
最後車站 The Last Station

The Last Station is a beautifully shot historical drama with one of the best cast ensembles in 2010.

The story is romantic and moving. Although marriage is not always a bed of roses and some may long to escape from its fetters and tortures, there are always some joyful moments. On one's deathbed, one always thinks of his lifelong companion and home, no matter who you are. Thanks to the stellar cast and a witty script, my eyes were filled with tears in the last scene.

Helen Mirren, who flawlessly played her complex role, should have got the best actress Oscar (or Meryl Streep ). As a countess, she has to look strong and unyielding. As a wife, she is just a little bird sometimes, heartbroken when betrayed. The emotional turmoil her character undergoes throughout the movie is flawlessly displayed. Thanks to the close-ups, every nuance of her facial expression is subtly captured. Besides, there is an irresistible chemistry between the two charismatic leads. Undeniably, Christopher Plummer's and James McAvoy's performances are also convincing and entrancing.

Although there is not enough Tolstoy and the ending is predictable, I highly recommend it to movie lovers looking for a showcase for superb acting and fans of Helen Mirren and James McAvoy. 4 / 5

20 則留言:

  1. As I knew, helen's role is originally belonged to Meryl.
    Off topic, did u see It's complicated, waiting for your review.
    [版主回覆03/20/2010 14:49:00]Oh really? Thanks for telling. Both are my favorite actresses. I have seen It's Complicated. The characters are not well
    developed enough, esp. the architect played by Steven Martin. Meryl Streep is superb, but
    she cannot save this movie with paper-thin characters. Besides, the three actors
    playing the woman's children fail to give convincing performances. Its romance also outweighs its comedy. In other words, it is not entertaining enough, as a commercial rom-com. Not bad, but just so so to me. 3 / 5 Thanks for your visit anyway.

  2. This one...Hmmm...Maybe good, especially after read your introduction, but still I will watch Peter Jackson's new movie "The lovely bones" tomorrow.
    [版主回覆03/20/2010 16:15:00]Yes Kari! It is beautifully acted and I was touched by the bitter sweet
    love. Of course it is not a very entertaining movie. I have been
    eager to watch The Lovely Bones since Atonement, but the mediocre foreign reviews
    make me hesitate. If I had spare time, I would try to watch Echoes of
    the Rainbow. ^^

  3. 我剛剛看完這部及歲月神偷回來...兩部都很值得看...=] Helen Mirren演的好極了~~~很同意你的感想!!!
    [版主回覆03/20/2010 18:22:00]Wow ZO, miss you so much. Thanks for your visit. Oh... Both are worth seeing?! Then I should squeeze time to watch 歲月神偷. Very busy these days. SIGH...

  4. 我看了這電影,感覺是夫妻的感情的確不容易維繫,即使是老夫老妻﹗不過,可能這才是更珍貴,看到最後臨終的片段都很感動﹗
    [版主回覆03/20/2010 23:49:00]very touching, isn't it... though it may not be very entertaining. ^^

  5. 今日也考慮過睇最後車站...
    不過還是選了看 SHUTTER ISLAND...我真係未試過咁認真去睇一套戲...所以都要在部落格寫下那種感覺...
    [版主回覆03/21/2010 14:04:00]Wanna watch Shutter Island too. Hopefully I will have time.

  6. Must to see "Shutter Island" !    
    [版主回覆03/22/2010 23:17:00](Empty)

  7. Hi~Kenji~ 我剛剛看完歲月神偷,很好看呢~ ~ ~~~Warning~~~ ~ 特別是最後哥哥死了,真的很可憐. 我看見當時人們(特別窮人)受到別人欺壓, 當時沒有錢真的很多事也做不成, 當時警察要收錢才保護你,讓你可以做生意, 當時有病住醫院都先要錢,連護士都要收錢才對你有一些基本的照顧, 連輸血都要錢買,血都有分新鮮或雪藏, 看到當時人們生活的艱苦,明白到現在我們比他們的生活好得多, 不過,我們現在的生活也有比以前的人沒有的困難&悲哀. 例如回望戲中人們每晚吃飯時也會一起坐在附近一起吃, 大家的飯菜會互相分享,一起聊天,關係十分密切. 相反現在鄰里關係如此疏離,甚至連對方的姓氏樣貌也不知道, 正所謂「雞犬之聲相聞,民至老死不相往來。」 這是我們其中一個悲哀.
    [版主回覆03/22/2010 20:42:00]Still have not seen it. So busy these days... the reviews are generally
    good, so I will not miss it. Just not sure if I will watch it in a
    cinema or buy the VCD later.

  8. 真是十分抱歉,Kenji,
    [版主回覆03/23/2010 19:18:00]No problem! I guess it is yahoo blog's problem. Sigh... I can't delete
    messages in my blog right now...

  9. 剛才出了問題,真的很抱歉阻了你這麼多位置
    [版主回覆03/23/2010 19:19:00]NO problem!!! Thanks for sharing your review.

  10. 哈哈... 我剛做完功課, 睇緊blog, 仲未休息?
    係咪心思思想去睇呢? 真係要睇呀...
    [版主回覆03/23/2010 19:19:00]Slept at 11:30 last night after preparing for my lessons.

  11. I just finised my book report. 
    Wanna to see the SHUTTER ISLAND ? ... gogogo
    [版主回覆03/23/2010 19:20:00]I will see it for sure. I'll share how I feel after watching it.

  12. I shared my thought in my blog after watching Shutter Island ... i want to watch it again
    i will watch the lovely bones coming Sat if i have a time...
    [版主回覆03/23/2010 23:52:00]No time to watch Lovely Bones... Shutter Island first!

  13. Guess you're really busy... take care !
    [版主回覆03/24/2010 17:51:00]Thanks so much.

  14. thx a lot~
    [版主回覆03/24/2010 17:53:00]You are welcome!!!

  15. 我也有看這套
    [版主回覆03/25/2010 19:14:00]GOOD!

  16. Hello Kenji,
    最近有很多好電影, 您一定忙透了. 哈哈 !
    Nine 華麗后台 85 分 Up In The Air 寡佬飛行日記 80 分 Percy Jackson & The Olympians : The Lightning Theft 波西傑克森 : 神火之賊 70 分 The Last Station 最後車站 75 分 The Blind Side 守護有心人 80 分 Crazy Heart聲聲相識 80 分 Precious 天生不是寶貝 80 分 3D Alice In Wonderland (Eng) 3D 愛麗絲夢遊仙境(英) 75 分 The Lovely Bones 屍中罪 80 分 Echoes Of The Rainbow 歲月神偷 80 分 Shutter Island 不赦島 85 分 The Hurt Locker 拆彈雄心 80 分 A Single Man 單身男人 80 分
    我自己好喜歡 The Lovely Bones, 但發覺好多人唔鍾意, 希望有機會聽下您意見. Bye.
    [版主回覆03/25/2010 21:05:00]Ar Tong, thanks for your sharing. Haven't watched The Lovely Bones because of the mediocre reviews. I will surely see the Shutter Island though. Also interested in 歲月神偷... hopefully I will have time. ^^

  17. Helen is great!不過James 更令我眼前一亮。
    [版主回覆03/27/2010 23:53:00]James's Russian accent is really impressive. This story is also surprisingly moving... originally thought it might be a bit boring.

  18. Helen Mirren係咪演瘋婦呀?*0*好吸引喎! 總係覺得James McAvoy會沒什麼人留意~
    [版主回覆03/28/2010 00:38:00]Of course NOT hahaha... She was just heartbroken as her husband argues with her. James McAvoy is surely one of my favorite actors. I think he has some fans.

  19. 個個都是演技派,擦出火花...
    [版主回覆04/22/2010 11:21:00]Very true. Somehow it reminds me of what Jesus says. His sacred words are interpreted by humans in many different ways and so who is right? Who is wrong? What are his true lessons? 

  20. 終於看完這部電影, Helen Mirren 真的爐火純清, 但估唔到JAMES MCAVOY 演出都好細膩, 他近期的CONSPIRATOR 演得亦非常到位! 跟他同輩的演員, 很多也及不上他.  
    [版主回覆06/25/2011 14:22:00]I really like this actor. I recommend The Last King of Scotland to you.
