
雷神奇俠 . 危機解密 . 馬拉高 . 肉蒲團


The Pursuit of Power Pollutes our Minds

THOR is an epic adventure about Thor, a powerful but arrogant god whose reckless actions trigger a war. As a result, he is stripped of his powers by his father Odin and banished to Earth where he has to learn what it takes to be a good leader.

Like Iron Man, one of the reasons for THOR’s success is the three-dimensional and pleasing protagonist
that the audience cares about. Thor is not only a mighty warrior with a powerful physique, but also a loyal friend. However, as a prince born to inherit the throne, he is petulant. Because of his impetuosity, shortsightedness, flashes of rage and disrespect, his father deprives him of his powers and exiles him to earth in the hope that he will become more humble and mature. Unlike other superheroes who gain their superpowers when bitten by a genetically altered spider or hit by a gamma blast, Thor becomes a mortal, like us. Owing to the loss of powers and a beauty’s love, his heart is softened. Despite the flaw that Thor’s personal growth, i.e. the learning of humility, and his interest in Jane Foster are underdeveloped, Thor is still a charismatic character whom the audience aspires to be.

What makes this movie so relatable to me is the breakdown of the family. Speaking of family, Thor is no different from us. He also has to deal with family issues, e.g. sibling rivalry for power and attention, a son’s impatience to prove his worth to his father, Loki’s hatred for his father, etc. That the pursuit of power
pollutes our minds sounds plausible. Several scenes showing the confrontations between the father and the son are emotionally affecting, thanks to Anthony Hopkins, an acting legend, whose nuanced performance as an aging king and a distressed father who is hurt and disappointed by his son is very convincing.

The delicately crafted Marvel universe sets the scene for this epic adventure. Earth, Asgard and Jotunheim are beautifully shot and their unique features are highlighted. For instance, Thor’s stay in remote New Mexico symbolizes the fall of the god. While his arrogance and passion are highlighted in his glowing golden world, his unequaled courage contrasts sharply with the scary snowy world. Thanks to the jaw-dropping
IMAX 3D images, the convincing set design and the cool costume design, the three distinctly different worlds are brought to life within the same reality. What’s more, that science cannot explain everything and Norse mythology is real adds romance to the story.

Albeit not on a par with Spiderman, THOR is a success as a commercial popcorn movie blending together different genres, mythology, action, a character study, romance, family drama, etc.

P.S. Make sure you stick around till after the closing credits! 3.7 / 5


Director Duncan Jones (Moon) and Jake Gyllenhaal (Brokeback Mountain) draw me to Source Code, a sci-fi thriller about a soldier Colter who wakes up on a train and discovers he's part of a military program that enables him to return to the train as another man in the parallel reality. His mission is to uncover the identity of the terrorist who bombs the train in 8 minutes.

Source Code is a fast-paced, tightly-plotted and gripping movie with adrenaline-pumping suspense, touching moments and surprising twists. Although similar events are shown over and over again, more and more conspiracies, secrets and twists are revealed each time Colter is transported back and forth between the train and the high-tech isolation unit. Thanks to Paul Hirsch’s deft editing and the 8-minute time limit which adds urgency to the mission, our attention is held from beginning to end.

What would you do if you knew you only had one minute to live? Christina would make those seconds count and Colter would kiss her again. The message of the movie is that we should make good use of every second of our lives so that we have no regrets. I am touched by Colter’s telephone conversation with his Dad and his attempt to save everybody in the last ride.

The movie is not flawless. First, not every idea makes sense when you think back. For instance, where is Sean’s soul in the end? Second, the love between Colter and Christina can be further developed. For example, at which moment and why does Colter start to fancy Christina? Besides, Christina may not truly love Colter, which makes the ending less touching. Third, it is unlikely for Goodwin, an army officer, to help Colter. She may risk life imprisonment.

Perhaps it’s time to stop thinking too much. Just lie back and enjoy the thrilling ride in which you can enjoy a cocktail of sci-fi, crime and romance. 3.7 / 5


Rango is not only one of the most stylish westerns that I have seen in years, but also a beautifully-rendered, entertaining and gripping satire on the negative influence of big business. The film also reminds us to have faith, use imagination and realise one's responsibility. 4 / 5


Despite the charming cast, 3D Sex & Zen: Extreme Ecstasy is a disappointment which does not live up to its hype.

As an erotic movie, it is not as satisfying as a hard-core pornographic movie. As a drama, it has paper-thin and inconsistent characters. That the main character and his wife suddenly miss each other is totally without substance. As a result, it fails to touch some members of the audience and the delivery of the message becomes very weak.

On the whole, it is a cult movie mixing pornography, foul language, jokes, romance, gore and action. However, it falls between two stools. You are advised not to take the plot seriously and expect any hard-core images, or you may be disappointed. A similar Korean movie, A Frozen Flower, is highly recommended. 2.5 / 5


23 則留言:

  1. 想問下"危機解密"同"馬拉高"英文戲名係咩呀?? 總係覺得"危機解密"個男主角熟口熟面咁...
    肉蒲團今次可以講得係失敗...三級片又唔三級片, 戲又唔戲咁, 搞到兩頭唔到岸....
    [版主回覆04/21/2011 12:12:00]危機解密 - Source Code
    馬拉高 - Rango
    危機解密個男主角 - Have you seen Brokeback Mountain?
    兩頭唔到岸 - Exactly what I think. Have you seen 霜花店? It is a much better version of 肉蒲團.

  2. Just watched "Source Code" today, really nice one, I enjoyed it so much, it's one of the best in 2011 in my opinion.
    [版主回覆04/22/2011 10:50:00]An entertaining and sometimes touching movie, but it is not flawless. I will write a review on it.

  3. jake 有新戲又要去捧場了 ^^
    估唔到你都看左睇3D 肉浦團......我就完全無興趣了~
    [版主回覆04/22/2011 10:52:00]Let's support Jake. He is a good actor. 肉浦團... I watched it because it is said that it is a mixture of different elements. Sometimes, different elements are well mixed, e.g. in A Frozen Flower. However, I am disappointed.

  4. OH~~~你講起brokeback mountain我就記得佢邊個啦, 我覺得佢熟口面係因為最近睇過佢套"love and other drugs"呀...!! 霜花店?? 真係未睇過呀~~
    [版主回覆04/22/2011 10:52:00]Right, the one in Love and Other Drugs. Wanna watch it when I am free.

  5. 今早去睇危機解密, 真係諗唔到會係咁好睇... 男主角演得好睇(我還是第一次看他做的戲), 其餘不多戲份的演員但又讓觀眾完場後仍留下深刻印像...真係配服他/她們的演譯... 故事有部份帶點點的傷感和無奈... 男主角與父親對話的一幕(深刻)... 與女上校之間的對話... ENDING又係我意料之外. 整體缺不了一個"情"字, 親情, 感情, 人情... 細緻
    [版主回覆04/22/2011 12:20:00]It is well received, getting 90% fresh at Rottentomatoes. Very exciting! However, it is a pity that Christina only loves the teacher, not the captain.

  6. AGREE...
    [版主回覆04/22/2011 18:19:00]The film also has other flaws, but generally it is an entertaining popcorn movie.

  7. 馬拉高的確有責任感值得學習。
    [版主回覆04/22/2011 21:02:00]I believe everyone is unique and has a role to play since our birth. ^^

  8. 其實...無論電影或人生都總會有點點瑕疵... 對我這類觀眾而言, 除了用心欣賞和感受故事中人物外, 即使有那點點瑕疵我也寧願記著剛才享受的一刻, 電影讓我去感受, 現實有時真的無暇去享受那點點的幻想...   其實我幾欣賞故事裡那位女上校... 祇是ENDING 也有些疑問... 點解男主角無死? 同埋女上校點解咁遲先收到個MESSAGE?? 即等於你話女主角愛的是CAPTAIN好過係那位老師... 但係由始至終我都係代入JAKE同個女主角先係一對... 因為我當過老師無到, 哈哈... 靚仔真係有著數...  而有場爆炸的畫面亦讓我感受那種 到底兩位當事人是要怎麼樣的反應? 若代入戲中人那感覺又會是怎樣, 很可怕的想像... !很奇怪吧   鏡頭拍得幾靚仲做埋定格效果. 所以作為影評人的你因有太多細緻位要顧及, 所以會少了一份幻想...
    [版主回覆04/23/2011 15:05:00]SPOILER WARNING: 1. His body dies, so his soul goes to the parallel reality. 2. Goodwin in the parallel reality gets the message. 3. I mean Christina fancies Sean, but she may not really love Colter if she knows more about him. 4. Many IMDB users think the movie should have ended in the freeze frame because the happy ending does not make sense. 5. As a movie lover, I enjoy thinking and feeling while watching a movie. That I pay attention to its flaws does not necessarily mean that I cannot imagine at the same time. Indeed, imagination is one of the parts that I savour while watching a film.

  9. The trailer of Source Code reminded me of Vantage Point (which I think is really boring ). But I think I'll support Jake anyway.
    [版主回覆04/23/2011 15:07:00]Quite similar indeed. Thanks for mentioning. Um... but if you find it boring, I am not sure if you will like Source Code. Anyway, I think Jake performs well in this movie and I find it entertaining. How about waiting for the VCD?

  10. 睇左source code~我都覺得佢應該0係freezing point end......
    其實仔細諗係會有問題關於個「source code」idea~不過以3simple scene0既科幻片黎講佢真係好緊湊同刺激~
    同埋jake d 演技愈來愈好啊,大愛 ^^
    [版主回覆04/25/2011 00:46:00]SPOILER WARNING: Agree. If not, the Hollywoodized ending does not make
    sense. Where is Sean's soul? Of course, the film is suspenseful and
    exciting from beginning to end and Jake is really good. Hey have you
    seen MOON, the director's previous work. Highly recommended.

  11. I can't wait to watch Source Code myself!! Can't wait can't wait!!!
    [版主回覆04/25/2011 11:31:00]Enjoy your ride!!!

  12. Watch "Rango" on last Sat. A good anime the message behind is also meaningful also show 2D movie can be better than 3D
    [版主回覆04/25/2011 23:26:00]The 2D images in this movies are even better than some 3D images in others. I sometimes think 3D is not necessary. What matters is the story and characterization.

  13. LC and I will see Thor this Thursday.  On Source Code, I am glad I read the Wiki blurb ahead of time.  I would've gotten all confused if I hadn't.   Hmmm, I may take up your suggestion of imitating you.  But my reviews will be strictly low-brow...
    [版主回覆04/28/2011 13:09:00]A movie can be interpreted from different perspectives. I would love to know your opinion for sure. ^^

  14. 無睇moon wow~亦無乜留意,因為我本身唔太好科幻片~
    不過你咁highly recommend 遲d買片睇返 ^^
    [版主回覆04/28/2011 13:10:00]MOON is great. I am not into sci-fi frankly speaking, but it is even better than Source Code in my opinion. The DVDs / VCDs should be available in HK.

  15. 我睇左Source Code了。critics好高,但我又唔覺真係「嘩」一聲咁精彩,不過都好睇既。
    [版主回覆04/28/2011 13:20:00]唔知係邊度睇過 - Vantage Point?! 後尾唔覺有乜懸念 - AND I think he has unlimited chances and he will eventually find out who the bomber is haha. Colter's conversation with his Dad touches me. After all, if I were Colter, I would do the same, saying thank you and sorry to someone important in my life. However, that part is kind of detached from the rest of the movie. After all, his relationship with his Dad is underdeveloped, so I also agree with you that it is 煽情. Colter 同 Christina 呢條線薄弱 - Agree. Right, not wow... but quite good... probably slightly overrated.

  16. For Source Code, even some flaws, not absolutely perfect, but is one of the best mov in 2011!
    Although many ppl said the most touching scenes are "frozen scene" & "talking with Dad" , many ppl may miss this: After "Frozen Scene" out, the scene turn back to the Lab, while Goodwin started to stop the machine, Colter smile with satisfaction, such moment touched me much!
    How come use compare 霜花店  with  肉蒲團 ? The former is much better la, nothing can attract me to such meaningless mov!
    [版主回覆04/30/2011 15:39:00]A Frozen Flower is also an erotic movie with many different elements, but its characters are much more well developed than the ones in Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy.

  17. 《THOR》好像是父子的親情戲,做爸爸的確有他另一套計劃﹗我欣賞這電影的視覺效果。另一套《危機解密》我幾喜歡睇...我亦投入了男主角的角色,我的選擇會與他一樣﹗
    [版主回覆04/30/2011 23:01:00]I attended the preview at I-square and the IMAX 3D effect is really a plus this time. The father and son relationship also touches me, but the romance is just average. As for Source Code, I am not sure. I don't want to die, but leading a life like this is meaningless perhaps.

  18. where's your latest restaurant review?  missing it!!!
    [版主回覆05/01/2011 14:54:00]What a coincidence! I will share some located in Tin Hau. Please comment. Thanks! ^^

  19. 真湊巧,我都是在那裡看的,我看的是28/4,1800。你呢﹖
    [版主回覆05/01/2011 22:52:00]26/4 - 21:30 The IMAX 3D is earth-shattering haha.

  20. 一D都5覺得佢地條感情線唔合理, 仲有我都5認為好快就搵到炸彈人! 起碼第七次返去先搵到!
    唯一漏洞係, 既然ending果度高雲已經收到史sir個sms話左個炸彈人個名, 點解5即刻拉人仲打算啟動佢既SC呢?
    [版主回覆05/03/2011 12:36:00]感情線唔合理 - I have not said that.
    我 5 認為好快就搵到炸彈人 - I have not said that.  
    Plothole: where is Sean’s soul in the end?

  21. Regarding 3D玉浦團,guys around me really classified it as a cult movie, so did I. indeed viewers sholud not take it seriously regarding it as a pon movie, otherwise, will be deeply disappointed. i will try to find out A Frozen Flower as a comparison to 3D玉浦團
    [版主回覆05/20/2011 22:15:00]Indeed it is. Yes A Frozen Flower is also an exotic movie, but the quality is much higher. Enjoy!

  22. Kenji哥哥5好誤會呀! 係小弟見到呢度D comment講呢!
    sean個soul咪俾colter captured左lol!
    [版主回覆05/30/2011 15:10:00]OIC ^^ As for Sean's soul, it should not be captured by Colter because in that reality, Sean is NOT dead, so I think it does not make sense. Thanks!

  23. Hello Kenji,
    很久沒有來訪, sorry !
    近期看的電影中, 最喜歡是 Source Code 及 Animal Kingdom.
    Animal Kingdom 您有沒有看 ? 想聽下您意見 :)
    See you
    [版主回覆06/03/2011 18:05:00]Animal Kingdom, YES! Above average, not great though. I am impressed by the mum's acting though it may be a little bit over the top. Her charisma just blew me away. The story is engaging, but it does not surprise me. ^^
