艋舺 3.5 / 5
Monga is a touching coming-of-age story about male friendship and the negative influences of the ruthless and violent gangsters’ world. The movie features a charming cast and a beautifully crafted setting. Still, the film is slightly diffuse and the first half drags. Worth seeing!
白色恐懼 3.5 / 5
The White Ribbon is a well acted black-and-white movie about some mysteries in a
German town. Throughout the whole movie, you should pay meticulous attention to details
and may be intrigued to figure out who committed all the crimes. However, Michael Haneke, as usual, has not visually shown the audience everything. After watching the film, the audience is required to THINK in order to figure out what actually happened. A second viewing may be necessary. Some members of the mainstream audience may find this long and slow-paced movie with symbolic reference to the birth of terrorism boring.
Reference (Spoiler Warning): Who actually committed the crimes? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1149362/board/thread/149057311?p=2
宮廷眷戀 – 維多利亞與阿爾拔親王 4 / 5
The Young Victoria, albeit predictable, is a romantic and elegant biopic with a beautifully built set, dazzling costumes and, most important of all, excellent performances which elevate the film from just another yawn-inducing costume drama. What a surprise!
歲月神偷 4 / 5
Echoes of the Rainbow is a moving and nostalgic Hong Kong film with a very pleasing cast, positive messages, moody old songs and dreamy images. The movie reminds the audience of showing dogged perseverance in the face of difficulty and great concern for the people around us. Most middle-aged Hong Kong people will relate to the characters and shedding tears seems inevitable. Despite this, the film is not flawless. Although most relationships in the film are nicely developed, the one between the elder son and the girl is neither substantial nor convincing and therefore the last 15 minutes of the film become less engaging. Secondly,
the trip to Beijing sounds unnecessary and the set there is not delicately built and so it is not convincing. Although the story is predictable and clichéd, I still recommend this movie to you, through which we can reminisce about the bitter-sweet past of Hong Kong, our beloved home.
狐狸先生無得頂 4 / 5
This stop-motion animated flick is a very funny and fast paced visual feast. The film also shows Mr. Fox’s wild animal instincts and points out that every one has his or her talents.
不赦島 3.5 / 5
Despite the suspense well created, fine acting and gripping images, I agree with Film Critic Adam Woodward that the problem arrives in the film’s hurried final act, where a steady narrative gives way to a twist that, whilst believable, insults the audience’s comprehension of everything that has come before.
回覆刪除The Young Victoria 我都覺得唔錯,歲月神偷睇到喊哂.....
[版主回覆03/27/2010 23:52:00]hahaha... some IMDB users are still discussing who actually did the crimes. Any thoughts? The Young Victoria is better than I expect. I'm surprised. Echoes of the Rainbow is a tear jerker.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/28/2010 00:42:00]Wow You have seen both! I am so happy that I can know a movie lover like you through Yahoo Blog. ^^
班麻甩同學冇人肯陪我睇《宮廷眷戀》囉! 我承認我係因為海報上「嫁給我,女皇陛下」的字句吸引。
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/28/2010 00:43:00]RIGHT!!! It is a LOVE story. I'm moved.
哈哈, 好攪笑, 你個FANS (JASON), 好一句 班麻甩同學...
回覆刪除言歸正傳, 其實我上網看推介時, 已對WHITE RIBBON很有興趣
今日我往電影中心取証時, 也仍在考意慮看還是不看... 歲月神偷很多朋友都推介, 叫我去看, 不知為甚麼, 總提不起很大興趣去看...
你的推介評價也實在很詳盡, THX...
[版主回覆03/28/2010 00:53:00]Thanks a lot. HAHAHA Jason was my fan, but now I'm his fan because he is a teenage writer. White Ribbon is not for everybody frankly speaking. To me, it is not an entertaining mainstream movie. Be prepared that you can survive the black and white images and the puzzling ending before you buy the tickets. Me too... not very interested in Echoes of the Rainbow... but eventually saw it because I think some HK films of good quality do need our support. The reviews in HK are generally QUITE (not very) good. I gave a try and I was not disappointed. Zzzzz... time to sleep. Enjoy the great films!
The Young Victoria...Great!!!I want to watch it, but no one will accompany me to watch it in the cinema...so only can wait for the DVD. Tomorrow will watch "When In Rome", next month want to watch Natalie Portman's new movie "Brothers" & Rachel Weisz's "Agora"...又係時候要出動la!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/28/2010 09:26:00]I can watch movies alone, haha... so I seldom miss good films. Also interested in Brothers!
Monga 開段我都覺得有點拖,結局倒是頗回味。
回覆刪除我看歲月神偷時,邊看邊落淚,看來我不能扮後生了 :p
[版主回覆03/28/2010 11:47:00]Right the ending of Monga is touching. Still his relationship with the prostitute seems unnecessary. 歲月神偷 - nearly everyone cried in my theater hahaha.
Also interested in Brothers +1
回覆刪除monga 我都應該會睇,呵呵~
無時間睇戲阿.......好唔開心,嗚嗚> <
[版主回覆03/28/2010 17:36:00]Busy with your work?!
work hard play very hard ^^
[版主回覆03/29/2010 18:30:00]So jealous...
"艋舺"可說是近年台灣最具質素的電影,人物描寫出色、場面具台灣特色。而且一眾年輕演員也演得出色。 值得一看!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/30/2010 12:21:00]Worth seeing!!!
《狐狸先生無得頂》很特別的卡通片,除了配音很好外,故事內容不錯,我最喜歡仔仔的角色。另外,看《不赦島》時遲了入場,一邊看一邊覺得是否自己都患有精神分裂 ,為何不明白,後來才明白了﹗不過,我對此電影有點失望﹗
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/31/2010 23:43:00]Most characters in Mr. Fox are so adorable and pleasing hahaha.
歲月神偷.....觀賞聽到不少拆紙巾的包裝聲......XDDDD Happy Easter. :-)
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/01/2010 11:03:00]Same in my theater... but I personally seldom cry taking out tissue haha... the only film which made me do so in a cinema is 禮儀師之奏鳴曲.
睇左《歲月神偷》啦。我地學校學生會包左場,有免費戲飛啊! 總覺得有d笑料,係我地學校既學生先笑得出/明白。 我同某一同學感動流涕,真係好感動。我未試過係戲院睇港產片睇得咁入迷同感動。
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/04/2010 13:18:00]Surely as a DBS boy, you will relate to the character. ^^ I also love it.
This film made me recall many old memories, so touching and impressing, I cried several times. Even while my friends and I talking abut this film, the scenes of the film appear in my brain, and my eyes grow red again.
回覆刪除Simon Yam and Sandra Ng acted good, hope they will win the Best Leading Roles tonight!
[版主回覆04/18/2010 19:17:00]Wish them good luck, but generally HK movies in 2008 are not very impressive. This year, I like this one and Anphetamine.
艋舺 3.5
回覆刪除歲月神偷 4
白色恐嚇 4
宮廷眷戀 3.5
狐狸先生無得頂 3.5
不赦島 3.5
[版主回覆04/22/2010 11:18:00]Very close to mine. You may consider showing us your ratings in your blog. ^^
歲月神偷真係好好睇, 比較喜歡睇愛情那段; 最尾果段真係幾乎個個都喊~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/02/2010 00:46:00]比較喜歡睇愛情那段 - I think it can be further developed. I don't think she will come back all of a sudden.
I think so!! If it can be further developed, the whole picture will be different and the scene will be more attractive........
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