
Happiness is...


Happiness is free
Happiness is free
For you and me
Happiness is free
If you want it to be

MC Jin
當從新開始過 明天會更好喎
呢個思想真係一流 鬆吓膊頭 郁埋個頭 拍吓對手
快樂根本冇定義 我好有誠意 我好想要大家開心d
如果你知 唔該你比個地址
聽完呢首歌 好似比支開心針拮親
就算我成身得番一蚊 我都要HAPPY開心

Happiness is free
For you and me
Happiness is free
If you want it to be

摸不到 放在心裡看不見

雙腳離地 雙手朝天



小時侯, 甚麼都不理
什麼都不必理 不必睬 不必處理

Happiness is free
For you and me
Happiness is free
If you want it to be

I'm so happy
I'm so happy
I'm so happy
I'm so happy

Are you happy? How do you define happiness? How do you cheer yourself up? My trip to Switzerland with my mum, my little brother's wedding and engaging myself in my favourite pastimes during the summer holidays (movies, music, badminton, Karaoke, gathering with friends, etc) brighten up my gloomy days. The beautiful summer is going to be over and I will be having a stressful time again, so I am planning to stop blogging for a while in order to prepare myself for the challenges. I sincerely hope that I will be back with a smile on my face. Take care!


反斗奇兵 3

轉校生: 再見了親愛的



23 則留言:

  1. 仲有係....
    [版主回覆08/12/2010 21:39:00]HAHA really? OK wor... I was very happy in the pictures.

  2. 開心是最幸福的,身心健康時就算幾忙都會覺得充實唔辛苦,所以要努力開心!我都努力緊
    [版主回覆08/12/2010 21:40:00]Right we look alike hahaha... My little brother looks more mature than me indeed.

  3. 係呀!!!係呀!!!真係超似樣...
    [版主回覆08/12/2010 21:51:00]HAHAHA... my bro wears glasses.

  4. 很喜歡這張﹗幸福是見到您們的笑容。我認為身邊的家人和朋友生活得好、自在、健康的話,我就感到幸福,而最大的幸福是我仍有生命。
    [版主回覆08/13/2010 00:40:00]The kids were so cute. They were dressed up, but they were not with their parents, so we invited them to take pictures with us hahaha. You are right. perhaps we should feel happy just because we are healthy. Health is precious.

  5. HI~Kenji~ 瑞士真的是風光如畫,看著綠油油的草地,連綿起伏的山丘,可愛的小動物,真是心曠神怡,看完這些相片也令我心情放鬆了,有機會真想去那裡觀光一下,畢竟偶然離開繁華的大都市,到一個遠離塵囂的城市,的確可以令人忘記煩惱,放鬆一下.看完這些相片,令我知道一定繼續努力,要去世界各地感受一下不同的風土人情.
    不過,你們兩兄弟真的很相似啊! 題外話:不知道你有沒有看Inception呢?我覺得很好看,傳聞結局時用耳朵聽的話會知道這是happy ending.
    [版主回覆08/13/2010 15:05:00]Thanks so much for coming Blue! I really love travelling. It means a lot to me. As for the ending of Inception, (Spoiler Warning), I think it is a two edged one which can be interpreted in two different ways. It is indeed a witty, engaging and well edited movie. Still, it does not touch me emotionally, probably because of the twists and the complicated story. A GOOD film, but overrated at IMDB.

  6. Kenji,你地真係好似樣呀!恭喜你榮升大伯爺。
    [版主回覆08/13/2010 21:14:00]Right Right Right... 大伯爺 But it sounds OLD...

  7. 好似樣呀,唔怕失散!
    [版主回覆08/13/2010 23:06:00]My mum told me that when I was 3 years old, we were like twins.


  8. 看來你放開了不少... 我很喜歡你拍的這一張照片...
    真的以為新朗是你... 我在想你不是很年青時就結了婚吧? 再看原來坐在沙發上的才是你...
    [版主回覆08/14/2010 00:16:00]This was taken in France last year. It shows a cafe under a great tree. It was very relaxing.

  9. How long is "a while"?  til winter break?
    [版主回覆08/14/2010 15:01:00]A very good question which I don't have an answer to. I'm not sure if my blogmates are aware that I have not written any film review for months. The first reason is that there are not many good films recently. Secondly, I want to express my pent up frustration. Third, I want to let others know more about me. Indeed, I also love world cuisine, travelling, badminton, music, etc. However, at this moment, I am a bit lost. Why do I go blogging? Is it necessary to spend so much time in the virtual world and talk to people I don't actually know? Besides, I know I will be very busy soon, so I think I should stop blogging for a while. Anyway, I will surely post my 2010 top-10-movie list at the end of the year. Of course, I will visit you guys' blogs in my spare time and I may not be able to stop myself from posting a few articles from September to December hahaha.

  10. 很喜歡你的blog...努力啊^^
    [版主回覆08/15/2010 15:05:00]Thank you so much. I hope my blog can make people happy.

  11. I give higher mark to Toy Story 3 rather than Inception too! 
    Want to see 功夫夢, but seems just a few cinemas are on and the showing time is just little, too early or too late within a day, only second week, how come?
    [版主回覆08/16/2010 02:13:00]Inception is a good film, but emotionally Toy Story 3 is much more touching. 功夫夢's reviews are quite positive indeed. I guess the box office is not good because HK people prefer films like Ip Man, instead of a westernized Kung Fu film with Jackie Chan. In my opinion, the Karate Kid is an entertaining and heart warming kung fu movie with nice cinematography, a pleasing cast and memorable main characters. This remake teaches the post 90's generation to be respectful and humble. It also shows us that everyone is a learner, be you a student or a teacher. Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith also act well and it is probably Chan's best performance in recent years. The film's ending is predictable and cliched, but generally the movie is still charming.

  12. Actually, I don't want to think the twists of Inception anymore, however, one blogger posted many details analysis and made me falling back to "limbo" again!
    However, I still like Toy Story 3 the most!
    Hope have matching time to see 功夫夢 la!
    [版主回覆08/16/2010 14:47:00]HAHA I think both endings make sense! I really don't wanna think too much this time because emotionally I'm not touched. Other characters only serve the purpose of helping them to go deeper. These characters lack development. ^^ Toy Story 3 will be one of my top 10 movies this year.

  13. 謝謝你的到訪, 有空請多留言!
    [版主回覆08/16/2010 22:28:00]WELCOME!!!

  14. I like all the smiley faces, with fantastic scene in Switzerland ^^.
    If you have energy again … restarts blogging (no haste but fast … XDD)
    Honestly, I like your blog very much ^^.  
    I feast my eyes on your brilliant English … seeing the film reviews a dessert XD
    CU my virtual teacher ^^
    [版主回覆08/17/2010 17:11:00]Thanks so much for your compliments. I am looking for ways to cheer myself up when I'm down and perhaps blogging is one of the ways. Thanks for your support.

  15. (Empty)
    [版主回覆08/19/2010 00:13:00]A happy face! Thanks!

  16. wow ~ congratz to yr brother wor ~ 
    [版主回覆08/19/2010 13:01:00]Everyone in my family is very happy.

  17. 不如你講下你講下反斗小尼哥, 我都想聽下.
    [版主回覆08/19/2010 23:55:00]Please have a look at the response in the next article. Thank you, Alley.

  18. Thanks for the happy sharing!
    [版主回覆08/23/2010 14:13:00]Welcome! Be HAPPY !!!

  19. 雖然知道說永遠比做容易但因為相信
     Happiness is free For you and me Happiness is free If you want it to be 所以會一直努力朝著這個方向膜拜!一起加油吧!
    [版主回覆08/25/2010 00:20:00]OKOK! Let's smile!

  20. Good to know that you are now ready for the new challenges!
    You are right. After rain comes fair weather.
    Add oil!
    [版主回覆09/11/2010 23:45:00]Thank you! I am now full of energy. Happiness is all around us.

  21. wow.. 好一個熱鬧的blog! My dear Mr. Chan. haven't seen you for a really long time.. haha.. im not sure you know who i really am..  but just wanna say hi to u.. how are you ?! XD
    [版主回覆11/25/2010 22:15:00]Of course, I do, Mr. Wong. We are also teachers now and I'm so proud of you. Very busy these days... but I have learnt to smile in face of adversity. I will stay strong and positive. Thanks so much for your visit. My sixth sense tells me that we will bump into each other one day on the street. This kind of thing always happens on me these days, haha. ^^

  22. haha.. Mr. Chan..  maybe u will one day come to my class to be my student .. wahaha..  but just don't know whether u like dancing or not..  XD
    [版主回覆11/26/2010 09:12:00]I am a dancing idiot.

  23. and in addition.. Tong Sze Chung is now in my class.. XD and i juz wanna say.. i don't call myself a Teacher..  as i think being a teacher 道德包袱很重 i taught in secondary school before as well..  and i actually don't allow them to call me teacher..  but Coach or Tutor instead.. XD
    [版主回覆11/26/2010 09:18:00]I have met Mr. Tong recently hahaha... what a coincidence! Um... just a title. Anyway, they learn dancing from you and they should pay respect for you. Of course, being a teacher is NO easy task.
