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故事簡介: 為食老鼠味王 Remy天生嘴刁為食,畢生志願是成為五星級大廚。味王膽粗粗去到美食之都巴黎,「鬼鬼鼠鼠」就係想入廚房煮兩味,結果遇上不懂煮食又論論盡盡的廚房打雜闊條麵 Linguini,更準備合作大展拳腳,由味王使出真功夫,由闊條麵出面又「出手」。當然搞到全城一鑊粥,炒起無數笑料!餐廳的廚房有老鼠出現,俾人知道仲駛做生意?究竟一隻人見人怕的老鼠,怎樣在「生鼠勿近」的廚房闖出名堂?雞手鴨腳的闊條麵,又怎樣代鼠落廚?出名尖酸刻薄,食肆俾佢踩過等執笠的魔鬼食評家梵高森,亦已瞄準味王所在的餐廳…到底味王能否成為真正的五星級大廚,實現這個不可能的夢想?PIXAR 輝煌票房戰績 - 全球總票房(美元)1995 反斗奇兵 3億6千萬
1998 蟲蟲特工隊 3億6千萬
1999 反斗奇兵續集 4億9千萬
2001 怪獸公司 5億3千萬
2003 海底奇兵 8億7千萬
2004 超人特工隊 6億3千萬
2005 反斗車王 4億 3千萬
Memorable Quotes: Anton Ego: Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.
Gusteau: You know what I say. Anyone can cook.
Remy: Yeah, anyone can cook. That doesn't mean anyone should.
Django: [showing the exterminator shop to Remy with the dead rats in the window] The world we live in belongs to the enemy, we must live carefully. We look out for our own kind, Remy. When all is said and done, we're all we've got.
Remy: No. Dad, I don't believe it. You're telling me that the future can only be more of this?
Django: This is the way things are; you can't change nature.
Remy: Change is nature, Dad. The part that we can influence. And it starts when we decide.
Django: [Remy turns to leave] Where are you going?
Remy: Hopefully, forward.
ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT: 動畫之中,只有彼思作品能讓觀眾欣賞角色的演技!美艷絕倫的畫面更已超越動畫範疇。NEW YORK POST: 在可見將來難以被超越的佳作!
WALL STREET JOURNAL: 光芒四射!超人特工隊後最出色動畫!
VARIETY: 五星級大廚以最佳的材料配搭炮製出難以抗拒的窩心佳餚!
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: 盡展彼思動畫魔法般的頂尖技術及導演Brad Bird的大廚風範!
HOLLYWOOD REPORTER: 彼思與Brad Bird再一次展示迪士尼動畫無與倫比的想像力與吸引力!
鄭中基: 畫面實在冇得彈,靚到用攝錄機也難以拍到!
Kenji's Review: Ratatouille is a visually stunning, humorous, heart-warming and educational animated film with fast pacing, memorable characters as well as inspiring messages. Yummy Yummy Yummy 4 / 5.回答主持人在節目中所問問題,將答案連同個人資料在7月21日下午5時正前電郵至kenji@mov-reviews.com,即有機會得到《五星級大鼠》優先場戲票2張(名額6名)。優先場於7月25日下午5時在香港會展舉行。鳴謝: Intercontinental Film Distributors (H.K.) Ltd. 送出電影戲票