影畫絮語 www.mov-reviews.com 是一個網上播放的電影評論節目,歡迎收聽!!!
當軀體僅剩左眼能夠眨動,他仍可告訴世人自由飛翔的欣悅 … …《潛水鐘與蝴蝶》榮獲金球獎最佳導演及最佳外語片殊榮,主觀流麗的拍攝技法令人留下深刻印象。
影畫絮語 www.mov-reviews.com 是一個網上播放的電影評論節目,歡迎收聽!!!
一個關於勇氣、友情和贖罪的感人故事 … …《追風箏的孩子》引領觀眾進入一個陌生卻迷人的國度。兩個小男孩的演出觸動人心。
1. Cate Blanchett's performance in Elizabeth The Golden Age is dazzling. The Queen is vulnerable sometimes, but fierce when she has to. If you love this actress, don't miss the VCD Notes on a Scandal.
2. I was fascinated by the lavish costumes and elaborate sets.
3. This is the Indian director Kapur's second installment in a trilogy and many critics think that it is worse than the first installment - Elizabeth: The Virgin Queen in 1998, because the Queen in this film is not well developed enough (so are other characters). The character looks superficial, despite Cate Blanchett's charisma.
4. Some changes come suddenly. (e.g. Who does the man love? Why does the Queen forgive the couple? What has the Queen done so that the country wins?)
Cate Blanchett's fans should not miss it. I enjoy watching this feel-good and beautiful movie despite the paper-thin characters. 3 / 5
影畫絮語 www.mov-reviews.com 是一個網上播放的電影評論節目,歡迎收聽!!!
導演個人風格強烈,顏色浮誇,配樂獨樹一幟 … … 描述三兄弟試圖修復親情的公路電影《大吉利是有限公司》,是一部藝術性奇高的怪電影。