
影畫絮語 - 沙煲兄妹日記 + 美國清一 Sick 檔案

影畫絮語 www.mov-reviews.com 是一個網上播放的電影評論節目,歡迎收聽!!!



SICKO --- 4.5 / 5

The Savages --- 4 / 5

10 則留言:

  1. 我一定唔會睇《小心有牙》!
    我都想看《沙煲兄妹日記》。我記得你之前與cherry談及奧斯卡時,你說「Laura Linney,哇!唔係好識喎!」其實Laura Linney在2003年中《真的戀愛了》嶄露頭角,以清純女孩示人。然後逐漸憑着努力,由寂寂無聞變成現在的影壇阿姐!真架勢!我在《保姆日記》也有一睹她的風姿!
    [版主回覆04/25/2008 22:20:00]Laura Linney - I have seen six of her films. They are The Savages, Kinsey, You can Count on me, Love Actually, Mystic River and The Laramie Project. I only remember her appearances in  the first three films hahaha. My memory is obviously  not as good as yours. Other hosts are VERY BUSY, so am I. As there are not many films released recently, we wanna take a break!!!  Indeed, Cherry has got a NEW job. Vincent is preparing for his drama performance. Gavin is working on his thesis. Ka Ka wants to take a break after HKIFF. Now, I can practise my speaking skills and hosting the show alone. I am also satisfied with my performance! Other hosts will come back soon. ^^ By the way, I have to thank several bloggers (Perdition, Ka Ka, Little Gold Fish, Mandy, etc.) for sending me emails and leaving messages in the blog. They also like my solo recordings. NO editing gar hahaha.

  2. kenji,你的聲音真感性呀!令我很有興趣觀看《美國清一sick檔案》。但在我記憶之中,我不是經常看紀錄片的,不知道該用哪一個角度來看紀綠片?紀綠片又會否很沉悶?
    [版主回覆04/25/2008 23:27:00]THANKS... I was moved by Sicko and was a bit emotional when I did the recording. I personally like this episode too. Documentary is not necessarily boring. It can be very entertaining. I think you should watch it, as a secondary school student who is talented and loves thinking. GO GO GO! You will like it, I believe!!!

  3. 嘩, 我好想睇Savages呀, 你俾四星tim , 好...等我一陣聽吓你講乜先...再揾日睇吓!
    [版主回覆04/26/2008 12:33:00]The cast is flawless and this realistic story will lead to catharsis if you have a similar experience. I think the film is made with heart.

  4. Sicko is very entertaining, while successfully pointing out the ridiculous truth about the medical system of the US. What seems to be the problem there? As Moore summed up, it's the selfishness of the people in USA, Congressman, drug company and insurance company all benefiting at the expense of the patients. Everyone just wants to take care of themselves, as the result of the so-called "Freedom", that is glorified by USA.
    Having said that, the handling method by Moore is still somehow exaggerated, biased and manipulative sometimes. esp when he investigated the situations in other countries....e.g. 睇病需要排長龍, 英國醫生人手不足及人工偏低也給Moore避重就輕...總之他很聰明地只取其所想要的片段和訊息...不過佢拍得好清晰有條理,好抵死好笑同好諷刺,就又係真嘅!
    其實, 世上沒有免費午餐, 醫療也是要付出沉重開支的; 因此, 要全民免費醫療, 稅項必定會重到幾頂唔順, 還要是有錢的人負擔了窮苦的一群呢~~~每種方案都有得有失, 問題是大家想自私自利只顧自己, 還是人人為我, 我為人人的偉大情操呢?!? 香港人真的要以些片為借鑒
    [版主回覆04/27/2008 22:53:00]Thanks a lot! I am unconsciously aware of the problem you mentioned ... hahaha ... perhaps the film is so moving and entertaining that I overlook those flaws. Some people even doubt if it is a DOCUMENTARY. Despite those flaws, I love Sicko as it makes me FEEL and THINK At least, it makes me REFLECT on the Hong Kong situation. I am politically cold you know hahaha... Thanks for your sharing and I think you do enjoy watching this film. I think we should urger our friends to see it. ^^

  5. Just wrote sth about Ingmar Bergman's 1st film of Silence Triology, welcome to visit my blog and share.  
    [版主回覆04/28/2008 12:49:00]Sure thanks for the information.

  6. 呢兩齣都好好睇 不過Sicko感覺上太多bias....
    [版主回覆04/29/2008 13:22:00]Bias... yes to a cretain extent, but  I think most of the evidence is convincing. I also think the film successfully moves a politically cold guy to think about the issue and so I think it is a good film. It makes me feel (angry, amused and sad) and think (about the US medical system). I do love the black humor i.e. 911 heros VS terrorists hahaha
    thanks so much for leaving a message here. 4res also has a yahoo blog now ^^

  7. 上週看了「The Savages」,電影描寫的問題可是很實在,很喜歡最後的 ending,很positive,雖然大部份時間,電影有很暗,很不開心,但最後一幕可是帶給生氣。
    [版主回覆04/29/2008 13:23:00]EXACTLY! Never give up and be happy, though life is painful in nature (i.e. the dog at the end). I think that's the message of this realistic film.

  8. 還未看《清一色》呢
    [版主回覆05/08/2008 22:31:00]I strongly recommend this film to you!

  9. hiya!just watched these two movies n listened to your prog at last.
    I like your interpretation of the ending (dog aided by a mini wheelchair) in The Savages that there're bound to be painful moments in life, but that shouldn't discourage us. Very perceptive!
    On Wen - you're one close viewer! Agree with you that she's perhaps too eager to shower what she thinks is good on everyone around her, not just on her dad, but john - remember she repeatedly presses him to take anti-depressant and get married cos he's 40. Ironically, this often sets off a series of bickering, even yelling. But I try to explain this and john's behaviour by the effects of adverts on us (the need to feel good/自我感覺良好 and to conform to feel normal) in my blog, come visit soon.
    One thing about the ending tho, how would you interpret Wen's taking care of the dog? Is she overtaking matters and choosing what's good for the dog according to her own values, or is it a new beginning for two sad souls? Has she grown? or you have other views?  
    [版主回覆05/17/2008 00:22:00]Thanks a lot for listening to the programme. The last scene implies
    that life is painful (i.e. the dog after the operation - the owner
    mentioned that it would have a difficult time even after operation),
    but we should remain positive (i.e. running towards the sun, with a
    smile). The
    of adverts on us  - I am reading your article and find it very
    insightful and original... this is the first time I have read a review
    mentioning this... it sounds plausible. VERY impressive 
    Choosing what's good for
    the dog according to her own values??? Maybe... However, in my opinion,
    it is not what the director wants to focus on. The director just wants
    to point out the nature of life (which is painful) and the smile implies that we should 坦然面對中年危機及家庭成員的生老病死 ,
    so I don't think it is the beginning of 2 sad souls. Right... she has
    grown up. She eventually finds that her Dad's death can come quietly
    and inevitably.

  10. 沙煲兄妹日記 + 美國清一 Sick 檔案都有看,很好看。
    [版主回覆05/18/2008 00:59:00]Yes...Be Kind Rewind is the best film released this week. Watch it in your spare time.
