導演個人風格強烈,顏色浮誇,配樂獨樹一幟 … … 描述三兄弟試圖修復親情的公路電影《大吉利是有限公司》,是一部藝術性奇高的怪電影。
鳴謝: Warner Bros. (F. E.) Inc. Ltd.,
Twentieth Century Fox Film
Intercontinental Film Distributors (H.K.) Ltd.
嘩, 你一次過上三集!!!
回覆刪除Haha... so tired NOW... should sleep. ^o^ Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/10/2008 12:57:00]Yeah... I can take an afternoon off because our students are having exams. Besides, I really wanna visit try the small cinema in a film company. The experience is quite good. The sound system is VERY good. ^^ A very long movie, but worth seeing.
說實話Wes Anderson這部我不太喜歡...除了音樂其他還真的很一般.他的舊作"癲才家族"比較好看!
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/10/2008 18:21:00]A beautiful, but weird movie to me... wanna watch 癲才家族
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/10/2008 18:20:00]Thanks a lot... so warm... you know, sometimes all hosts are busy and frankly speaking I am very tired these days. Anyway, I hope you will still enjoy the show.
[版主回覆01/10/2008 19:18:00]Thanks a lot... ^^ Yahoo blog has a problem. NON Yahoo bloggers cannot leave messages... so troublesome SIGH.... Still, u guys can send emails to me. For instance, I got a mail this morning from CHEUNG. 純為支持而寄來的e-mail 本人近日發現到你的網站 我覺得真的不錯...支持你們 加油加油!!! Thanks ^^
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/11/2008 13:02:00]Their sound system is very impressive though it is a very small house. (Even smaller than the one in MK BC) Sometimes, they organise previews there. BUT sometimes the are held in cinemas.