
Indiana Jones + DVDs I Have Seen Recently

Hey movie lovers, cheer up!

The low season is going to be over.

During this period, I have not visited cinemas as often as I used to.

Nevertheless, I have seen Indiana Jones 4 and lots of DVDs.

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981 --- 3

- A classic adventure story, directed by the creators of JAWS & STAR WARS.

- Setting: 1936 + Forest + Dessert + Island

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 1984 --- 3.5

- Setting: 1935 + Shanghai + India + Mine + Bridge & Crocodiles

- One great scene: Plane – Jump and skid on the ice – River

- There are many disgusting bugs.

- More entertaining than episode 1.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 1989 --- 4

- Setting: 1938 + Ship + Train + Balloon + Horse VS Cars + Plane VS Birds +

   Tank VS horse + castle

- Explain why he is afraid of snakes in the 1st episode & uses a whip.

- Talk about the young Indiana Jones and his Dad. The ending is heartwarming!

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 2008 --- 3.5

- Setting: 1957 + Waterfall + Spaceship + Tarzan @ Forest

- His son and his girlfriend in the 1st episode

- Some scenes are well designed, e.g. fencing, forest, car chasing, etc.

- However, some ideas do not make sense.

Kenji's preference over the 4 Indiana Jones films - 3 > 2 > 4 > 1

The History Boys 2006 --- 4

- "What lifts this movie above the average is the clever, erudite and witty dialogue."

- The film is about the nature and value of learning. Teachers and those who love

   English literature and western history will love it.

- An excellent adaptation from stage to screen.

- The cast is pleasing.

- I love the OST. Bewitched is a touching song.



Gerry 2002 --- 4
I love Gus Van Sant's films, e.g. Elephant (4.5) and Good Will Hunting (4),

though Paranoid Park and My Own Private Idaho are not as good as I expect.

Gerry is a very artistic film based on a true event.

It is also one of the installments of his trilogy on death

(the other two are Elephant and Last Day).

On the surface Gerry is about two guys who got lost in a desert.

It is actually about two sides of the same person.

The two-edged ending requires the audience to THINK.

The long shots, music and scenery are mesmerizing.

Although some may find the long shots boring and meaningless,

I think they can have the audience feel how the characters feel.

Gus Van Sant is one of the directors I love.

While Good Will Hunting is a commercial triumph,

Gerry is an artistic, symbolic and beautifully shot film at the other end of the scale.

Elephant is one of my top 100 films and I highly recommend it to you. 


Little Children 2006 --- 4
- Rottentomatoes - 81% of the reviews are positive. 

- About adults who act like kids.

- The cast is superb and the characters are well developed.

In the Bedroom 2001 --- 4

- By Todd Field - Director of Little Children

- "Expertly crafted and performed, it is a quietly wrenching portrayal of grief."

- Rottentomatoes - 94% of the reviews are positive.  

- The cast is superb and the characters are well developed.

Diary of the Dead 2007 --- 3

- Directed by George A. Romero

- A mockumentary shot with a hand-held camera.

- The main character is not pleasing and some ideas are ridiculous.

- Emphasize the function of the internet.

- In IMDB forum, one thread is called "100 things you learnt from this film".

   I bet you will laugh for 10 minutes.

REC 2007 --- 4

This spanish film is a creative mixture of Cloverfield and zombies,

shot with a hand-held camera.

There are lots of adrenaline-pumping moments

which will make your hair stand on end.

The audience also needs to THINK about the origin of the virus.

It is great FUN and there are a lot for you to discuss and think about.

The Hollywood remake is called Quarantine which will be released in US. 

What films will I talk about?

The Incredible Hulk and The Happening ^0^

Don't miss it.

The new show should be ready next Saturday.

9 則留言:

  1. 係咪《新變形俠醫》同《破天.慌》?
    [版主回覆06/08/2008 22:55:00]YES!!! I will watch them next week by myself. 新變形俠醫 has Edward Norton and it is said that the film will be more action packed than the first one. A superhero film again. Besides, The Happening should be suspenseful. I visited your blog in the afternoon today and found that I should write about several GOOD films I have watched recently. THANKS... you know I lack motivation to write about films without your words. ^0^ Anyway, I am taking a short break from Move Thee Reviews these few weeks... very tired and so have not talked about Indiana Jones 4. It is quite entertaining, but you know I love those films requiring me to THINK haha. SO I wont talk about it this time. READ please! (I have done my homework by watching the 4 films!)

  2. 雖然我無寫blog呢排但都有睇你個blog同听節目^^
    0岩0岩睇左narnia~拍得好過第一集, 有d似睇緊 harry potter mix lord of the ring 哈哈
    之後好似都會上幾多animation, 不過我唔太好 :p
    你要加油啊~always 有 fans support 呢到 ^^
    [版主回覆06/09/2008 11:10:00]Thanks for your wholehearted support and your words are always encouraging. Sometimes listening to someone talking about films is better than reading written reviews. Judging from my intonation, you can feel how I feel. I hope I will be freer and work with other hosts later. Although I am recently very tired, it is lucky that not many MUST-SEE films are released recently. HAHA... I am taking a break! Narnia's first episode is disappointing and so I may not watch the second one. BUT it is said that the second one is darker and more entertaining. So I guess it is another CG oriented blockbuster which does not require the audience to think too much. Anyway, let's fall in love with movies, SuperSweet.

  3. i am interest on some DVDs that you have seen.and,
    Oh, My God!REC. i am really really want to see this! How can you get the dvd? I don't think it would be easy to find in H.K. I do not think it would have chinese subtitles, right? but do it have the english?
    [版主回覆06/09/2008 11:00:00]REC - IMDB: 7.8 / 10 -  Rottentomatoes: 90% I am a fan of zombie films and in my opinion, REC and 28 Days Later are the best. The ones made by George A Romeo are not my cup of tea.The hand held camera in REC is more cleverly used than the one in Diary of the Dead. If you want to be sacred, REC won't disappoint you. The ending is SUPER scary... though it is a low-budget film. After watching the film, people also need to think about how the virus is spread. Some theories are discussed in IMDB and it is FUN... Watch the trailer @ Youtube and you will know! This film will be released in Taiwan soon, but I guess only the Hollywood remake will be released in HK. Last week, my friend held a party in his flat and 10 of us watched this film together. I guess he got the DVD in the Mainland. AUDIO: Spanish / SUBTITLE: Chinese RIGHT... it is VERY hard to get it in HK. 西班牙擁破千萬美金票房紀錄,美國新力公司天價搶購重拍版權,預定2008年底上映。電視台決定做一個消防隊員夜間工作的深度新聞報導,美麗的女主持人緊跟著兩位攝影師一整晚,啥事都沒發生。正準備要放棄的時候,消防隊突然接到市區某老舊公寓的報案,指稱有人受傷。主持人雀躍不已,跟著消防隊員來到現場,遠遠地就聽到慘叫的聲音,攝影機一路開機猛拍。幽暗的走廊盡頭有個小女孩在哭泣,消防隊員緩緩向她接近,要她不要怕。當攝影機的燈光照到她的臉時,竟是一張如殭屍般,滿口血絲的臉,她向消防隊員撲來狂咬....

  4. Hulk and Happenings!!! I'm interested to see both...tell me more about them!!! Quick...can't wait ~~~
    [版主回覆06/09/2008 17:58:00]Sure NO PROBLEM! Will give you a detailed report ^^!!!!

  5. 我很努力地讀了你的英文review啦!
    哈哈~~我都估到你應該不會講Indiana 4,因為這些大片太商業啦。人人都抱有相同的想法、一致的評論,人云亦云、老生常談。
    話時話,我冇睇Indiana 3,就係因為睇左Indiana 4。我唔知Indiana 3有幾好,但係我覺得Indiana 2好好睇,比Indiana 1有更多CG(你知我鍾意睇CG嗎?)
    [版主回覆06/09/2008 22:59:00]
    英文 Review? They are not reviews haha... they are just brief notes. Indiana Jones 4 is commercial, but some scenes are well designed. However, I prefer the design in episode 3. Of course, the story lacks surprises, except that his son and girlfriend who appeared in episode 1 show up.
    冇睇 Indiana 3??? Oh NO... you have to see it... most of the fans think no 3 is the BEST!!! You can see Indiana's father there. His acting is very impressive. You have to see it... Also agree that 2 is better than 1. BUT I dont think much CG is used in episode 2... they are PROPS.
    Thanks for your suggestion, but I have not seen Lady in the Water, Signs and the Village. AGREE that 鬼眼好看!!! You should try to watch some scary films ^^ Otherwise you cant enjoy the films made by this famous director ^^

  6. 睇雜誌話「the happening」係禮切沙也馬蘭的翻生之作~所以都幾有興趣~
    雖然我只看過「鬼眼」, its a really gd film~條橋好正~希望今次都有驚喜啦 ^^
    [版主回覆06/10/2008 12:51:00]REALLY? Thanks for your sharing. 翻生之作 --- then I will try to talk about it on Sat. THANKS!

  7. ...A classic adventure story, directed by the creators of JAWS & STAR WARS... SORRY to inform u that JAWS and STAR WARS are created by diff ppl.  JAWS is "Steven Spielerg" STAR WARS is "George Lucas" All 4 Indy movies are directed by Steven Spielberg (the director of JAWS, not STAR WARS).   George Lucas (Director and creator of STAR WARS) is only for stroy and producer.
    [版主回覆06/13/2008 18:30:00]THANKS so much for correction. I intended to use the word "created" instead of "directed", but somehow I made the mistake. THANKS a lot.

  8. 我冇睇IJ4,因為連前幾集都未睇過 但係琴日就睇左the happening....個人來說有點失望,劇情有點「兩頭唔到岸」,或者呢套戲主要叫大家珍惜眼前人(有點勉強去表達)
    [版主回覆06/13/2008 23:41:00]I saw the DVDs of 1, 2 and 3 before I watched 4. ^^ The Happening is disappointing to me... wanna talk about it in the show now, but it is raining and noisy... very frustrated. I think the film is conservation and communication.

  9. I like The History Boys, the feel it gave me was kind of pure, and it's quite inspiring...=]
    [版主回覆06/25/2008 16:55:00]Right! I love the dialogue and the messages. What is the nature of learning? For knowledge? For exams?
