Rottentomatoes 85% Fresh
IMDB: 8 / 10 (4673 Votes)
Metacritics: 77 / 100 Generally favorable reviews
Kenji Chan: 4.5 / 5
A Single Man, directorial debut from fashion designer Tom Ford, is an aesthetically crafted and breathtakingly acted meditation on grief. I am emotionally and visually blown away by Colin Firth’s career-best performance, mesmerizing music, stunning images, gripping close-ups and thought provoking symbols (the changing skin’s colors, tick-tock, moon, sky, sea, etc).
Colin Firth gives a convincing and nuanced performance as a repressed homosexual. Thanks to Firth and Ford, the audience can even feel the main character’s unbearable, but repressed grief growing in his veins. Jeff Bridges in Crazy Heart is great, but in terms of the character, Firth’s role is more repressed and difficult to play. The rest of the cast is also superb, especially Julianne Moore, whose character consists of three stages. I agree with some IMDB users that she is overlooked by the Oscar. At least, she is better than Maggie Gyllenhaal in Crazy Heart.
Some scenes were filmed in slow motion, which shows George’s longing for human connection, family and love. The movie delivers a message that, although sometimes we feel lonely, we should try to discover the joy of some tiny present moments. If gay movies do not put you off, you should not miss this unhurried, sorrowful feast not only to the eyes and ears, but also to the minds and soul.
Colin Firth發威啦!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/14/2010 00:01:00]Yes he is really impressive in this film. Not sure if the film is your cup of tea.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/14/2010 00:05:00]Right... very subtle!!! I think it is a very good gay film since Brokeback Mountain and Milk. Of course, some gay films can be of poor quality.
Dearest Kenji,
Oh....why you not reply my email and come to watch preview? Recommendd more people to watch it!!Thanks!
[版主回覆03/14/2010 01:03:00]Wow... Jeffrey, I'm honored. Thanks so much for your invitation, visit and support. These days, I have been very busy and stressed at the new school. As an early riser, I find the preview held too late at night. Therefore... hahaha... my friends and I bought tickets to support this film on Friday. Hey it is a really good film. I will highly recommend it to my friends. Please keep releasing good films. ^0^
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/14/2010 08:54:00]My friend gives it 3.5 only... but I personally love it so much.
too many oscar movie lately, will pass this movie due to the gay nature...
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/14/2010 09:20:00]Totally understand your choice. By the way, I somehow think you will love this one because I think you are a person who knows how to enjoy life to the full. This movie is artistically stunning and the acting is superb, so I still recommend it to you. P.S. The scenes in the movie are beautifully shot and they are not obscene. There are just a few kissing scenes. Of course, some may still feel bad when they see Colin Firth kisses a man, but it is already less "off putting" than the one in Milk haha. By the way, the phenomenon is interesting. It seems that some heterosexuals are put off by gay films, but homosexuals seldom dislike straight films. I think the reason is that homosexuality is still not generally shown in mainstream TV soup operas and movies, so people are not used to seeing homosexuals kiss, haha... On the contrary, homosexuals see heterosexuals kiss on TV every day. Quite interesting. Some IMDB users are also discussing this. They express that when one day there is gay Avatar or gay Titanic, the genre "gay movies" will disappear. I am not sure if it will happen as after all homosexuals are still the minority.
wow~~~~4.5/5 點都搵d時間去睇先得,哈哈~
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/14/2010 13:32:00]HAHA... just a personal choice. My friend gives it 3.5 only... of course the foreign reviews are very positive. So don't blame me if it is not your cup of tea hahaha.
You know what...When I see this topic, I thought you just talking about yourself.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/14/2010 13:33:00]HAHAHA... I seldom write about myself in this blog, but I enjoy sharing music and trips with others. ^^
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/14/2010 16:03:00]Getting an 8 in IMDB is not easy. Those getting 8 or above will have a great chance of getting into the top 250 films of all time in IMDB. So it is really worth our support.
thx for your feedback in my blog, i'm also addicted to this movie as u did.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/15/2010 22:41:00]Oh... thanks a lot! I somehow think the mainstream HK audience will not appreciate it.
我覺得係我杯茶,哈哈~ 我地有similar tatse la 呵呵~
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/15/2010 22:42:00]HAHA... hopefully it is. Enjoy this beautiful movie.
可能呢個係一個慣性動作, 好似而家, 我都係想按private然後先打message... 咁我以後少d俾comment, ok
回覆刪除The movie delivers a message that, although sometimes we feel lonely, we should try to discover the joy of some tiny present moments
[版主回覆03/15/2010 22:43:00]Welcome to leave messages here and discuss movies with Yahoo bloggers.
It seems to me that Tom Ford has already conveyed his feelings successfully in the movie, A Single Man although it is his first one. P.S. Perhaps this movie is an only exception that director (Tom Ford) is even far more handsome and gorgeous than the protagonists.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/15/2010 22:45:00]Yes he does. I really can't believe that it is his first movie. So subtle and stunning. Really worth our support. P.S. Agree! Directors are usually not good looking.
即使Kenji 比4.5 分, 但我想也未必會去睇; 自從上次與一位女性朋友去看[無聲風玲]後, 發現幾乎四分三也是男性, 而且是一雙雙去看的 , 我與朋友在戲院內也不敢亂講說話!! 其實有點覺得是把某些人的不可告人的私隱搬上銀幕, 是對是錯真的不知! 不過用這來做題材的電影如斷背山, milk..... 也甚獲好評!! 不過個人卻覺得太過鼓吹並不是一件好事呢!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/15/2010 22:51:00]Homosexuality cannot be promoted "鼓吹 ". Even after watching Brokeback Mountain 1000 times, we are still straight. Although homosexuals watch straight TV programmes every day, they are still homosexuals. As homosexuals are generally discriminated, would you choose to be gay if you had a choice? Surely NOT. I believe sexual orientation is mostly inborn. I agree with Lady Ga Ga. It is very wrong to hate, yet it is never wrong to love.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/16/2010 18:47:00]Hi!!!
我也是4.5/5 這部是今年oscar normanitions裡我最愛的一部!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/20/2010 19:20:00]Great Minds think alike hahaha. Love it so much... It will be definitely one of my top 10 movies this year.
nominations...wrong spelling~~XDDD
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/20/2010 19:22:00]HAHAHA we are also perfectionists.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/28/2010 00:39:00]Um... just guess. Perhaps you can tell me your expectation. Can you guess what type of film it is? What do you expect to see from this film? Then I can tell you if you will be satisfied. Of course, you can find it out by yourself. ^^
finally watched~
回覆刪除its such a beautiful movie, i'm impressed~
鍾意個結局,thats life!!!
[版主回覆03/30/2010 12:17:00]no doubt, one of my top 10 this year.
I like this movie so much!
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/30/2010 20:11:00]Yes it will be one of my top 10 films this year... many people have missed it. Really think that an impressive cinematic experience should be sth like this.
我覺得演這類同志電影的位位都是俊男 , 真奇怪!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/30/2010 21:04:00]Colin Firth, to me, is just OK. hahaha!!!
I've made a MV featuring "A Single Man".
[版主回覆12/13/2010 21:58:00]Thanks for your sharing. ^^