
半島瑞士風情 Chesa

香煎鵝肝 Foie gras - quite good, but without surprise, too small & expensive

蟹肉班戟 Crab Meat Pancake with Lobster Sauce - delicate, fresh and appetizing

芝士新薯 Hot melted cheese with new potatoes, pickled onions and gherkins

Boneless beef spare rib braised in red wine - soft & juicy

伊面士牛仔 Sliced Veal - I love the mashed potato

瑞士雪糕屋 Chalet Suisse - it looks cosy, but does not taste special

地址 : 尖沙咀半島酒店一樓
電話 : 2315 3169

Food : 4.5 / 5
Service : 4.5 / 5
Environment : 4.5 / 5
Price : $700 per head

Kenji Chan: The Peninsula is just like another world, humming, glowing yellow and oozing refined elegance and a sense of nostalgia. Gaddi's will be my next target, when I have money.

AM: 像 "家"一樣温暖而又不會令我感到有壓力的地方

Don Quixote : 燈光昏黃,燭光閃爍,予人很溫暖的感覺。典雅的餐具,服務員親切平實的態度仿佛回到中古瑞士人的溫馨農舍。

火輪船 : 裝修很有山區農舍風情,沒有高級餐廳給人的壓迫感,反而有很溫暖的感覺,侍應的招呼亦很到位。愛芝士的人士必食。

17 則留言:

  1. 嘩~~~睇到口水流 ﹗真失禮 ﹗very good ar
    [版主回覆05/23/2011 10:30:00]Thanks. It is a once-in-a-lifetime dining experience.

  2. 負擔不起
    [版主回覆05/23/2011 19:56:00]That's why it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience to me haha.

  3. Chesa is a very famous Swiss restaurant in Hong Kong, but never visited before.  I remembered there was another not-so-famous one in 1990s, but  it seems that one already closed long time ago.
    [版主回覆05/23/2011 20:01:00]Yes it is renowned and I really like the atmosphere as I could feel completely at ease despite dining in this very famous hotel, thanks to the friendly and accommodating waiters. I am interested in visiting Gaddi's, but it is just too expensive and I have to dress formally.

  4. 啲咁高級的餐廳,真係唔係好啱我呢啲小市民......
    [版主回覆05/24/2011 22:06:00]So am I, but it is a nice experience. After all, I do not need to be a millionaire to spend 700 dollars on a dining experience.

  5. yeah ~ i love the cheese fondue there ~ 
    [版主回覆05/24/2011 21:50:00]I have tried the traditional one in Switzerland and cannot put up with the strong taste. ^^

  6. 總有機會去第二次嘅,事在人為!
    (不過成七百蚊,我就寧願去換戲票啦 )
    [版主回覆05/24/2011 22:07:00]Maybe not! I may save some money and try another one ^^!!!

  7. 穿着......
    [版主回覆05/24/2011 22:18:00]Exactly! Indeed, the customers are only required to wear long sleeved clothes and trousers. Formal dressing is not required. I agree with a Yahoo blogger that 沒有高級餐廳給人的壓迫感. Gaddi's is different though. Formal dressing is required and the dishes are more expensive. However, I don't think I will go there as I don't enjoy wearing a tie.

  8. The Pancake looks good!!! I want to try it. Could I go there and just order this dish? haha~
    [版主回覆05/25/2011 17:55:00]I think so, though it is a bit weird to just order an appetizer, haha. It costs 200 dollars, expensive in my opinion, but the texture is delicate and I was surprised.

  9. 我從來未食過鵝肝呀....都好厚身喎~~~
    [版主回覆05/25/2011 17:57:00]I think you can try foie gras in other places. The one here is just too expensive. You know what?! I could feel his emotions while listening to his performance. Excellent!!!

  10. $700 per head!!!
    [版主回覆06/01/2011 11:43:00]Quite expensive indeed, but I had a great time. ^^

  11. you can't complain the recommendation from me are too expensive next time, haha!  ;-) and look like you have reserved the who restaurant for private party ;->
    [版主回覆06/03/2011 18:07:00]Hey I seldom patronize this kind of restaurants, but you do haha. P.S. We arrived at 6:15 p.m. and we were the first ones.

  12. I enjoy the high tea @ Peninsula very much!
    [版主回覆06/03/2011 18:25:00]I tried it many years ago, quite good. I will try the one at ICC.

  13. what did you order for drink?
    [版主回覆06/05/2011 14:19:00]Just water, free. I personally do not drink wine as I am allergic. I also do NOT drink coffee at night, or I can't fall asleep.

  14. no wonder only 700 per head as u didn't order any drink.  ha ha!! 
    [版主回覆06/05/2011 14:45:00]RIGHT. If we had, it would have been more expensive.

  15. Haven't tried the one @ ICC.
    Hope can find a chance to go to there la!
    [版主回覆06/06/2011 13:10:00]Worth a try because of the view haha.

  16. really missed this one...haven't been here for ages...
    [版主回覆06/13/2011 20:02:00]I'm still looking for nice restaurants, so I will not try this one in a short period of time.

  17. 我想去半島HIGHTEA, 你有無TRY? GOOD ?
    [版主回覆11/20/2011 14:52:41]once many years ago... not very impressive frankly speaking... not sure if it is better now.
