愛情,原來就在分秒之間。《愛情回水》可以是一本失戀日記;可以是一首悲喜交集的樂章;更可以是一個夢。光陰似箭?度日如年?現實 ~ 回憶 ~ 幻想 ~ 反思 ~ 珍惜眼前人……
英國倫敦藝術系學生賓仔(尚碧加斯達夫 飾)因小事和女友蘇絲分手,失戀後的他日思夜想,患上了失眠症。為度過多出來的漫漫長夜,他到附近的超級市場當夜更。在那兒雖然工作沉悶,但每個同事都古靈精怪,各人也有消磨時間的「特技」,而度日如年的賓仔則幻想自己能令時間停頓。當空間和時間被凝結,他就為所欲為,大畫特畫,捕捉每人最美麗的一面,最後被畫廊賞識。而文靜的收銀員莎朗(艾美莉亞霍絲 飾),竟然是治好他失眠的藥.?本片源自2004年導演辛艾利斯(Sean Ellis)的一齣同名短片,這亦是他的首部長篇電影。而短片曾獲提名第78屆奧斯卡「最佳短片」。
Cashback is a beautifully shot, hilarious and dreamlike romantic comedy whispering the nature of time, love and beauty. This unique film manages to strike a right balance between high art and entertainment. It is like a piece of mesmerizing music... It is like a diary... It is like the innermost part of unconsciousness... Cash can be back, but TIME cannot. Do treasure every single moment and appreciate beauty and love which may disappear after a second. Despite the unfocused storyline, you won't ask for "cashback". Don't miss this special cinematic experience! 3.5 / 5
Memorable Quotes:
Ben Willis: Time flies, but the good news is that you're the pilot.
Ben Willis: Once upon a time, I wanted to know what love was. You just have to see that it's (LOVE) wrapped in beauty and hidden away in between the seconds of your life. If you don't stop for a minute, you might miss it.
Ben Willis: I am trading my time for money. I give them eight hours and they give me money, CASHBACK!
The Short Version of Cashback (2004):
鳴謝: Golden Scene Co. Ltd.