
影畫絮語 - 鐵甲奇俠 + 華麗孽緣 + 冒險鱷園

影畫絮語 www.mov-reviews.com 是一個網上播放的電影評論節目,歡迎收聽!!!




18 則留言:

  1. 實在太想看《華麗孽緣》了,但我只能租碟!《鐵甲奇俠》則無甚麼期待...怎麼還沒介紹《小心有牙》?
    [版主回覆05/01/2008 18:08:00]只能租碟? WHY? NOT
    interested in 鐵甲奇俠? Oh... I guess you cannot wait to watch it. I think
    many teenagers will love this entertaining blockbuster. Why don't you
    want to see it? Teeth will be released after 2 weeks. I also want to talk about it with Ka Ka. Thus, I will wait and see if she is free.

  2. 我都超期待 "華麗孽緣", 由 "迷失東京" 開始已經勁鍾意 scarlette, 特別喜歡她在 "愛上塔羅牌殺手" 的表現, 可惜今個星期沒有時間...
    [版主回覆05/02/2008 12:54:00]A beautiful and charismatic actress who can act. AGREE!

  3. 今日都睇左呢兩齣,都幾好睇,但唔算有驚喜
    [版主回覆05/02/2008 12:56:00]wow two films on one day haha... Iron Man is very entertaining!!!

  4. Too busy, will watch Iron Man when DVD release...
    BTW, just completed review on <The Silence> (Last of Silence Trio), welcome to visit myblog and share.Will write Ingmar Bergman's most difficult film <Persona> later this weekend.
    [版主回覆05/02/2008 12:56:00]Keep it UP!

  5. Kenji, 有冇睇《敵對同謀》呀?我看完半張VCD,好想割凳呀!悶悶悶!
    [版主回覆05/02/2008 23:39:00]I have not seen it. It is said that many foreigners love it, but many HK people dislike the film. HAHAHA!!! Cherry told me that watching this film needed patience and she thought it was a good movie. I guess it is well-cast, but it may be long and hard to follow.... just guess hahaha.

  6. 何需大驚小怪 ?
    大部分亞洲人最終喜愛西方動作電影 . 因為文化和思想不同 , 如西方電影關於 政治 , 機智 , 用腦 , 猜謎 , 智力競賽 . 社會問題 , 家庭探究等 ,   我目擊大部分亞洲觀眾對其他種類電影不感興趣與關注 .  
    香港人眼淺 . 最終喜愛動作電影 .   口水多過茶電影不感興 . 何需大驚小怪 ?
    [版主回覆05/03/2008 13:54:00]Thanks for your sharing. I personally love both types of movies including the ones requiring me to think and the ones appealing to me with visuals and actions.

  7. Yes Yes Kenji. 我看了Iron Man~It's Sooo Goood~ I love it:)
    [版主回覆05/03/2008 13:54:00]Entertaining blockbuster!!! ^^ BUT I prefer Spiderman. How about you?

  8. Dear all, JUST finished talking about Rogue. Welcome to listen to a newly added clip. It is also a film released this week.

  9. Thanks to visit my blog!I hope you can like it!
    [版主回覆05/04/2008 16:39:00]Welcome. Hope that you day you will become a fireman and contribute to the HK society.

  10. 點解要將這一條新clip放在同一日的空格裏?
    [版主回覆05/04/2008 17:13:00]The film was also released on the same day, so I put it in the same box. ^^

  11. Thanks for your support!I will study and work hard!
    [版主回覆05/05/2008 12:59:00]Add OIL!!!

  12. The Other Boleyn Girl is neither intriguing nor boring, just like just like what I expected.  I like all the three main actress/actors (especially Natalie Portman), although how the sisters split and then  made up again. was not very convincing  Anyway, the movie is not bad and I think girls may like it more......
    [版主回覆05/07/2008 12:50:00]Exactly! Some changes come too suddenly. It is fortunate that the cast is attractive. I think you should see Iron Man WOR!!!

  13. you're so cruel - the French-moulded Anne should be 拖出去斬頭. With her seductive charm, I think she should be spared the sword and be rewarded with the burning stake instead! Echo your views that Anne isn't remarkably transformed after Fr, that was one of the 'popcorn moment' for me (welcome to visit my blog)
    Nor could the script, as you pointed out, bring out the fire in the two catty actresses. Here's another Anne-returns-from-Fr scene you mentioned in mov-reviews. This is one saucy, witty woman a king should fall for, I think.
    Helena Bonham Carter as Anne    
    [版主回覆05/10/2008 11:56:00]HAHAHA just kidding je Agree that she has not changed much after the trip to France. AND the two actresses lack chemistry.

  14. 我見到Jason話: 《敵對同謀》呀?我看完半張VCD,好想割凳呀!悶悶悶!
    [版主回覆05/11/2008 11:35:00]Many people say so ar... I still have not watched it hahaha... you know, too many films are released every Thursday. Attending the previews is already very tiring and so I have less time to watch VCDs or DVDs... I had better watch more during the Summer Holidays hahahaha.

  15. 充滿期待地入場看Iron Man, 結果超出預期, Robert Downey完全帶動整齣戲!
    [版主回覆05/12/2008 17:18:00]WA... 充滿期待 and then 超出預期... RARE! people may feel disappointed usually. I love Iron Man very much... but I still prefer Spiderman hahaha.

  16. Just watched Iron Man! Love it very much, just like the 超合金機械人 we played when we were kids. And i love the 'stupid' mechanic arm that always tried to put out the fire, haha.
    [版主回覆05/18/2008 22:32:00]haha... I love robots!!! BUT I still prefer Spider Man which has messages. Still, Iron Man is an entertaining blockbuster!!! I love the character design.

  17. Really disappointed at Eric Bana, who was excellent in "Munich", in taking this role as Henry VIII. The script has not put much effort in describing him, but a superficial sex-addict and coward. Besides, he is in danger of being compared with Jonathan Rhy Meyers in "Tudors", which received a lot of praise.
    [版主回覆06/13/2008 19:51:00]I have just seen Munich hahahaha... I like the film. By the way, I think his performance in 華麗孽緣 is not very impressive, but I think it is not his fault. The problem is that some characters in the film are paper-thin.

  18. Spiderman 同 Batman Begins 都有messages………
    好過 Iron Man ………
    Iron Man 勝在塑造左個好可愛既角色………
    [版主回覆06/18/2008 21:09:00]I think The Incredible Hulk has some messages. 每個人也有善良和邪惡的一面。愛能導人向善;暴力只會令衝突升級。電影講述主角如何學習控制情緒,把邪念變成正能量。There are some more... if you have time, you may listen to my show. The Incredible Hulk 對主角複雜性格的描寫比《鐵甲奇俠》更深入。He experiences personal growth. As time goes by, you can see his growing mastery of the Green Monster because of his girlfriend's love.
