kenji是否在《破事兒》中提及我的綽號「阿吹」呢? [版主回覆12/21/2007 01:27:00]Yeah we did hahaha... often our first member of the audience. If we have a fan club, you should be 0000001 hahaha ^^ KIDDING!
又點會淨係得阿吹聽你哋節目呀 唔留言都唔代表無聽㗎~~~ 不過聽完, 令我對I am Legend好有興趣喎 [版主回覆12/21/2007 01:29:00]Hey dont forget that we have once mentioned your name in our show ^^ 抽水 Ian BTW, we find I am Legend very entertaining and well acted. National Treasure is just mediocre.
阿關智試個造型乜咁似 Harry Potter o既 I AM LEGEND 真的很好看 還買了原著中文小說 ~ Will Smith做封面的英文版小說看來不是原著的 小說背景是七十年代 應有很多不同的地方 National Treasure 應該第一集好看一點 但忘了大體是怎樣的了 只記得寶藏也很豐富 ~ 也好像到過雪地拍攝 今集很多笑位 亦很刺激 而且那些機關也很精采呀 UA 屯門的環境也值得一讚 (兩部戲也是在UA 屯門觀賞的 : 一場一院 / 一場四院) [版主回覆12/22/2007 14:52:00]I am Legend and Atonement are my favourite movies during the Christmas holidays. National Treasure is just mediocre to me ^^.
回覆刪除破事兒 故事大綱:
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/21/2007 01:26:00]Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! Time to watch MOVIES ^^
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/21/2007 01:27:00]Yeah we did hahaha... often our first member of the audience. If we have a fan club, you should be 0000001 hahaha ^^ KIDDING!
不過聽完, 令我對I am Legend好有興趣喎
[版主回覆12/21/2007 01:29:00]Hey dont forget that we have once mentioned your name in our show ^^ 抽水 Ian BTW, we find I am Legend very entertaining and well acted. National Treasure is just mediocre.
阿關智試個造型乜咁似 Harry Potter o既 I AM LEGEND 真的很好看 還買了原著中文小說 ~ Will Smith做封面的英文版小說看來不是原著的 小說背景是七十年代 應有很多不同的地方 National Treasure 應該第一集好看一點 但忘了大體是怎樣的了 只記得寶藏也很豐富 ~ 也好像到過雪地拍攝 今集很多笑位 亦很刺激 而且那些機關也很精采呀 UA 屯門的環境也值得一讚 (兩部戲也是在UA 屯門觀賞的 : 一場一院 / 一場四院)
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/22/2007 14:52:00]I am Legend and Atonement are my favourite movies during the Christmas holidays. National Treasure is just mediocre to me ^^.
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/22/2007 23:16:00]Welcome welcome welcome ^^