦頭先會和平相處,所以好認同電影中其中一個意思:人類迫使地球滅絕 除此之外,電影所謂既英雄都只係普通市民一個,有各種人性缺點同需要,例如強姦,殺害孕婦,及同性戀等,而且佢地都會逃避自己唔想面對既事情,電影內既英雄其實尚性格分明但帶點矛盾,笑面俠風流成性,清楚對方心意但唔會代表要理會其他人感受,墨譜最堅守正義,但陰險及麻木不仁,王者之王為求目的可以不擇手段,以殘暴換來和平,大概係最走灰色位置既角色,曼克頓厭棄人類,因力量太大而認為人類愈來愈微不足道,但最後都敵不過人類施加既壓力,另外絲靈二世同夜梟二世就唔多講,只係為愛而生存,屬於偏向人類思想既一類
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/14/2009 12:59:00]Good analysis!!! By the way, who is gay in this movie?
回覆刪除d 對白好正, 好真實, 講到一家人之間有好多不足為外人道的事......
如何去接受一個「走了歪路」的家人, 那種又愛又恨......
anna act very well ^^
兩姐妹有一場勁嘈,然後家姐無端端話「有左」0個幕真係經典 !!!
外國人搞party真係有一手~個wedding 好正 ^^
[版主回覆03/14/2009 14:57:00]Family members, no matter how fiercely they once fought with each other, are unconsciously united individuals who love each other. Glad to know that you love this film. In the NOW forum, people dislike it.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/14/2009 22:33:00]wow... it seems that the movie lovers here are very different from the ones at the NOW forum. HAHA!!! They dislike this movie. I personally think this family film slightly overrated.
其實係homosexual問題,而電影只係用少少既時間帶出令我十分震撼既劇情,就係妖姬吻護士(前為海軍吻護士),之後因為搞同性戀遭到殺害 小弟睇多一次呢套電影,得到既發現更多,居功厥偉既除左幕後同演員,而導演其實更當之無愧,好多環境設定都造得十分細緻,歷史鋪排恰當,點到即止 (愈來愈hard sell,請大家原諒我,請大家不要搵我算帳 ,速逃) btw,kenji兄,聽晚與你一起讀個愛,討個論
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/15/2009 11:23:00]OIC!!! The lesbian kisses the nurse! Thank you! Indeed, I guess some HK mainstream audience dislikes this film because it is not as fast-paced as Iron Man. They use the word BORING to describe it. However, my friends and I use the word ENGAGING haha. So different! OKOK after watching The Reader, please listen to the show and see if you agree with my analysis. Thank you!
[版主回覆03/17/2009 21:19:00]Thank you so much. BUT I will take a break because of HKIFF. So the next show will be uploaded in April. Watchmen is not as fast paced as Iron Man and some superheroes do not
have super power. With these in your mind, you may be surprised by the
film's great images and dark atmosphere.
保衛奇俠哩套戲真係好好睇... 咁有政治味ge英雄故事真係好少有.... 哩套野正打破左近年漫畫英雄電影格式量產ge局面....
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/19/2009 21:17:00]Right, it is a unique superhero movie. BUT those hoping to see extraordinary power or films as fast paced as Iron Man may be disappointed.