
影畫絮語 - 地心探險記 + 精銳暴隊

影畫絮語 www.mov-reviews.com 是一個網上播放的電影評論節目,歡迎收聽!!!

荷里活第一齣由數碼3D高清拍攝至數碼3D放映的真人動作歷險電影:《地心探險記》=《奪寶奇兵》+ 超動感影院。還有,一定要睇數碼3D版!




21 則留言:

  1. 我要睇吓3D見識吓先得! (雖然有定心理準備無劇情可言....)
    [版主回覆08/11/2008 13:50:00]Right, I personally dislike the plot, but the 3D version is wroth a try. Have fun!!! Just for FUN... To my surprise, the foreign reviews are not that bad... 61% of the critics like it. 選擇"叢書!!! YEAH!!! Dunno if Jason likes this kind of reading.

  2. Elite Squad你雖然講得好好(特別是溫馨提示), 但我對追字幕很有保留, 也許出碟時先慢慢追啦~~~
    另外, 你排版有d問題喎似乎...lee度兩條clips到最後都講"下次再影畫絮語", 但反而Hellboy2嗰段你就最後講"轉頭返嚟"?!? 你係咪一次過錄得太多段, 跟住又俾fans00001吹, 所以忙中搞錯咗呢???
    [版主回覆08/11/2008 14:02:00]Elite Squad - Not for everyone. BUT the second part of the film impresses me a lot. Very realistic and I nearly could not breathe. I think it is definitely OK to watch the VCD later. Still, I highly recommend you to watch City of God. Buy the VCD now... it is one of my top 100 films. Right... the order... HAHAHA!!! Last month, I knew the film would be released at the end of August. A few days ago, I discovered that the release date had been changed and so... hahaha... ok forget about it. ^^ OK one more piece of news: The clip of Cyborg She has been uploaded to the Youtube Channel. If you have time, you can go there and listen to it. Don't worry, I never disclose the ending. ^^ I am currently preparing for the show talking about REC and I just didn't do it... BUSY days!!! Wanna kill myself!!!

  3. 聽講地心探險記的飛差不多要一百元... 真的很貴
    [版主回覆08/11/2008 13:54:00]Right... VERY expensive!!! BUT the images throughout the whole film do pop out and I think the experience is unique. Of course, the plot disappoints me. If you only look for entertainment, it is worth the money. Otherwise, you may be frustrated by the plot.

  4. 我唔鍾意「選擇叢書」~~~因為我想每個choices都選擇,但係又好混亂..真係唔知想點!
    [版主回覆08/11/2008 15:02:00]A smart boy!!!

  5. 你中一睇選擇叢書?中文or英文?我都想睇《Journey to the Center of the Earth》的小說,如果我睇英文版會唔會好深?
    講起《Hannah Montana》,我記得之前kenji係節目讀錯那位演員——Miley Cyrus的名字。你講左「咪(mi)莉(ley)」,正確讀音係「麥「my」莉(ley)」。我之所以夠膽「窒」呢位英文老師,係因為我很喜歡Disney Channel,而Miley就係Disney Channel的演員之一。
    To IAN:lee度兩條clips到最後都講"下次再影畫絮語", 但反而Hellboy2嗰段你就最後講"轉頭返嚟"?!? 你係咪一次過錄得太多段, 跟住又俾fans00001吹, 所以忙中搞錯咗呢???
    我可以代kenji答,首先我完全冇「吹」kenji,我係「期待」!-0-""(人地編輯就追作家的稿,我身為00001號Fans就要「追」kenji的錄音!) 其實《地心探險記》係kenji旅行之前已經錄左音,我亦都聽左,所以時間上亦都出錯。kenji雖然學識自己將clips放上網,但係可能放上網的又唔記得自己錄音上有冇提及過「時間」,所以就「亂放一通」,搞到比00002號Fans發現破綻!我身為00001號Fans,我以為會提點kenji!
    [版主回覆08/11/2008 15:24:00]1. Chinese 2. I have not read the novel. 3. 近期 製作 3D 電影都是將現成的電影,以菲林片轉換成數碼 3D 影像,如《怪誕城之夜》,而近期之 《 魔戰王:貝奧武夫 》則將真人加以電腦數碼化,再製作成 3D 數碼真人動畫, 可是影像上未能達至清晰,而且也未能流暢地連接每個鏡頭的空間動作,因此令觀眾會看得有點目眩。是次《地心探險記》是荷里活第一齣由數碼 3D 拍攝至數碼放映的真人動作劇情片,亦是象徴著第二代數碼 3D 電影的新里程,解決了第一代數碼 3D 電影未臻完美之處。

    4. Miley
    Cyrus - THANKS for pointing it out. I have not seen that film. Vincent saw it.

    5. 我的機械人女友 - Right. I put it in the Youtube Channel. Wanna test if the audio quality is good and if the listeners will detect any problems.

    6. HAHA I am proud of myself. An IT idiot knows how to upload a clip to  Youtube. HAHA... Last month, I knew Elite Squad would be released at the end of August (REC will also be released on 28/8). A
    few days ago, I discovered that the release date had been changed... so Elite Squad is no loner clip 2 (originally after REC), but clip 3. However, the show has been recorded and so haha let's forget about it and enjoy watching the FILMS!!!

  6. 幾時錄《REC》?(剛剛先錄音完,咁快又「吹」你!)呢部三級片好似好驚,其實有咩血腥?請在節目詳談!
    [版主回覆08/11/2008 22:04:00]Bloody??? Quite, NOT VERY... e.g. biting one's ear and mouth. Indeed I feel a bit dizzy today - dunno why??? REC makes me feel and think a lot...

  7. 因為《REC》跟《末世凶煞》一樣,都係讓觀眾代入角色主觀地看着劇情,類似手搖鏡或主觀鏡掛....
    [版主回覆08/12/2008 00:22:00]BINGO!!! BUT this time, there are no monsters, but zombies!!! A very exciting horror film that you should not miss! However, will you skip it?

  8. 我唔睇《REC》,三級血腥喎....(我夠膽既話都睇《小心有牙》先啦 )又唔知《REC》講乜,淨係話班記者去探討消防員的救人行動....之後唔知點解發生慘劇?原來係喪屍片呀?咁kenji一定好開心了...
    PS. 就快做《恐懼鬥室5》啦,kenji又好開心啦!(《恐懼鬥室》已被列入「十大唔好再拍續集的電影」之一)
    [版主回覆08/12/2008 17:41:00]I have not seen SAW 4 and so dunno if I will see no 5. REC is great... much better than Teeth. Go GO Go LAR!!! BE a BRAVE BOY!!! SAY hello to zombies!!!

  9. I've seen both Central Station and City of God, and I love the latter very very much! It's good in both story-telling and technical aspects. I really didn't expect such a high quality film from Brazil back then...
    You recorded Cyborg She already??!??! Wow...so quick...let me search and listen first...(don't tell anyone...)
    It's about time for busy days now, after your very relaxing trip! But still don't kill yourself yet, you have so many films to cover for us before you can go...hahaha. Hang in there, man!
    [版主回覆08/12/2008 20:50:00]Agree! Of course, City of God is better than Elite Squad. Not only Cyborg She, but also REC (I recorded the show this morning when I got a fever)!!! TOO tired maybe as I spent 12 hours reading articles and discussions about REC. I have visited a doctor and taken some pills. Better now... Thanks!!! Thanks!!! Thanks!!!

  10. 好鬼憎血腥呀!咁恐怖!點睇呀?又唔係唔知我細膽!
    [版主回覆08/13/2008 15:40:00]NOT so bloody! Just a little bit. BUT REC is terrifying in another sense, that's the locked area. Watch more horror films and become braver, then many girls will fall in love with you in the future!!! ^^

  11. 有咩咁恐怖呀?
    then many girls will fall in love with you in the future!!! ^^(<~~完全冇理過你呢句說話)
    [版主回覆08/13/2008 18:24:00]There are more and more zombies and the people there cannot leave the building. The atmosphere is frightening. The last bit shot with the night vision is horrifying too. NOT very bloody in my opinion... Oooops... SORRY!!! I forgot one thing. NO matter what I say, you cannot watch REC as it is a category 3 film. By the way, what are you afraid of? Blood or all horror films?

  12. 一早知係三級啦!
    [版主回覆08/13/2008 22:27:00]Then you don't need to consider this film! Congratulations!

  13. Have some rest and recover soon then! Don't you die on us, Soldier!!!
    I wonder how you can do the show with a fever?!? But I don't like REC anyway...count me out~~~ ( 又唔係唔知我細膽!)
    I've heard your show about Cyborg She! Maybe I should see the 追擊八月十五first!
    [版主回覆08/14/2008 12:31:00]Thanks a lot! I am getting better! The "fever" shows include REC and I just didn't do it. Really unbelievable!!! The clips will be uploaded next week. 追擊八月十五 is full of local gags - some are very MO LIU and silly. Have fun haha!!! (Haven't thought that you are interested in Cyborg She!)

  14. 我今個星期日都會去睇3d版, 好期待
    [版主回覆08/15/2008 18:05:00]I love the 3D visuals, but the story is not my cup of tea! ENJOY the roller coaster ride!!!

  15. Perdition:《REC》你真係唔好入場睇兼唔好諗住睇DVD,肯定嚇到你提前退休兼你爸媽突然發達!
    [版主回覆08/16/2008 03:27:00]HAHA... I have seen the DVD at my friend's flat. Yeah... there is a screening next Monday. ENJOY! Dizzy and vomit? We did NOT... but in order to play safe, you had better sit in the LAST ROW. ^^ A low budget film which really keeps me on the edge of my seat. Let's discuss the origin of the virus hahaha... ^^ I really have read tons of things about the film!!!

  16. 我正打算睇啊, 要睇3D版先夠正?
    [版主回覆08/18/2008 12:07:00]YES Watch the 3D version... If not, the film is a very ordinary one.

  17. 我都估REC唔啱我睇㗎啦~~~創作人仲要講到咁...
    但係點解你仲錄埋個解說版嘅?!? (但我無聽到果段) 乜套戲好深㗎?!? 我仲以為得個驚字tim...
    聽你把聲又唔多似病緊喎...你真係頂得~~~好心你無事先錄啦, 咁心急~~
    [版主回覆08/19/2008 18:41:00]I was worried that I would forget the details and I really love REC, so I forgot the fever and talked about it. Agree that no one can tell that I was very sick at that moment. REC is like Cloverfield. As there is one camera, not all questions are answered. You have to THINK!!! Very interesting!!! By the way, you have not seen Cloverfield right??? It seems that you are not into horror films OR you are worried about feeling dizzy because of the shaky cam????

  18. I don't like genuine horror film, and I can't stand the hand-held camera move.
    I don't want to spend money for having nightmare or vomiting in return...
    Cloverfield? I did want to try and see after hearing your show, honestly. At least that's action rather than horror...But I was too busy at that time, so missed it finally~
    [版主回覆08/20/2008 14:43:00]Is Jason your son??? I have not had nightmares for ages. ^o^ Try to watch the DVD of Cloverfield. It is FUN!!!

  19. 剛剛又睇左 "精銳暴隊", 能成為 柏林電影節金熊獎得主, 當然是一部值得一看的好片, 但我還是喜歡 "無主之城" 多一點.
    "無主之城" 用了輕鬆幽默的手法, 以小人物的角度去講巴西的貧民區問題, 看得舒服又容易引起共鳴. "精銳暴隊" 以警察和毒販的角度, 雖然寫實, 但太沉重.
    [版主回覆08/20/2008 14:45:00]AGREE~~~ 無主之城 is much better in my opinion. Elite Squad is too depressing and the first part which is full of monologues is a bit puzzling.

  20. Jason is my Grandson!  (though I regret that I didn't eat him like a BBQ pork when he was born...leaving behind such a demon to haunt the world now~~~)
    I, indeed, plan to watch Cloverfield on DVD later!
    Would tell you after seeing it!
    [版主回覆08/21/2008 13:06:00]BBQ PORK !!!

  21. 3D效果又幾有睇頭喎~~~做得唔錯呢!
    無乜劇情可言, 但勝在緊張刺激, 娛樂性高啦...
    [版主回覆10/09/2008 21:41:00]I love the 3D images too, but the story is really weak! -_- Sigh...
