
丼吉日本吉列專門店 + UCC Coffee Shop

丼吉日本吉列專門店餐廳 Tonkichi Tonkatsu Seafood

地址: 銅鑼灣世貿中心412室
電話: 2577 6617

Food: 4 / 5

Service: 4 / 5

Environment: 4 / 5

Price: Meal - Around $220 per head

Comments: Tonkichi Tonkatsu Seafood is a nice choice if you love Tonkatsu. The waitress politely introduced different sauces. The food is golden and crisp, but not oily. The porks are nice, but less impressive than the oysters and prawns. After the meal, you are suggested to drink Chinese herb tea to get rid of the internet heat. Please be reminded that bookings should be made one week in advance. Otherwise, one is advised to wait outside the restaurant at 5:45. Despite the nice food and service, I may not visit it often because of the unpleasant feelings mouth ulcers cause and the rather high price.

Recommended Dishes:

UCC Coffee Shop
地址: 銅鑼灣廣場一期2樓

Food: 4 / 5

Service: 4 / 5

Environment: 4 / 5

Price: Meal - Around $120 per head

Comment: UCC Coffee Shop is famous for its coffee, desserts and fresh salad.

Recommended Dishes:
朱古力夾餅 [ see the pic]
沙律 - Very Fresh [no pic]
綠茶芭菲 [no pic]

P.S. I do not recommend the fruit parfait 鮮果芭菲 [ see the pic] because some may dislike the green syrup.

一年未緣 Another Year 4.5 / 5
愛有新世界 In a Better World / Hævnen 4.3 / 5

愛情潛水 Submarine 4.1 / 5
母親的告白 Incendies 4 / 5
我,看見惡魔 I Saw the Devil 3.5 / 5

21 則留言:

  1. WOO.. YUMMY!! 我都食過呢兩間。幾好食呀!!! 我鐘意食 丼吉 既菜呀! 好爽架... D 飯都幾好.. 軟綿綿。
    [版主回覆03/08/2011 19:40:00]What a coincidence!!!

  2. 你由寫 影評 變左做 食評喎.. ^^
    [版主回覆03/08/2011 19:41:00]Just some brief sharing. Dare not call it a review.

  3. 好好味吉列蠔和吉烈炸蝦 ~~等我都去試下先。
    [版主回覆03/08/2011 19:41:00]吉列吉列吉列 I love 吉列

  4. UCC Coffee Shop 在尖沙咀好像也有一間?我試過法式西多,不錯
    [版主回覆03/08/2011 19:47:00]Really? Not sure! Just familiar with the one in Causeway Bay.

  5. 自問非常喜歡食朱古力,亦好鍾意配香蕉,兩樣嘢一齊食簡直係極品~~~~ 甜品我都好like,三樣加埋就是"賣飛佛'了~~~~ 但 "朱古力夾餅 " ......睇相都覺得超甜.....
    [版主回覆03/08/2011 19:48:00]OK wor... not too sweet and the 夾餅 is hot and soft. Yummy!!!

  6. Sesame sauces with the golden & crisp food must be delicious
    [版主回覆03/08/2011 19:49:00]Agree... but it leads to internal heat right after the meal.

  7. 想不到你這樣回應~~很風趣,我一邊睇這句一邊諗緊你講的時候個樣子
    [版主回覆03/08/2011 22:15:00]HAHAHA... I am just like a kid sometimes and I really love crispy food. Hey, what films will you watch at HKIFF? Remember to let me know. ^^

  8. 你影的食物相,跟你的影評一樣精彩! My rating on your food photo:   (out of 5 claps, or 4.5/5)
    [版主回覆03/08/2011 22:16:00]Wow... so high!!! So happy that you use your rating to rate my photos. Thanks so much. Very touching!!!

  9. 我不是睇好多,你會否列出時間表,等我對下...有冇機會一齊睇LA
    [版主回覆03/09/2011 23:23:00]OKOK!!!

  10. 好精彩D食物...
    [版主回覆03/10/2011 11:21:00]Thanks! Let's treasure every beautiful moment in our lives.

  11. Hey, hw r u?? Kidult??? hahahahaha I love these food reviews!!! And I am so envy that u seems won't getting fat even u always eat.
    [版主回覆03/10/2011 21:09:00]It proves that I am good at putting on clothes which hide my growing belly, not baby.

  12. Agree...
    [版主回覆03/10/2011 21:10:00](Empty)

  13. 歡迎你昨天的到訪, 有時間就再黎啦!
    [版主回覆03/12/2011 10:59:00]Sure!

    [版主回覆03/15/2011 22:13:00]Let's pray for Japan. I have a Japanese friend who still has not replied to my email. So worried about him.


  15. 5滴口水 ~ 好味指數爆燈呀!!!!
    [版主回覆03/17/2011 12:43:00]but rather expensive in my opinion. ^^

  16. 芝麻醬好似係自己調,用乜野調出來架
    [版主回覆03/21/2011 22:32:00]芝麻醬好似係自己調 - RIGHT! 用乜野調出來架 - Just mix the BBQ sauce with the sesame.


  17. I bought one mini set of this from Japan, but I never use it, let me  make some sesame sauce
    [版主回覆03/24/2011 08:58:00]Why did you buy it then haha? Of course, it looks decent. ^^

  18. It is cute & inexpensive...... about $1 USD 2 years ago
    [版主回覆03/25/2011 14:52:00]OK WOR!!!

  19. 嘩~~~~好吸引呀!!!!!!!!!
    [版主回覆03/31/2011 17:16:00]Yummy!!!

  20. I really want to have some dessert now.
    [版主回覆04/02/2011 00:14:00]Pokka Cafe - Tiramisu 蜜嘜格格多士伴雪糕 - highly recommended!!!!!!

  21. 我一定不會再幫襯丼吉,因為我覺得太貴了。+_+ 除非有人請,呵呵。~~
    [版主回覆04/06/2011 09:29:00]And I hate mouth ulcers...
