

1. Cate Blanchett's performance in Elizabeth The Golden Age is dazzling. The Queen is vulnerable sometimes, but fierce when she has to. If you love this actress, don't miss the VCD Notes on a Scandal.

2. I was fascinated by the lavish costumes and elaborate sets.

3. This is the Indian director Kapur's second installment in a trilogy and many critics think that it is worse than the first installment - Elizabeth: The Virgin Queen in 1998, because the Queen in this film is not well developed enough (so are other characters). The character looks superficial, despite Cate Blanchett's charisma. 

4. Some changes come suddenly. (e.g. Who does the man love? Why does the Queen forgive the couple? What has the Queen done so that the country wins?)

Cate Blanchett's fans should not miss it. I enjoy watching this feel-good and beautiful movie despite the paper-thin characters. 3 / 5

9 則留言:

  1. Our new show will be uploaded before Thursday. Welcome to visit our online radio show. www.mov-reviews.com Besides, I hope you LOVE the PICTURES.

  2. 我想請教一下, 這套戲是新戲嗎? 因為我 "覺得" 去年年中好像在哪一個英文台看過了, 那次是連續兩晚 ( 兩星期日?) 播放的... 是我的錯覺嗎? 但之前的 "elizabeth" 是我喜歡的一套戲, 所以我那晚才會看電視... 看完後發現有下集大結局, 都咪話唔震驚~~
    [版主回覆01/14/2008 13:24:00]Elizabeth The Golden Age is the second installment in a trilogy. The
    first movie "Elizabeth" was made in 1998. NOT sure if the one you saw
    was the first installment. ^^ ... You may try to visit www.imdb.com I guess the one you saw was a TV programme.

  3. kenji san, 其實我想問... 這套戲是 "新" 戲嗎? 因為我覺得自己已經看過了!! 事緣我很喜歡它的 "上集", 而上年年中在明珠 / 國際台重溫時, 竟發現它有 "下集", 當然繼續睇, 最深印象是她領軍抵抗西班牙海軍的一幕... 到底我看的是不是這一套?? 或者是我的錯覺??? 請指教啊~~
    [版主回覆01/14/2008 13:20:00]她領軍抵抗西班牙海軍的一幕??? In this new movie, she led the army to fight against Spanish navy, but it seemed to me that she did NOTHING and then they won hahaha... When she woke up one morning, all the ships were burnt hahaha... ^^

  4. 姬蒂白蘭芝是否《醜聞日記》中的年輕教師Sheba? 我看了《醜聞日記》,好看!我也選了自己的喜愛電影啦!
    [版主回覆01/13/2008 18:53:00]YEAH... you are right... the same person. The movie is GREAT!!!

  5. 唉~呢排開始實習加就考試~
    [版主回覆01/14/2008 13:15:00]WORK HARD AND PLAY HARD! Choose some GOOD movies to watch... only the good ones ^^ Other hosts and I are recently very busy too... Sigh...

  6. 嘩...你揀咗好多靘相喎!!! Dazzling
    睇落, lee套戲點都起碼有服裝或佈景嘅提名啩?!?
    [版主回覆01/14/2008 18:50:00]I love the pictures very much... Great costumeS and wigS which can reflect the Queen's inner thoughts, according to the director... will say a few words about this in the show. Thanks for liking the pics... have spent much time selecting and uploading them. It is a pity that I can upload 20 at most. Interesting... agree!!! should get some nominations in this respect.

  7. Mr 陳,我的奧斯卡有補充,敬請指教!(突然變得彬彬有禮)
    [版主回覆01/16/2008 20:50:00]no problem! ^^

  8. Kenji,
    The Queen in this movie could do nothing since she was NOT a warrior. As a monarch, the most important thing for her to do was (1) to raise the morale and (2) entrust a task to an appropriate person. She did.
    When everyone asked her to retrat to somewhere safe, she decided to go to the frontline. She also forgave the couple, in order to let the man she loved to fight. She also had a heart of compromise - sacrifice of her own private affairs (killing the couple who offended her) for the well-being of England (the war against Spain).
    [版主回覆02/04/2008 19:02:00]Very strong arguments. Inspired by YOU ^^ THANKS A LOT!!! The film would look more entertaining if there are more war scenes. ^^

  9. 我都有睇,雖然唔多鍾意個女主角,但係當我睇完〈The Other Boleyn Girl〉之後就即刻睇呢套了~睇完呀媽嘅故事即刻睇呀女嘅故事嘛~
    [版主回覆11/02/2008 14:32:00]She is a good actress.
