每個人心中都有一個 Terabithia,《尋找仙境之橋》帶你走進小朋友的幻想國度。Just close your eyes and keep your mind wide open!主持更為大家介紹新片《醜女大翻身》及《心中有鬼》。
改編自美國兒童文學最高殊榮 Newbery Award 同名得獎小說的尋找仙境之橋,描述兩名少男少女之間一段影響深遠的友誼,是一個天馬行空幻想和冒險色彩的故事。
謝西(Jess Aarons)是五兄弟姊妹中的唯一男孩,但他卻常被家人忽略,他的性格也因而變得古怪,不受同輩歡迎。謝西除了熱愛美術,更希望成為全校跑得最快的人。 李詩莉(Leslie Burke)剛搬到這郊區小鎮,她的藝術家父母為了打開新圈子而無暇照顧她。因為她的家裏沒有電視機,她又常常穿上奇特的手繪衣服,所以同學都視她為怪 雞,紛紛欺負她。
謝西和李詩莉於一次比賽裏相遇。謝西本想在一個只准男生參加的賽跑中一顯身手,誰料李詩莉加入,還跑贏了他。謝西雖然生氣,但因為二人同樣被排擠,漸漸他 倆成為了好友。他們一起在森林裏搭建了他們的「泰拉比泰亞(Terabithia)王國」,一個靠繩索盪到對面河才能抵達的奇幻國度。想像力豐富的李詩莉 為自己和好友封上「皇后」和「國王」的稱號,又虛構了「黑魔王」這個奸角和他的下屬,然後編織了多個驚險刺激的故事。在這個國度裏,謝西和李詩莉遊歷於天 馬行空的旅程之中,一嘗超現實的快樂,忘掉平日在學校裏被排擠的煩惱。可惜這段友誼結束得十分突然……
Rottentomatoes - It is a faithful adaptation of a beloved children's book and an authentic coming-of-age story portraying love, loss and imagination through children's eyes, despite limited glimpses of CGI creatures which may disappoint those who think it is like Naria, Harry Potter or The Lord of the Rings.
Memorable Quotes:
Discover a place that will never leave you and a friendship that will change you forever.
Just close your eyes and keep your mind wide open.
Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
Good Songs:
Steve Earle's Someday
There ain't a lot that you can do in this town
You drive down to the lake and then you turn back around
You go to school and you learn to read and write
So you can walk into the county bank and sign away your life
I work at the fillin' station on the interstate
Pumpin' gasoline and countin' out of state plates
They ask me how far into Memphis son, and where's the nearest beer
And they don't even know that there's a town around here
Someday I'm finally gonna let go
'Cause I know there's a better way
And I wanna know what's over that rainbow
I'm gonna get out of here someday
Now my brother went to college cause he played football
I'm still hangin' round cause I'm a little bit small
I got me a 67 Chevy, she's low and sleek and black
Someday I'll put her on that interstate and never look back
Why Can't We Be Friends
Whenever You Remember