
魔髮奇緣 Tangled

Tangled is a Disney animation with exciting action, amusing moments (thanks to the two animals and the use of jump cuts) and touching romance.

The message is that everyone should have dreams and humans are curious by nature. Other than this, it seems to me that Mother Gothel is used to satirize mothers who are so over-protective of their children that they stop their kids from exploring the world.

However, these messages are clichéd. Moreover, most of the songs are not memorable and the 3D effects are neither impressive nor necessary. Furthermore, that Rapunzel is able to communicate normally with people and a horse after being locked in a tower for 18 years is not convincing. Besides, the predictable and flawed ending disappoints me. (Spoiler Warning) First, the family reunion does not touch me because their relationship is not well developed. Second, it is unlikely that Rapunzel does not show any sadness because of the death of Mother Gothel. Third, that Rapunzel’s tears can also save Flynn does not convince me. Fourth, Flynn should be punished for stealing the crown.

On the whole, Tangled is an entertaining movie without any breakthrough. But for the plot holes and paper thin characters, I would have given it more stars. After all, Rapunzel is pretty to look at.

3 / 5
迷失某地 Somewhere - 3 / 5

14 則留言:

  1. 我喜歡裡面的歌曲多一點點。
    [版主回覆01/31/2011 16:13:00]Just average to me. I think the one nominated in Oscar is the best in this movie.

  2. After reading the criticism in paragraph 3 , I  doubt if I should go to watch this movie...haha
    Anyway,I still have much expectation on it. =]
    Happy Lunar New Year~!
    [版主回覆01/31/2011 16:14:00]I think there are some plot holes, but it is just a cartoon and if you are looking for entertainment, it is just a not bad choice. Thanks for your visit.

  3. Disney 近年的動畫也沒有驚喜,反而 pixel的動畫有娛樂性外,還有意義
    [版主回覆01/31/2011 21:40:00]Toy Story Three (Pixar) and How to Train Your Dragon (DreamWorks) are also good!!!

  4. 我都覺得音樂一般, 尤其我看的是配音版...
    臨近結局的一刻確實動人, 但之後的峰迴路轉, 卻是教人極之失望.
    3D還是有一點可取的: 放孔明燈的一段, 用3D做確實動人.
    [版主回覆02/01/2011 12:47:00]Good analysis! The scene in my first scene is stunning... but the songs are just so so to me... This year, all songs nominated in Oscar are also not my cups of tea.

  5. Kenji﹕我向你拜年~~祝願您身體健康、工作順利、時時開心、生活充滿愛與祝福 。在我的blog畫了隻兔仔送給大家,有空去睇下啦。
    [版主回覆02/02/2011 15:14:00]WOW!!! Thanks a lot. I also wish you all the best (lesser workload) in the happy Lunar New Year.

  6. 哇哈哈~ 可能我骨子裡還是喜歡聽公主王子的故事  ,我睇得好開心,disney 太耐無出過俊男美女了 ~~ mother know best 我覺得好好聽~
    [版主回覆02/02/2011 23:47:00]HAHA!!! Indeed it has won many positive reviews. It is just me who cannot relate to the main character. Mother Knows Best is quite memorable and the one nominated in Oscar may win. I also wish you good health and good wealth.


  7. 恭祝 Kanji 兔年進步!日日都有好多好戲睇! 事事如意!福樂滿滿! btw , 呢套我都想睇!

    [版主回覆02/03/2011 00:31:00]THANKS!!!!!!!!! They are so cute!!!!!!


  8. 祝工作愉快 身體健康
    [版主回覆02/03/2011 15:14:00]I also wish you good health and good wealth. ^^

  9. The Pic seems so great, but the story only worth 3/5?

    [版主回覆02/03/2011 16:22:00]Thanks... OK ge... Average in my opinion. Some jokes are nice though. Go if you want a good laugh. By the way, I find that I can view all 23 pics with Internet Explorer... dunno why... but I can view all of them with Mozilla and Google. Can you see all of the pics? Thanks.

  10. Not all pics, some cannot reveal r!
    [版主回覆02/03/2011 21:13:00]So strange... thanks a lot anyway! I am using Mozilla and Google, but all can be shown... but when I use IE, only a few can be shown. So strange.

  11. The problem has been fixed. More pictures can be shown now.

  12. Kenji, Happy New Year !

    [版主回覆02/05/2011 01:19:00]Thank you Tung Tung! I also wish you more wonderful travelling and cinematic experiences.

  13. Perhaps fairytales are more appealing to girls, but not boys
    [版主回覆02/08/2011 00:50:00]The movie is quite different from the original fairy tale haha.

  14. 空氣人形 air-doll2011年2月14日 下午7:24

    真係估你唔到, 你竟然會睇哩套
    [版主回覆02/15/2011 18:49:00]Free preview tickets ^^!!!
