A special independent HK film mixing drama and documentary ! The film stars REAL members of the HK Baseball Team who are not professional actors, and the audience should be aware that the love affairs depicted in the film are NOT true .
我以為你會講「文雀」tim~ 不過呢套戲都幾創新^^可能都會睇~ [版主回覆06/20/2008 08:43:00]Dont expect too much! Anyway, it is a special film... Sparrow... I will see it in my spare time.
The critics on this film is overwhelmly bad...is this film so bad? I will watch later to find out. [版主回覆06/20/2008 14:52:00]hahaha... I think there are too many messages in the film and no one can stand out. You will leave the theatre with lots of question marks. BUTthere is one plus... that's the setting and cinematography. I think it is a special HK film, but dont expect much. Share with us how you feel please. THANKS!
原來是documentary...挺吸引我呢....+o+ [版主回覆06/20/2008 15:00:00]Doucmentary (real members of the HK Baseball Team) + Drama (One of the characters is gay in the film, but he is not interested in men in the real world... of course, the love affairs with the girls are also NOT true)... be prepared that some "actors" cannot act and dont expect too much.
這樣也不被列為三級? 是否同志電影?? (何解有云是偽同志電影?) [版主回覆06/20/2008 15:10:00]1. A very interesting question!!! There are naked scenes, but it seems that they are artistically shot and look beautiful. So... haha dunno... um... perhaps I do admit that the naked scenes are neither disgusting nor offensive. 2. Frankly, I am afriad I am not sure of what the term really means. However, I would say the character's love for another character of the same sex comes too suddenly and is not well-developed. I do not understand why he suddenly falls in love with his team member... WHY??? There is a gay subplot, but in my opinion, it is confusing and unnecessary... the director may want to attract MORE people (e.g. gay) to watch this film... apart form those who love baseball. (Dont expect much as it seems that baseball is not the focus of the film)... anyway, you just cant get the main message delivered by the director... A very special HK film... but it fails to deliver any messages.
Wow...you're quick, and thanks for the report! It certainly stirs up lots of controversies in the city lately. But I'm scared that the director wants to do lots of things in this movie without a particular focus. That I don't like to see. (you know me...) I would like to know though...: 1. What's the targeted audience group? (in terms of age and gender...) 2. What would the director want to accomplish/say here? 3. Why the many (from what I heard) nude scenes and are they necessary? 4. Can it promote positively the baseball profession in HK? 5. Do you feel the sincerity and passion from the film makers? 6. How would it perform commercially in your opinion? (advertising costs not little already, right?!) I honestly heard a lot of bad things about this film, and so could you help to clarify my few queries above? Thanks again! [版主回覆06/20/2008 21:30:00]1. homosexuals. I really mean it... Besides, it targets at teenage girls as there are a few handsome men. 2. dreams / baseball / minorities in HK including gays & the baseball players 3. not necessary! The bathroom looks very weird... with purple and green lights. 4. More people will surely know that Hong Kong has a baseball team, but you will not know how the game is played and there are not enough training scenes. My answer is NO. 5. Some scenes are beautifully shot. I have mentioned it in the show. 6. It is an independent HK film... Once is a very good independent film, but commercially it won't appeal to lots of people... not to mention this one. I dont know how much Golden Scene has done to promote the film as it is said that the director has spent lots of money on the promotion, but I personally think the promotion is successful. Despite this, after several days, I believe, the box office may go down... because of the nature of the film. I wonder how many fans can the actors attract... On the whole, it is a special HK film, but I am confused by the messageS... Dont expect much, and you will find some interesting stuffs there. Will you watch it? Why are you so interested in the film?
wo 睇黎kenji對呢套戲有個好深既印象喎 去戲院睇既動機就完全冇喇, 不過租碟睇既話都得既,呢套港片個半月應該會出碟嫁喇 嘻嘻 [版主回覆06/20/2008 23:06:00] It is really special... I have not seen this kind of film before. It mixes documentary and drama... Although I don't think it is a good film which can successfully deliver the messages to the audience, I think it is an interesting try. VCDs? A good idea!!!!
To Wongka 1971: Some say it is a 掛羊頭,賣狗肉的偽同志電影... 羊頭 is baseball, while 狗肉 is men's bodies!!! I guess 偽同志電影 means that the gay subplot does not look authentic . In the film, one of the characters say, "If you don't know how to be a gay man, you can LEARN!"... However, someone find the line ridiculous because, to a certain extent, learning to be gay / straight is unlikely. I mean, if it can be learned, gay men should not exist because the TV programmes mainly depict heterosexual love. At the same time, after watching Brokeback Mountain and City Without Baseball, straight men won't become gay. -_-!!! The actors of City Without Baseball won't become gay too hahaha... so some say it is a fake gay film... criticizing the not-so-authentic dialogue and suggesting that the film does not truly reflect gay life. [版主回覆06/21/2008 01:38:00]One more point!!! someone says 盛夏光年 is a 偽同志電影, claiming that it is 拍給異性戀(尤其是女性)看的 and 嚴重扭曲同志族群. As I have said in the show, why does he suddenly love his team member? It seems to me that the gay subplot is there just because the director wants to attract more people (gay) to see the film, but unfortunately, gay people may find the gay subplot ridiculous and cannot identify themselves with the gay characters. In short, the film does not reflect the true nature of homosexuals.
ok,咁我想知documentary and drama既比例係點? drama應該全部都偏向愛情..其實如果全套戲有三成講愛情都還接受 因為聽廣告又話愛情友情暴力疑似搞gay乜鬼都關佢事 我怕因為咁,對觀眾分散左野球既影響力同存在 而且對於呢項運動唔多正面,姐係未必promo得到囉 點解要咁姐...我唔明囉...究竟係咪想發揚野球運動嫁?! 定係滿足全部自己想做既野? 搞到兩頭唔到岸,導演係有心思,但係方向似乎有所出錯 所以一直都覺得導演非常非常貪心, ================================================ 我不過都未睇過呢個片種( mixing drama and documentary) .. 哈哈 ============================================= 發覺得自己愈來愈[萌塞].... [版主回覆06/21/2008 12:20:00]RIGHT... this is NOT a docudrama e.g. Zodiac. Documentary and drama既比例係點? 30% documentary + 70% drama (RIGHT... mainly LOVE)... 係咪想發揚野球運動嫁?! 定係滿足全部自己想做既野? - I guess the answer is BOTH... but after seeing film... you will find that the intention at the very beginning is positive, but it turns out to look very artistic and there are too many messages. AGREE that 搞到兩頭唔到岸,導演係有心思,但係方向似乎有所出錯 - that's why I suggest making a documentary on this sport. Why does he talk about homosexuals in the film? 導演非常非常貪心 - agree!
When I bought tickets of the Sparrow, I was given an A-4 size file of City Without Baseball. The cover is the very controversial one on buses. I was so embarrassed carrying around the file in the shopping mall............and finally put it down somewhere.......hahahaha............. [版主回覆06/21/2008 12:08:00]You should send it to me Wa Ha Ha... By the way, I feel it is ok for a lady to use it. On the contrary, men may find it embarrassing.
點解要叫「無野之城」?什麼是「野」? 這齣電影的男角為甚麼要露械?咁這部電影該是三級了吧。 哇……那些真真正正的棒球隊成員竟敢在電影中露械?噁.... [版主回覆06/21/2008 12:05:00]野 means baseball in Japan. So the title implies that there is no baseball / dream in HK. 為甚麼要露械? HAHAHA I don't know. You had better ask the director. 級數 : IIB Those scenes are beautifully shot. 那些真真正正的棒球隊成員竟敢在電影中露械 - so some say their bravery to do so and act should be appreciated!!! ^^
Entertainment Weekly selected... 100 New Movie Classics: The Top 25 http://www.ew.com/ew/gallery/0,,20207076_20207079_20207442,00.html [版主回覆06/22/2008 21:24:00]Interesting info. THANKS!
Texts only: http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20207076_20207387_20207063,00.html [版主回覆06/22/2008 21:25:00]I think I have watched most of the new ones. NOW, I need to watch more OLD ones... when I am free.
Thanks for your answers, which cleared lots of my queries. I won't see this film, but I've heard too many negative comments about this movie, and it certainly stirred up some controvesy. That's why I have to ask you for some fair and sensible answers and views!
[版主回覆06/23/2008 17:28:00]Welcome! I always try to look at the strengths and weaknesses of a film. In my opinion, the weaknesses outweigh strengths... at the same time, it is quite special... I mean it is different from the mainstream HK films... Wait for the VCD later... perhaps... I love the setting very much.
梁宇聰@首映:「吹呀?!」 一個演技奇差、外表毫不吸引的新進演員態度竟然如此囂張,不理會社會邊緣少數人士的感受,更一點都不懂得尊重別人,請問梁每天對覑鏡子時,會否都揍它一頓? 因這樣的一個人而杯葛這電影,也許對其他演員及製作者不公平。但梁一日繼續厚覑臉皮地再三直認自己的確恐同而不肯向被他肆意侮辱的人們道歉,他的同事若不公開否定他的言行,還跟他在戲院同坐一排,就是容忍覑一些不可容忍的粗暴言行,默許及助長一個恐同、暴力及充滿歧視的社會。今年初, 美國 一名十五歲男孩就因對同性友人示愛而被對方槍殺——我們談的是人命!我們也不願意活在一個充斥覑暴力社會吧? 阿俊對阿聰示愛的部分佔不到五分鐘,阿俊被對方罵得傷心落淚,沒有搞笑情節卻引來絕大部分觀眾笑足五分鐘,笑聲就比觀看笑片也來得響亮,「嘩!」、「唔係呀?」等評語此起彼落;假若安祖蓮娜祖莉向畢彼特表白愛意,大家的反應定會不一樣吧?示愛,難道是異性戀的俊男 美女 之特權?突然發現世上其實有不少的「梁宇聰」,真替非異性戀者及樣貌不出眾的女士們擔心。且只要比燈柱稍胖一點,便有可能在這個街上貼滿纖體廣告的城市被稱為「豬排」。 野球即棒球。老實說,跟戲中提及的多數港人一般,我對棒球沒多少認識,香港是否一個無野之城對我影響可能不大,但我深信,一個沒有這些「梁宇聰」的香港,會是一個更和諧美好的城市。 ===================================================== 以上都係轉貼自香港討論區,同一篇文,不過分開上 [版主回覆06/28/2008 20:50:00]I already read the article written by Chan Hau Man a few days ago. I was really pissed off by his remarks. Although I don't agree to boycott the film just because of one actor's remarks, I think his behavior in the gala premiere, discrimination based on sexual orientation, and resorting to violence when homosexuals express love to him should be condemned.
睇完光年兄POST出嚟篇文章後, 連租VCD的意欲也沒有了! [版主回覆06/29/2008 14:08:00]He is not well educated and impolite. We should remember that he is not a professional actor. Anyway, discrimination and using violence should not be tolerated.
A special independent HK film mixing drama and documentary ! The film stars REAL members of the HK Baseball Team who are not professional actors, and the audience should be aware that the love
回覆刪除affairs depicted in the film are NOT true .
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/20/2008 00:04:00]WHY WHY WHY ??? There are many handsome young men, according to the director (NOT ME).
[版主回覆06/20/2008 08:43:00]Dont expect too much! Anyway, it is a special film...
Sparrow... I will see it in my spare time.
The critics on this film is overwhelmly bad...is this film so bad? I will watch later to find out.
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/20/2008 14:52:00]hahaha... I think there are too many messages in the film and no one can stand out. You will leave the theatre with lots of question marks. BUTthere is one plus... that's the setting and cinematography. I think it is a special HK film, but dont expect much. Share with us how you feel please. THANKS!
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/20/2008 15:00:00]Doucmentary (real members of the HK Baseball Team) + Drama (One of the characters is gay in the film, but he is not interested in men in the real world... of course, the love affairs with the girls are also NOT true)... be prepared that some "actors" cannot act and dont expect too much.
這樣也不被列為三級? 是否同志電影?? (何解有云是偽同志電影?)
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/20/2008 15:10:00]1. A very interesting question!!! There are naked scenes, but it seems that they are artistically shot and look beautiful. So... haha dunno... um... perhaps I do admit that the naked scenes are neither disgusting nor offensive. 2. Frankly, I am afriad I am not sure of what the term really means. However, I would say the character's love for another character of the same sex comes too suddenly and is not well-developed. I do not understand why he suddenly falls in love with his team member... WHY??? There is a gay subplot, but in my opinion, it is confusing and unnecessary... the director may want to attract MORE people (e.g. gay) to watch this film... apart form those who love baseball. (Dont expect much as it seems that baseball is not the focus of the film)... anyway, you just cant get the main message delivered by the director... A very special HK film... but it fails to deliver any messages.
Wow...you're quick, and thanks for the report!
回覆刪除It certainly stirs up lots of controversies in the city lately.
But I'm scared that the director wants to do lots of things in this movie without a particular focus. That I don't like to see. (you know me...)
I would like to know though...:
1. What's the targeted audience group? (in terms of age and gender...)
2. What would the director want to accomplish/say here?
3. Why the many (from what I heard) nude scenes and are they necessary?
4. Can it promote positively the baseball profession in HK?
5. Do you feel the sincerity and passion from the film makers?
6. How would it perform commercially in your opinion? (advertising costs not little already, right?!)
I honestly heard a lot of bad things about this film, and so could you help to clarify my few queries above? Thanks again!
[版主回覆06/20/2008 21:30:00]1. homosexuals. I really mean it... Besides, it targets at teenage girls as there are a few handsome men. 2. dreams / baseball / minorities in HK including gays & the baseball players 3. not necessary! The bathroom looks very weird... with purple and green lights. 4. More people will surely know that Hong Kong has a baseball team, but you will not know how the game is played and there are not enough training scenes. My answer is NO. 5. Some scenes are beautifully shot. I have mentioned it in the show. 6. It is an independent HK film... Once is a very good independent film, but commercially it won't appeal to lots of people... not to mention this one. I dont know how much Golden Scene has done to promote the film as it is said that the director has spent lots of money on the promotion, but I personally think the promotion is successful. Despite this, after several days, I believe, the box office may go down... because of the nature of the film. I wonder how many fans can the actors attract... On the whole, it is a special HK film, but I am confused by the messageS... Dont expect much, and you will find some interesting stuffs there. Will you watch it? Why are you so interested in the film?
wo 睇黎kenji對呢套戲有個好深既印象喎 去戲院睇既動機就完全冇喇, 不過租碟睇既話都得既,呢套港片個半月應該會出碟嫁喇 嘻嘻
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/20/2008 23:06:00] It is really special... I have not seen this kind of film before. It mixes documentary and drama... Although I don't think it is a good film which can successfully deliver the messages to the audience, I think it is an interesting try. VCDs? A good idea!!!!
To Wongka 1971: Some say it is a 掛羊頭,賣狗肉的偽同志電影... 羊頭 is baseball, while 狗肉 is men's bodies!!! I guess 偽同志電影 means that the gay subplot does not look authentic . In the film, one of the characters say, "If you don't know how to be a gay man, you can LEARN!"... However, someone find the line ridiculous because, to a certain extent, learning to be gay / straight is unlikely. I mean, if it can be learned, gay men should not exist because the TV programmes mainly depict heterosexual love. At the same time, after watching Brokeback Mountain and City Without Baseball, straight men won't become gay. -_-!!! The actors of City Without Baseball won't become gay too hahaha... so some say it is a fake gay film... criticizing the not-so-authentic dialogue and suggesting that the film does not truly reflect gay life.
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/21/2008 01:38:00]One more point!!! someone says 盛夏光年 is a 偽同志電影, claiming that it is 拍給異性戀(尤其是女性)看的 and 嚴重扭曲同志族群. As I have said in the show, why does he suddenly love his team member? It seems to me that the gay subplot is there just because the director wants to attract more people (gay) to see the film, but unfortunately, gay people may find the gay subplot ridiculous and cannot identify themselves with the gay characters. In short, the film does not reflect the true nature of homosexuals.
ok,咁我想知documentary and drama既比例係點? drama應該全部都偏向愛情..其實如果全套戲有三成講愛情都還接受 因為聽廣告又話愛情友情暴力疑似搞gay乜鬼都關佢事 我怕因為咁,對觀眾分散左野球既影響力同存在 而且對於呢項運動唔多正面,姐係未必promo得到囉 點解要咁姐...我唔明囉...究竟係咪想發揚野球運動嫁?! 定係滿足全部自己想做既野? 搞到兩頭唔到岸,導演係有心思,但係方向似乎有所出錯 所以一直都覺得導演非常非常貪心, ================================================ 我不過都未睇過呢個片種( mixing drama and documentary) .. 哈哈 ============================================= 發覺得自己愈來愈[萌塞]....
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/21/2008 12:20:00]RIGHT... this is NOT a docudrama e.g. Zodiac. Documentary and drama既比例係點? 30% documentary + 70% drama (RIGHT... mainly LOVE)... 係咪想發揚野球運動嫁?! 定係滿足全部自己想做既野? - I guess the answer is BOTH... but after seeing film... you will find that the intention at the very beginning is positive, but it turns out to look very artistic and there are too many messages. AGREE that 搞到兩頭唔到岸,導演係有心思,但係方向似乎有所出錯 - that's why I suggest making a documentary on this sport. Why does he talk about homosexuals in the film? 導演非常非常貪心 - agree!
When I bought tickets of the Sparrow, I was given an A-4 size file of City Without Baseball. The cover is the very controversial one on buses. I was so embarrassed carrying around the file in the shopping mall............and finally put it down somewhere.......hahahaha.............
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/21/2008 12:08:00]You should send it to me Wa Ha Ha... By the way, I feel it is ok for a lady to use it. On the contrary, men may find it embarrassing.
[版主回覆06/21/2008 12:05:00]野 means baseball in Japan. So the title implies that there is no baseball / dream in HK. 為甚麼要露械? HAHAHA I don't know. You had better ask the director. 級數 : IIB Those scenes are beautifully shot. 那些真真正正的棒球隊成員竟敢在電影中露械 - so some say their bravery to do so and act should be appreciated!!! ^^
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/22/2008 06:30:00]exactly... it is really a pity.
Entertainment Weekly selected...
回覆刪除100 New Movie Classics: The Top 25
[版主回覆06/22/2008 21:24:00]Interesting info. THANKS!
Texts only:
[版主回覆06/22/2008 21:25:00]I think I have watched most of the new ones. NOW, I need to watch more OLD ones... when I am free.
Thanks for your answers, which cleared lots of my queries.
回覆刪除I won't see this film, but I've heard too many negative comments about this movie, and it certainly stirred up some controvesy.
That's why I have to ask you for some fair and sensible answers and views!
[版主回覆06/23/2008 17:28:00]Welcome! I always try to look at the strengths and weaknesses of a film. In my opinion, the weaknesses outweigh strengths... at the same time, it is quite special... I mean it is different from the mainstream HK films... Wait for the VCD later... perhaps... I love the setting very much.
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/25/2008 13:31:00]You have not put down the reason WOW
【明報專訊】從未試過看完一部電影後如此氣憤地離開。 電影《無野之城》男主角梁宇聰(戲中稱「阿聰」)早前在一個電台節目作出一些恐同言論,嚴重開罪了 同志 們,因而引致網上許多人發起罷看這電影。基於以同性戀作題材的港產片比較少有,加上《無野之城》在 同志 圈內外都惹來不少劣評,於是好奇地想看看那是什麼一回事,亦希望趁機親自了解一下有關梁宇聰言談的討論是否如電影宣傳公關所說是「一場誤會」,所以我應邀出席首映禮。 導演在放映前開門見山直認電影「拍得唔好」,亦坦言大部分主角都並非專業演員。電影我不會評論,新進演員在戲中表現欠佳也可理解,但演員在現實生活中的多番粗暴言論卻不可原諒。 少數歧視少數 如電影的英文官方網站所說,在一個棒球文化小得幾乎不存在的城市, 香港 棒球員正正是選擇了成為社會中的少數(minority);反觀同性戀者、外表不具吸引力的女性,卻是並非自決的少數。棒球員梁宇聰身為某種少數族群分子之一,卻竟在電台揚言若有同性或「豬排」愛上了他,必會遭他揍上一頓! 電影取材於香港棒球隊的真實事舻,梁戲中角色阿聰的恐同程度湊巧地不比他真人遜色。隊友阿俊只在言語間向他表達愛意,竟被他罵作「變態」!我輕聲的跟身旁的友人說:「人家將心中感受告訴你,用得著罵人變態嗎?」只不過是給電影中的角色作出評論而已,怎料梁宇聰竟突然轉身對坐在後一排的我們大聲呼喊:「吹呀?!」驚訝、憤怒的我完全作不出任何反應,他卻恍似害怕我們沒聽清楚,再度轉個身來喝問一次:「吹呀?!」於是心神稍定的我反問稱呼別人為「豬排」的他,是否認為自己長得很帥?於此,他立時無言以對。
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/28/2008 20:50:00]Thanks for posting this. WORTH reading!
梁宇聰@首映:「吹呀?!」 一個演技奇差、外表毫不吸引的新進演員態度竟然如此囂張,不理會社會邊緣少數人士的感受,更一點都不懂得尊重別人,請問梁每天對覑鏡子時,會否都揍它一頓? 因這樣的一個人而杯葛這電影,也許對其他演員及製作者不公平。但梁一日繼續厚覑臉皮地再三直認自己的確恐同而不肯向被他肆意侮辱的人們道歉,他的同事若不公開否定他的言行,還跟他在戲院同坐一排,就是容忍覑一些不可容忍的粗暴言行,默許及助長一個恐同、暴力及充滿歧視的社會。今年初, 美國 一名十五歲男孩就因對同性友人示愛而被對方槍殺——我們談的是人命!我們也不願意活在一個充斥覑暴力社會吧? 阿俊對阿聰示愛的部分佔不到五分鐘,阿俊被對方罵得傷心落淚,沒有搞笑情節卻引來絕大部分觀眾笑足五分鐘,笑聲就比觀看笑片也來得響亮,「嘩!」、「唔係呀?」等評語此起彼落;假若安祖蓮娜祖莉向畢彼特表白愛意,大家的反應定會不一樣吧?示愛,難道是異性戀的俊男 美女 之特權?突然發現世上其實有不少的「梁宇聰」,真替非異性戀者及樣貌不出眾的女士們擔心。且只要比燈柱稍胖一點,便有可能在這個街上貼滿纖體廣告的城市被稱為「豬排」。 野球即棒球。老實說,跟戲中提及的多數港人一般,我對棒球沒多少認識,香港是否一個無野之城對我影響可能不大,但我深信,一個沒有這些「梁宇聰」的香港,會是一個更和諧美好的城市。 ===================================================== 以上都係轉貼自香港討論區,同一篇文,不過分開上
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/28/2008 20:50:00]I already read the article written by Chan Hau Man a few days ago. I was really pissed off by his remarks. Although I don't agree to boycott the film just because of one actor's remarks, I think his behavior in the gala premiere, discrimination based on sexual orientation, and resorting to violence when homosexuals express love to him should be condemned.
睇完光年兄POST出嚟篇文章後, 連租VCD的意欲也沒有了!
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/29/2008 14:08:00]He is not well educated and impolite. We should remember that he is not a professional actor. Anyway, discrimination and using violence should not be tolerated.