
台式人氣餐廳 Dazzling Cafe


Long time no see, everyone. Summer has come and I eventually have time to update my blog. 

A gust of Taiwan culture is sweeping through Hong Kong. A few months ago, I visited Teawood with my mum. This morning, we visited an Open Rice 人氣餐廳, Dazzling Cafe. It outperforms Teawood in terms of service and environment. As for the food and drink, the quality is equally good. My next target is Coffee Alley.
The restaurant opens at 12:00 every day. I arrived at the cafe at 11:30 a.m. on a Monday. This was what I saw.
 Caribbean Fruit Punch Sorbet $48 --- 4.5 / 5

Chicken Spaghetti with Lemon Pasta $92 --- 4.5 / 5

The service (5 / 5) is excellent. The helpful and courteous waiters paid attention to details. If you have a bag, they will kindly provide you with a big box which can be placed under your chair. Besides, your glass is never empty. They also politely asked for advice on the dishes.On the contrary, some waiters in Teawood were rude.

Strawberry and Ice Cream Waffle (Crispy) $68 - 3.5 / 5

Iced Vanilla Brulee Milk Tea $45 - 3.5 / 5 
It tasted very good at first, but it became bland when the ice melted.

Do I look like a cat?

Rabbit ears! So adorable!

Matcha Red Bean Honey Toast (Crispy) $90 - 4 / 5

39 則留言:

  1. wow....welcome back!

    1. i cracked up when seeing the rabbit.

    2. Thank you so much for leaving a message. I am BACK, at least for a while. In that photo, I look like a fairy.

    3. by the way, do you have religious belief?

    4. No. Why are you interested in knowing?

    5. You have struggles ma.
      People tend to turn to God when they have struggles. HAHA!
      BUT you overcome your hardships on your own...(clapping hands)!!

    6. You mean the struggles in my previous workplace? Now, I do not have any. I enjoy thoroughly working with my colleagues. They are very nice and sincere. I also think if God was able to solve all problems, why wouldn't he stop the villains from killing the innocent and the good people from suffering? Why would he let a tsunami kill many innocent people?

    7. Previously, I had the same thought as you and I remember I asked someone a question.


    8. 她回答:當然不是純感性呢,是經驗分享。很多人濫用信任,畢竟要分得開那些是自己的高我的想像,那些是對生命真正的信任。在過程中,你會感受到並可以分辨是非。順境要信任較易,在逆境中要信任,是因為信任後自己比較可以放下對所有事情結果的執著,反而得到更多,或更了解事件背後的意義。

    9. 就算我們沒有戰亂,饑荒,我們也在一出生便要接受終有一天我們便會死去的。無一幸免,所以命定的生死放下一邊,重要是過程,是態度,是我們在世可以如何成為愛與付出愛。那些經歷失戀便尋死的人,有些留下來的,他們自然會明白生命的意義,自有他們的過程與時間表,但他們若真的這麼便離開了的,也只不過早一步離開,而且他們在別人的生命中,已經起了別的作用,或是啟發性或是警告性質或時感動另一些人的故事,我們智慧有限,知道的未必是事情的全部呢。

      Just share with you. If you don't agree, it's ok.
      God bless you! :)

    10. Thanks for your sharing. However, I do not understand her reply. I'm very puzzled by the relation between 不是純感性, 經驗分享 and 信任.

      Besides, that something cannot be scientifically proven does not mean that it does not exist. That is what I understand. I personally think gods may / may not exist. However, why should I believe in a particular god if I do not even know for sure if he or she really exists? Why does someone believe in Wong Tai Sin, instead of Jesus. Which god truly exists? I agree that 我們智慧有限,知道的未必是事情的全部。

      What really bothers me is the human beings who use religions to hurt others. In the past, the bible was used to discriminate against black people and women, in the present, against homosexuals. Believers sometimes misinterpret Jesus' words. Some even launch wars in the name of god.

      Anyway, I graduated from a Catholic school and I do enjoy thinking, so the above is just my 2 cents. Happiness is real when shared!

    11. You do not need to struggle with which God I should believe in if you don't know for sure which God you should embrace.Just know that there is a greater force above us and believe in this greater force which best arranges our lives.
      OR it is okay if you do not even believe in this greater force. Just have faith in your own life and trust the fact that the ups and downs in your life have their own meanings and agendas that sometimes you may not understand well. Through having faith in your own life (or even believing in the greater force that best arranges people's lives), it can help you let go of the results and move forward.

      Happiness is real when shared!

    12. These are the things I am trying to learn and practise in my life.

    13. I don't know if the greater force exists, but I am sure there is a light in me and nobody can take take away, haha. Life is full of possibilities and everyone is different. Thanks for your support.

  2. 是否在銅鑼灣?我同事說有一間的waffle超好吃。:D

  3. 咁下次如果行開the One就去試下先^^
    btw, nice pink polo shirt and the rabbit ears

    1. Thanks so much. It seems that pink really suits me. By the way, I advise you to go and queue up at 11:30 so that you can get in in the first round.

  4. 很高興見到你又回來了!大家繼續在網海浮沉,努力!
    祝頌夏安! God bless you !

    1. Thanks a lot for your visit. Let's keep sharing the beautiful moments in our lives.

  5. 台灣餐廳真的永遠都大排長龍,可是我不太感興趣呢,好像來來去去只有肉燥飯和吐司。

    1. Thank you so much for your visit. I seldom update my blog these days. I love both 肉燥飯 and 吐司. I also like the drinks! As for movies, I will definitely post my top-30-movie list at the end of the year.

  6. 噢,我的網頁顯示你有五個月未update你的blog,我心血來潮來看看,才知道你update了。
    我幾天前到過The One,見到這間cafe,有指示牌說當日已派籌完畢,心想什麼店這麼厲害。現在才知道是台式cafe,飲品和甜品看上去都很吸引,不過,要排長龍呢。星期一也這麼多人,看來暫無緣試了。

    1. You can go there when you have a holiday on a weekday!!! I really like it.

      By the way, I am not sure if I will have the time to update this blog often. I think I will at least post some photos taken in my trip in July and my recommended movie list at the end of the year. I really dunno what to do. By the way, I am just back from Italy and will share some photos here maybe.

    2. 只放相和電影評分也ok啊~ 等待你的意大利照片!

    3. True! I have posted the photos via Facebook. Maybe I can post some here later.

  7. 意大利是我比較期望去的地方, 期待你的旅遊遊記和照片。祝安!

    1. I will try to post some here. This year, I am trying to use Facebook instead of my blog. Really dunno what to do.

    2. Face book is convenient for some, but not comprehensive enough ah!

    3. I have posted some of the photos here. Please take a look. THANKS!

    4. This is really good! Thank you accept my proposal, to hope that I will not miss your travel record.

  8. 回覆
    1. Southern Italy and Northern Italy are also worth visiting.

  9. 我唸排隊食飯都算香港另一種特色景觀...

    1. The craze has gone. It is not very difficult to get in now.

  10. 回覆
    1. The craze has gone. It is not very difficult to get in now. It is worth trying since the service and food are also good.
