
影畫絮語 - 換命謊言 + 課室風雲




29 則留言:

  1. 嘩~最近太多好戲, 睇都睇唔切
    [版主回覆02/13/2009 23:09:00]HELP ~~~ Too many good films in February. From Monday to Thursday, I watched movies every night. I have watched FOUR this week. The more films I watch, the more shows I have to make. HELP ~~~!!! By the way, both are good films!!! ^0^

  2. 太多好戲,太少時間,點算?
    [版主回覆02/14/2009 00:46:00]Only watching movies is still OK, but I begin to have a headache when I think of talking about every film I have watched, haha.

  3. 我的生活卻容不下其他事情...
    [版主回覆02/14/2009 10:23:00]I love people around me every day, so it is not a special day to me. Anyway, I wish you happiness every day!!!


  4. 情人節快樂喔

    [版主回覆02/14/2009 10:24:00]THANKS!

    情人節快樂 !! kenji chan
    [版主回覆02/14/2009 11:38:00]You too!

  6. 睇了yes man ,感覺不錯 找時間去看幽靈奇俠,雖然在看試片的同事給的口評不太好
    [版主回覆02/14/2009 23:29:00]I have not watched Yes Man. The foreign reviews are so so and I personally dislike the leading actor. The foreign reviews of 幽靈奇俠 are very negative.

  7. Kenji , when do you talk about ''Milk'' ?
    [版主回覆02/14/2009 23:39:00]I will formally upload them (Milk & My Bloody Valentine 3D) on Wednesday. Thanks for your interest in the show, Hei!

  8. "The Class" looks like a French version of "Freedom Writers" to me, but I love this type of movies, very touching.
    [版主回覆02/14/2009 23:39:00]I have seen the trailer of Freedom Writer. They look similar in certain ways, but The Class looks like a documentary, while I guess Freedom Writer is a drama.

  9. 呢兩套真係好想睇,係呢個月嘅首選!!!都好同意你講"Too many good films in February",我都開始有d睇唔切嘅感覺,呢個星期已經去咗兩日戲院了..........下星期仲要睇多三套,Come on!!!Is anyone can help???有好多戲可能要到三月頭先可以睇la..........
    By the way,你有興趣〈Rachel Getting Married〉同〈Confession of Shopaholic〉嗎???
    [版主回覆02/15/2009 00:10:00]I attended 4 previews from Monday to Friday. I am dying!!! I will watch two tomorrow. Besides, I have to upload the shows. HELP~~~!!! Rachel Getting Married is a must see, but Confession of Shopaholic's reviews are quite negative, so I will skip it. ^^

  10. 哈哈!!!咁就唔駛怕了,有人同我一樣咁癲!!!但係我有時覺得夜晚睇戲會勁眼瞓,第二日會虛脫咁款,下星期會睇咗〈Revolutionary Road〉同〈Changeling〉先,盡可能都唔會比自己一個星期攰得太緊要,同埋要清吓碟,所以真係出街都要度期,冇辦法了............
    我唔記得同你講我睇咗〈Seven Pounds〉了......真係很一般,但係都算係睇得過la!!!因為個信息都幾理想,只係太另類,我唔太接受到!!!
    [版主回覆02/15/2009 00:45:00]碟? I have not seen any DVDs for long because of the show. So sad!!! The reviews of Seven Pounds are negative and so I will not watch it.

  11. 咁又真係唔多值得入戲院睇嘅.......不過睇咗知你唔會睇都想話你知我覺得點............
    哈哈!!!我都唔好得你幾多,最近清碟慢買碟多,都唔知要幾耐至清得晒屋企d碟,仲要比我睇咗〈Vicky Cristina Barcelona〉睇到中晒毒,而家搞到要晚晚睇一次,阻住晒d進度..........

  12. 其實你有冇諗過起一個Forum專講電影 我覺得Forum討論起上黎會方便過係Blog
    [版主回覆02/15/2009 02:31:00]Thanks for leaving a message. I am an IT idiot and so don't know how to make an online forum haha. Besides, using Yahoo Blog helps promote our website. Anyway, I enjoy blogging and have known lots of bloggers because of this radio station.

  13. hello kenji, long time did not visit you la......it seems i'll prefer to see 'changeling'  & 'revolutionary road' according to yr introduce.  Really a lot of movies want to see recently and also fortunately i got 'The Reader' free tickets next week..... haha!   By the way, i also think that it's a good idea what 拓英 said that building up a forum for chatting about movies !!!  don't you remember '閒人' is a professional for IT and maybe he can help you bor.......^^
    [版主回覆02/15/2009 21:05:00]1. I will definitely see The Reader! 2. HAHA... thanks for your advice! I am an IT idiot and may not be able to manage the forum by myself. 閒人 is busy too, though his name sounds relaxing hahaha... frankly I don't want to bring trouble to others. Anyway, people can discuss movies on our Youtube Channel and the Yahoo Blog. Thanks anyway!

  14. Kenji , I have heard your ''Milk'' review few mins before .I think ''Milk'' is my first choice this week . Thank you for your sharing !
    [版主回覆02/15/2009 20:59:00]Welcome and thanks for listening! I love this film too!

  15. both are must-see for me!
    [版主回覆02/15/2009 20:59:00]Especially Changeling!!!

  16. Kenji 你會唔會講下Valkyrie呀? 我覺得好好睇呀~ 雖然大家一早就知道最後結局係成功定失敗,但都拍得好精彩 希望你將來會改變主意,起返一個Forum
    [版主回覆02/15/2009 21:01:00]I will skip Valkyrie because there are too many films recently. For instance, I have seen 6 films within 7 days this week. By the way, thanks for opening a blog to leave messages here. Indeed people can discuss films on our Youtube Channel and the Yahoo Blog.

  17. That"s the why the people around u becoz you're a nice guy :-)
    [版主回覆02/16/2009 18:29:00]Thank you Angel! You are a nice girl too. Don't forget that you are an angel ^^.

  18. you will see 'the Reader' 優先場? my tickets is on this Sat in UA, it's the same to you?
    [版主回覆02/16/2009 18:31:00]NO. I will see the screening on 2/3. The PR told me that the screening next week is very full. So... I have to see it after Oscar.

  19. Changeling的Jolie我覺得演得有點過火,不過我倒是覺得很不安祖蓮娜朱莉,因為佢個look。
    Milk也快上了,到時想知道你的看法。我個人很喜歡這部戲,出演Milk情人的James franco在片中讓我看到了Heath Ledge的影子。原來他在蜘蛛俠有過演出,是在讓人看不出。
    [版主回覆02/16/2009 18:38:00]1. Jolie is too charismatic and looks like a super star, so I was not convinced, though I think she has tried her very best to act as a mother and touch the audience. I was moved indeed. Kate... I still have not seen The Reader and so dare not say who will win. 2. I have seen Milk and has talked about it in the show. I have uploaded the clip onto our Youtube Channel. Please look for it if you are interested. James Franco is extremely handsome and he resembles Heath to a certain extent.

  20. Kenji,聽說你早已將clips放在Youtube。但我總是喜歡在你的網站click入超連結,比較有「地道風味」。哇哈哈...
    [版主回覆02/16/2009 18:52:00]HAHAHA... AGREE!!! I love our website!!! 課室風雲 is very "French" and I am not sure if you will like the French culture. 換命謊言 is a must see. Very touching! RIGHT... I will "formally" upload the shows on Milk and My Bloody Valentine on Wednesday. When I use the word "formally", do you know what I mean? ^^

  21. 扣人心弦(不是「絃」)。
    今次係Angelina Jolie第一次在熒幕飾演母親,我看那些劇照和預告片,反而覺得佢的星味已經收斂到最少,真係好似一個傷心的母親。尤其預告片有一情節,係講佢發左癲,話「佢唔係我個仔」那兒,真的令人心絞痛!
    [版主回覆02/16/2009 19:01:00]Thanks so much. Have made the amendment. Right! VERY ANGRY!!! My students misbehave sometimes. SomeS7 students chew gum during the lessons and examinations.  Some have low self-esteem and are very protective. Some are trouble makers disturbing others in class. Some do not respect others. In my opinion, love is the most powerful weapon and some of my former students remind me of remaining positive. So touched!!! So... never use the word WE. There are still good students! The Class is a documentary like drama which is about education in France. NOT sure if you will like it frankly. BUT it may be the BEST foreign film at Oscar!

  22. 我記得你之前係節目公佈過,2009年9月1日你會轉校教書喎。不如索性黎我學校選啦!
    formally...?? 我估就係你一早會將clips upload在Youtube,但之後你就會「formally」將clips upload於你的website,對嗎?
    [版主回覆02/16/2009 19:47:00]HAHA! Are you schoolmates naughty? I don't wanna die too early. French movies are usually slow-paced, but this one is not.

  23. "Changeling"於我來說只是一套四平八穩的荷里活製作, 有訊息但沒驚喜.
    Angelina算是給人耳目一新的感覺, 但演技卻只流於表面, 未能打動我 (類似角色"密陽"中的全度研絕對精采得多).
    [版主回覆02/17/2009 16:53:00]It is a well crafted movie. I wonder if you agree that the kids perform very well and they surprise me. Angelina Jolie's performance is above average in my opinion. 全度研 @ 密陽 is more memorable indeed because we do not see an actress in that movie. ^^

  24. I can found the tears after watching CHANGELING. Thanks Clint.
    [版主回覆02/19/2009 21:22:00]I was touched too!!! May I recommend a Japanese film Departures to you? It is a moving film about death. I guess you will like it.

  25. Thanks for your recommendation.
    I can ONLY find tears when watching CHANGELING in 2009
    [版主回覆02/20/2009 18:30:00]Welcome! Self correction !!! Give you one more mark! ^^

  26. hi kenji, 昨天看了the Reader 啦, 但其實不懂致評呢!! 很想等你睇完之後聽你的專業分析呀!  你要到3月先睇呀?!  你昨天又唔去睇呀?  其實都有幾多位剩wor, 讓我可以看看你的盧山真面目嗎!  
    [版主回覆02/22/2009 19:48:00]The foreign reviews are above average, but I guess Kate performs so well that she is nominated for the best actress award. Anyway, I will see it in March. HAHA I look very ordinary. You have seen my pics here.

  27. but hope you don't expect so much for this movie!  it seems a little bit out of my expectation actually!  including Kate's appearance, she looks not beautiful in this film....... Also it seems want to bring a message about some adnormal behavior........  and a blogger told me that this film maybe finally lose any rewards because it's subject is so sensitive according to today's newspaper ...........
    [版主回覆02/22/2009 20:48:00]Wow it sounds mysterious hahaha. Thanks a lot.

  28. I love both movies here!!!
    Changeling to me is an excellent movie. It's simply gripping and moving. I was totally sucked into its drama, and was suffering together with the mother. What an emotional roller-coaster ride for me!!! This is an experience I haven't experienced in theatre for a long time~ Very well-crafted and acted (I can't recognise John Malkovich! and Jolie was unexpectedly good and motherly in it...but the little-known children were so great in it too!!!). A shocking true story transformed masterfully into a compelling movie...Bravo!
    Class on the other hand is excellent in its own way. Without a roller-coaster ride and gripping plot here, this documentary-like movie still manages to move and inspire the audience. It made me think and feel a lot about education and our society afterwards....Impressive!
    [版主回覆03/01/2009 15:38:00]Thanks so much for posting your review here. I love both films too, esp Changeling. Some dislike Jolie for overacting, but I personally think she acts well, though I still saw a superstar in the film. A few weeks ago, I thought it was the best film I had seen this year so far. Today, I pick Departures.

  29. Hello Kenji,我講咗兩個禮拜終於的起心肝今晚睇咗〈Changeling〉la!!!真係好好睇呀!!!個個睇完都話Angelina個造型似韓瑪莉.......其實我都覺得呀!!!今次個造型終於同靚女呢兩個字扯唔上關係la!!!
    [版主回覆03/04/2009 00:20:00]100% agree! BUT the ending does not tell us if his son survives it or not. Perhaps we might assume that he had been killed.
