
影畫絮語 – 聽說你愛我 + 屍城30夜

影畫絮語 www.mov-reviews.com 是一個網上播放的電影評論節目,歡迎收聽!!!



屍城30夜簡介: 在遙遠的北極阿拉斯加, 小鎮塚崗 (Barrow)與世隔絕, 每年冬天會進入長達三十天的黑暗期, 在那三十天內, 沒有白天,完全不見陽光,整個小鎮都會被黑夜籠罩,。就在這年的冬天, 正當鎮上的居民如常看著最後一線陽光消失於地平線上, 準備好迎接未來三十天的黑暗期之際, 一股陰森恐怖的勢力?悄悄迫近…..

鎮上警員艾賓 (佐斯夏利飾) 發現怪事陸續發生:先是大量手提電話失竊, 被埋在雪地之中; 接著一群雪橇犬離奇死亡, 死狀可怖。此時鎮上出現了一名不速之客(賓科士打飾), 艾賓與他的妻子史蒂拉 (美莉莎佐芝飾)一致認為這名陌生人就是兇手並將他拘禁。

可是鎮上的怪事還是不斷發生: 所有通訊儀器失靈, 互聯網被切斷, 最後全鎮的電力系統亦被中斷, 全鎮陷入一片肅殺的黑暗, 更恐怖的是鎮上居民逐一離奇死亡…..艾賓展開調查, 卻發現殺害居民的不是人類, 而是一群極度飢餓、乘著塚崗會有三十天不見天日而前來大開殺戒的吸血殭屍! 吸血殭屍只能於晚上出沒, 因為它們一接觸到陽光就會灰飛煙滅。

數日間, 幾乎所有居民已被殺死, 有些更變成吸血殭屍, 四處吸血。艾賓與他的弟弟植克(麥克邦飾), 史蒂拉及數名鎮民僥倖不死, 四處躲藏, 吸血殭屍步步進迫,誓要將死剩種迫出,吸個滴血不留!艾賓等人除了躲避殭屍,更要提防變種居民,孤鎮內求救無門,每分每秒都提心吊膽,衝天血腥中只有拼死頑抗,惶恐中倒數三十個漫長黑夜,盼望黑暗期後的陽光出現,可以逃出生天!

聽說你愛我 簡介:當世界末日來臨的那一天,你,會在做甚麼?這是佐藤葵(上野樹里飾)在大學時代所拍攝的電影《The End of the World》 ﹝世界末日﹞的情節,一個關於末日之戀的故事。因緣際會之 下,葵認識了岸田智也(市原隼人飾),並邀請他擔任由她所拍攝的電影的男主角。意外地葵也成為了智也的愛情顧問,甚至幫他寫情書給其他女孩,兩人像哥兒般成了無話不談的好朋友,但又不知不覺間,兩人的關係變得微妙起來。






鳴謝: Edko Films Ltd.

Production notes of the movies can be found here: http://www.cinespot.com/cnewfilmsmenu.html

19 則留言:

  1. The new show has just been uploaded. HAHA Sorry for giving out a wrong tip! Hope that you can listen to the show before watching the film and so we upload the clips earlier ^^. ENJOY the show!!!

  2. 我都係岩井俊二0既 fans~~~所以都識市原隼人同蒼井優, 事實上3個主角我都很喜歡~~~
    「聽說你愛我」的確充滿岩井俊二的影子淡淡愁緒的唯美, 再加左d搞笑元素~都唔錯
    好鍾意「戲中戲」裡的kiss戲, 很能表達女主角的內心感受~
    [版主回覆12/03/2007 17:59:00]Oh you have seen the film??? 戲中戲 has two functions. 1. it is a  tribute to those who love movies. 2. it shows that the director's loneliness and her love to him. If the last day of the world comes, she will choose to spend the rest of the time with HIM. Agree with you. GOOD analysis!

  3. 您講到我有o的想睇《聽說你愛我》添 《初雪之戀》都仲未睇呀 8mm 其實係咪冇聲架? 菲林平o的 但沖晒成本咁高 其實可能16mm 同35mm 會唔會化算o的呢? 不過8mm 的粗糙感覺是其他菲林營造不出來的效果呢 真的很特別 《屍城30夜》就應該唔會睇了 始終覺得買飛入場 冇理由要嚇自己 如果唔恐怖 仲要自嘆搵笨添 ... ... 所以 ... ... 都好少睇恐怖片 *其實戰爭片、政治片、紀錄片 有好多都十分恐怖的 《Insider》 (奪命煙幕) 都好恐怖呀 另一套「恐怖片」 就係《命運迷牆》了 星期二終於襯著落畫前看了 仲包場睇添 ~ 想知點解? 可以到小弟的blog度睇睇 ... ...
    [版主回覆12/06/2007 13:19:00]聽說你愛我 is better than 初雪之戀 personally speaking.
    Welcome to share your opinion here after you watch THEM! 
    8mm has SOUND!!! I also love 粗糙感覺!

  4. 唔知點解,我對日本電影無咩興趣,就算佢個題材有幾好,我硬係提唔起勁。
    [版主回覆12/07/2007 20:45:00]Interesting... One of my friends is interested in collecting DVDs... but he never watches films made in ASIA... hahaha ^^ dunno why... he himself cannot explain it too.

  5. Some GOOD things about Rainbow Song: 1. Memorable images 2. Characters WELL developed. 3. NOT a tear
    jerker... a film touching me in a subtle way. 4. The short film in the
    film is amusing and meaningful. 5. Rainbow Song, which has 7 chapters, is like a rainbow!!! WORTH SEEING 3.5 / 5

  6. 星期日又來了,新節目會否隨着周日雙雙來臨呢?
    [版主回覆12/08/2007 22:36:00]Sorry that we may disappoint you this time ^^. The new recording will be done on Monday and so the new show will be uploaded next weekend.

  7. We have seen 塚愛 already. It is NOT BAD!!! The ending has a twist, but some lines are irrelevant and the message cannot be effectively conveyed. 1. men think that sex and love can be separated. 2. Sometimes, we do something silly for the people whom we love. 3 / 5. Besides, the film is not frightening enough... the director tries to combine romance with horror... a good try, but the lovers of ghost stories may not be pleased.

  8. 咁今次講咩戲啊???
    [版主回覆12/09/2007 14:32:00]The new show will be uploaded on Wed perhaps... It is about... ^^ (SECRET) You guys will be surprised. ^0^

  9. 屍城30夜又係蜘蛛俠導演的作品、我知道他拍恐怖片成名!
    [版主回覆12/09/2007 14:36:00]Really? I was not aware of that ... I only know that the director is 大衛史歷 , a new director. Thanks a lot!

  10. 泰國"盛夏光年"般的電影"Love Of Siam愛在暹羅廣場"正在泰國上演中,電影主題曲MV熱爆 Imeem全球MV榜. 請到我Blog分享.....
    [版主回覆12/09/2007 17:04:00]Interested in this film. Wonder if it will be released in HK??? Thanks for your recommendation anyway. ^^

  11. Snoopylee : 其實,菲林一定係 無聲 ,菲林只是影像,拍電影的時候,另外要錄聲音,即sound roll,所以要有拍板來syn sound! ok?
    8mm 有粗糙感覺是因為像數比16mm 同35mm 低,現在所謂的高清,就有16mm 的像數,所以高清攝影技術在將來可能會取代菲林了!
    [版主回覆12/10/2007 13:04:00]Thanks very much for your detailed and professional explanation!

  12. I am having my first examination in secondary school la... but I can spend some time to listen your show. Sometime when I finish doing my revision, I will listen to your old shows to relax. Your shows are so relaxing and make people laugh and be happy.
    What secret ar???  Very mysterious ah!!!... we will surprise about that... you seemed really confident.
    [版主回覆12/11/2007 13:15:00]Add Oil!!! Thanks so much for your compliment. Sometimes, we make jokes ^^. Sometimes, we mention professional terms. Sometimes we share how we feel and study films from different angles. I really enjoy the experience.
    You may download the shows and save them in the computer. By the way, the new shows will be uploaded on Tue or Wed night. VERY mysterious hohohoho. Anywya, good luck with your exam. Listen to our show later lar ^^

  13. 好大壓力......
    [版主回覆12/11/2007 13:10:00]RIGHT!!! Are you stressed recently Ellen??? ^^ I am hahahaha VERY!!!

  14. 我想問........演員在一部電影,演繹得過火,是什麼意思?什麼才界定是過火?過火有什麼不好處?請詳細解釋。
    [版主回覆12/11/2007 19:46:00]Overacting means TOO MUCH!!! For instance, there are many ways to express sadness. If a traditional man cries so loudly in front of others that the members of the audience are not convinced that he is really that sad, we say that this actor overacts. TOO MUCH!!! The result is that his performance is NOT convincing... I dont believe that this character exists in the real world and as a result you may not be moved. The opposite of this word is UNDERACT. Sorry that I cant type in Chinese. You may ask Ka Ka.

  15. 你所講的例子不是指「虛偽」「虛假」嗎?
    重聽你們的節目《強復者》(我是Jodie Foster 粉絲),你提及有人說她在《房不勝防 Panic Room》演繹過火?為什麼呢?
    [版主回覆12/11/2007 22:08:00]Too dramatic... she is like a superwoman in Panic Room... I mean her acting... OVERACT does not exactly mean 虛假. .. but they are related... Actors who UNDERACT can also look 虛假!

  16. superwoman?? Can you explain why? I still cannot get it. Sorry for my trouble!!
    [版主回覆12/12/2007 12:58:00]She looks TOO tough in Panic Room... but she is just an ordinary housewife right? BUT she looks like a woman who is good at fighting in the film. TOO MUCH!

  17. 噢,原來如此。謝謝kenji的解答!
    [版主回覆12/12/2007 19:07:00]Welcome. Sorry that I can only type in English.

  18. By the way, some actors may intentionally overact in order to maximize the effect! Some characters in the TVB soap opera broadcast at 8:00 now are typical examples... Wong Ka Nam's brother intentionally overacts in order to make the audience laugh ^^

  19. 嘩.........kenji都睇電視劇喎!
    [版主回覆12/13/2007 18:13:00]sometimes lar
