在惶恐之下,社會規條被除去,迷信取代了理智,恐慌代替了思想 … … 霧裡的神秘生物會把你嚇一跳,不過倒是人類倒戈相向的場面,更令人不寒而慄。《霧地異煞》角色設計突出,結局出人意表又饒有深意。
The Mist
Amanda: You don't have much faith in humanity?
Dan: None, whatsoever.
Amanda: I can't accept that. People are basically good; decent. My god... we're a civilized society.
David: Sure, as long as the machines are working and you can dial 911. But you take those things away, you throw people in the dark, you scare the shit out of them - no more rules.
Message: Apart from talking about the nature of human beings and whether god exists, it also has another important message. People who are feared tend to lose their mind. Rationality and morality will disappear. The ending of the film implies that we have to stay calm when we feel feared because of the unpredictable future (in the mist). Otherwise, we may do something which we will regret.
GOOD FILMS @ HKIFF based on Rottentomatoes & IMDB:
一奏傾情 Once --- 97%
偽術大師 The Counterfeiters --- 92% --- 7.6 / 10
美國清一Sick檔案 Sicko --- 90% --- 8.4 / 10
風吹麥動 The Wind That Shakes the Barley --- 88% --- 7.7 / 10
賊兄弟連環劫 Before the Devil Knows You're Dead --- 88% --- 7.7 / 10
浪蕩天涯 Into the Wild --- 83% --- 8.3 / 10
冰中漫行 Encounters at the End of the World --- 9.1 / 10
七個角色尋找卜戴倫 I'm Not There --- 78% --- 7.6 / 10
迷幻公園 Paranoid Park --- 73% --- 7.5 / 10
意 The Home Song Stories --- 7.5 / 10
儘管如此我沒做過 I Just Didn't Do It --- 8 / 10
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/26/2008 12:57:00]香港國際電影節
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/26/2008 18:28:00]As above! ^^
I need to see the Mist then!
回覆刪除And I've booked Once and Sicko
Thanks for your HKIFF tips!!!
[版主回覆02/26/2008 18:30:00]Welcome! Once is superb if you like Lost in Translation and music. ENJOY it!!! Thanks to the recommendation of V for Vincent. The Mist is nice according to Rottentomatoes. Dont expect too much and you will be surprised. Share how you feel when you have watched it. ^^ Lots of things to talk about.
我本來也想睇 "七個角色尋找卜戴倫 ", 可惜時間不合, 但今年我選不到什麼戲看... 有史以來最神奇的, 竟然在一天內看完今年的戲, 3月29日 -- 青山真治的 "sad vacation" & 大維連治的 "夜巡", 本來應該還有三池崇史的 "日式牛仔一品窩", 但卻爆了!! 今年真的很離奇.
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/27/2008 13:09:00]Dont worry. It is said that I'm Not There may be released in HK later... If not the VCDs will still be available. It is a film made in an unconventional way. The mainstream audience may find it strange haha. By the way, watching too many movies a day is very tiring. I may not be able to fully enjoy the film. SO I had better control myself and dont watch too many hahaha.. ENJOY!!!
[版主回覆02/27/2008 16:57:00]I GUESS it is a WELL ACTED melodrama... haha... I think it is not bad indeed. What will you see?
Watched this one... it's quite interesting, with an ending which is different from the novella though.
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/28/2008 18:23:00]yeah... a clever adaptation!!! The ending also help deliver the message that we have to stay calm and rational when we are feared.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/01/2008 23:38:00]羅生門 is a classic!!! Much more inspiring than 絕點緝兇!!! ^^
Steven King's Novel "The Mist" I have watched too, it's excellent.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/02/2008 23:49:00]GOOD... will you watch the film? The adapted ending may surprise you.
回覆刪除Thanks for your recommendation! It's not just a monster movie...
With a psychology background, no wonder you can appreciate it so much!!!
And the ending!!! I tossed and turned in bed that night after viewing...
Important message: "Don't give up hope no matter how hopeless it may seem" & "when there's life, there's hope"
Thanks again for your wonderful taste
[版主回覆03/06/2008 22:55:00]Thanks so much for coming back and sharing how you feel. VERY happy to know that you enjoy it as some may find it a B monster movie. There is a line in the middle saying that people who are feared will act irrationally. I think it points out the gist of the film. Besides, if you think carefully, you will know that the director is neither anti god nor pro god. The two ways to interpret the if-the-world-has-god theme also works. Although the religious woman is described as annoying and irritating, her predictions are accurate and she is not attacked. Besides, she once claims that the boy and the woman needs to be killed and the result is... (you know gar lar) ^^ This reminds me of Pan's Labyrinth. ^^ ____________________________________________ Message:
Apart from talking about the nature of human beings and whether god
exists, it also has another important message. People who are feared
tend to lose their mind. Rationality and morality will disappear. The
ending of the film implies that we have to stay calm when we feel
feared because of the unpredictable future (in the mist). Otherwise, we
may do something which we will regret.
Yeh, I've heard your show before seeing the movie, so I noticed the religion part right away while I was viewing it. Director didn't take side, and left it for the audience to decide for themselves. You're very right...Very smart!
回覆刪除Also, I think it has strong reference to the American Govt and political atmosphere there too. Bush used exactly the similar Mob psychology to fool the people into supporting him and his plan of invasion into Iraq...Afterall, it's the beast inside that's more terrifying and haunting than those outside.
I think you can write your psychology thesis based on it. It's such an updated urban modern version of Lord of the Flies! Frank Darabont completed his King trilogy with flying colours! Bravo~~~
[版主回覆03/07/2008 12:58:00]Right!!! The film will be more inspiring and DEEP if one thinks of the religious orientation of the director.
RIGHT RIGHT!!! The film is also criticising the American govt... but you may know that politics is one of my weeknesses hahaha and so dare not mention it in the show hohohoho.
I am not an experienced movie lover and so have not all the films made by Frank Darabont. HAVE got some VCDs at home and will surely watch them ^^.
[版主回覆03/09/2008 23:01:00]Most of the films I listed above (the underlines ones). AND I am going to see a few more... but still planning. Some people say that No 3 in your list is very boring. Why are you interested in that one? No. 4 is worth seeing.
倫敦來客 is certainly not Bela Tarr's best film but it is certainly not a bad film to me.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/10/2008 23:22:00]Thanks for your sharing. I have not watched this film and so I cannot give any comment. I just found in several movie lovers' blogs giving negative comments on this film and revealing that they also fell asleep during the screening at Summer Pop.