Pan's Labyrinth, the winner of three Academy Awards including Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction and Best Makeup, is set in the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War. In 1944, widowed Carmen moves with her young daughter Ofelia into the house of her new husband, a cruel fascist captain named Vidal. Finding her new life hard to bear, Ofelia seeks refuge in a mysterious labyrinth and encounters Pan (a faun), the half-man, half-goat creature of mythology, who tells her she is actually a long-lost princess of a magical kingdom beneath the earth. However, in order to make her way back and be reunited with her true family, she must accomplish three tasks… Guillermo del Toro, Director of Pan's Labyrinth, says, "I've always preferred genres to be mixed. For me, Pan's Labyrinth is therefore a drama rooted in a context of war, with mythological elements grafted on." Hardly can we find a political drama in the guise of a fairy tale. It is simply an original and subtle mixture of fantasy, horror, history and drama. The main themes of the movie are as follows.
1. Cruel reality VS Magical world
The real world is much scarier than the underground fairy kingdom. The real "monster" in the film is Captain Vidal, who cold-bloodedly murders two innocent peasants. Comparatively speaking, Pan (the only Ancient Greek god who have tasted death and is able to "panic" others), the Pale Man (whose eyes are on its hands), the giant toad (symbolizing lust) and eerie fairies are less fierce.
2. Dictatorship VS Free will
Fascism is an authoritarian regime favoring complete obedience to authority, while republicans are in pursuit of freedom. Meanwhile, Ofelia exercises her free will and makes several decisions on her own in the movie.
Capitán Vidal: You could have obeyed me!
Doctor: [his last words] But captain, to obey - just like that - for obedience's sake... without questioning… That's something only people like you do.
3. Reality VS Imagination
The brilliant ending is like an ink-blot test. Whether the ending is a tragedy or not depends on your own interpretation. Audiences are advised to pay attention to the magic chalk, the mandrake root, the narrator, the story books, Ofelia's reaction while meeting Pan, the moving walls in the labyrinth, the fairies transforming themselves from praying mantises, etc. A detailed discussion can be found in the following website. Indeed, the director believes the fairies in the movie are real, but he also agrees with those believing those monsters are just imagined by the desperate girl who is eager to escape from the traumatizing reality. Two interpretations also make sense, which makes the ending an unforgettable one. (Director's words)
As there are some violent scenes in the movie, parents are advised not to see the movie with their children and they should bear in mind that it is much different from Harry Potter. As an adult dreamer, I was fascinated by the two-edged ending, symbolic images, astonishing visuals and mesmerizing music. The lullaby hummed throughout the film adds melancholy to this darkly disturbing, but deeply affecting mixture of different genres. I give this movie 4 stars out of 5.
Although The Lives of Others won Best Foreign Film at the 79th Academy Awards, I personally prefer Pan's Labyrinth to The Lives of Others. I do agree The Lives of Others is beautifully shot and original. However, the change in the secret police is not convincing. HGW used to be very loyal to his country. However, why does he suddenly feel pity for the writer and his wife? Some movie lovers also claim that "對主角突然這麼有人性的描寫不足" & "主角由左變右心理掙扎唔算多". Apart from this, it is unlikely for the writer to find HGW XX/7 in the end. The ending sounds unbelievable. What do you guys think? Which movie do you prefer?
95.3% of the reviews are positive - 162 positive reviews VS 8 negative reviews
IMBD user rating: 8.5 out of 10 (33836 votes)
93% of the reviews are positive - 104 positive reviews VS 6 negative reviews
IMBD user rating: 8.5 out of 10 (7387 votes)

I really think "Pan's Labyrinth" has a lot of 恐怖位, I covered my eyes for so many times.......
回覆刪除i haven't watched "The Lives of Others" yet. "Pan's Labyrinth" is definitely one of the best movies. i love its tagline: ** Innocence Has A Power Evil Cannot Imagine.**
回覆刪除我都好confuse究竟係一個神話丫? 定係只係個女仔自己想像出來??!! um...真係好dark side~講左好多其實小朋友應該要知道呢個世界係點既事實。
回覆刪除報到, 我來了!
回覆刪除各有各特色及出色的地方啦, 不過The Lives for Others 會輕輕高分少少.
回覆刪除HIHI ~~~ 我還未欣賞這套電影,不過會於近期去觀看,但可能只得一個人去睇
回覆刪除I really like Pan's Labyrinth! I will watch The Lives of Others later, and see which one I prefer!
回覆刪除Nice to meet you!! And thanks for visiting my blog! My English is not good, can i write in Chinese? I haven't seen The Lives of Others. 若果二選一, 我會選看 "Pan's Labyrinth" I like magical and imaginative film!
回覆刪除就是女孩臨尾那一笑, 令我覺得其實是她自己的幻想, 電影真正的主題, 是否想說出現實就是殘酷...
回覆刪除Crystal@Pug : The director says that whether the ending is a tragedy or not depends on your own interpretation. The two-edged ending is so impressive. I love it!
回覆刪除我比較喜歡《lives od other》多一點,所以覺得《lives od other》得最佳外語片是對的~~~~~~~~~ 《魔間迷宮》雖穿梭現實與迷幻,較多元素,賣點也多些, 但是我還是喜歡《lives of other》~ 《lives of other》是一套我會四圍要人看的電影~ 最喜歡這些矛盾,這樣一個冷血,沒感情,連表情都少得很的人 竟然哭了(他聽著男作家彈琴時),之後還不斷保護那個作家 中段開始人人都喜歡上那男主角-HGW XX/7 個人認為那個作家太幸運,而HGW XX/7的下場太淡淡然了 好人的下場竟是這樣,看到心裡有點不舒服 但他最後那句對白(this present is for me.)很可愛!!!舒緩了那點不舒服。
回覆刪除Thanks for you guys' sharing. I just don't understand why HGW XX/7 helps the writer. It is not convincing to me. It is also unlikely for the writer to find the secret police at the end.
回覆刪除我覺得 HGW XX/7 幫個WRITER係最人性的表現,沒有什麼不可能的, 也許你也會突然被一些人、一些事感動、改變。 hey,有冇興趣,是日本動畫~很特別的~ 急讓戲票兩張《立o食師列傳》 葵青劇院 4月4日星期三 9:30pm 片長:104mins $28(學生飛)2張 *入場須出示學生証 有興趣請e-mail到:
回覆刪除EVERYTHING is possible, but it is unlikely to happen. "Critics have questioned the idea of a hardened secret police having doubts about his work - records show that it rarely happened and certainly not to the extent of HGW trying to save the writer from being caught for his anti government activities." (SCMP) In my opinion, it will be better if the director spends more time depicting the motivations for the decision to help the couple. Besides, "critics also point out that the ending is flawed" (SCMP). It seems that HGW's info is TOO readily accessible to the public. The writer even found him eventually! Despite these two problems, I agree that the last line in English is impressive.
回覆刪除1. Pan's Labyrinth 於本屆奧斯卡提名名單公佈前早已贏得不少獎項,當中包括在 美國影評人協會 National Society of Film Critics,擊敗《無間道風雲》和《巴別塔》勇奪年度「最佳電影」大獎 。 2. Pan's Labyrinth 早前於美國上映時便贏盡當地影評人一致讚賞,就連國際權威電影網站IMDB亦給予8.5分的高度評價,可見此片極具質素。 3. Pan's Labyrinth 於今屆奧斯卡亦共獲6項提名,包括最佳外語片、最佳原創劇本、最佳攝影、最佳原創音樂、最佳美術指導及最佳化妝。 4. 魔間迷宮最令人詫異的地方,是在今年奧斯卡以墨西哥片身分(也有西班牙資金)入圍最佳外語片提名,把西班牙名導 艾慕杜華 的《浮花》擠出名單外。其實兩片早已在各頒獎禮上叮噹馬頭,《浮花》在歐洲電影大獎先贏一仗, 來到美國似乎《魔間迷宮》更合觀眾口味,先後獲佛羅里達州、波士頓等影評組織頒「最佳外語片」獎 ,最重要是在剛結束的奧斯卡獲3個技術獎。雖然獲「最佳攝影」有點惹來爭議,但亦無損《魔間迷宮》以墨西哥電影身分所達到的成就。
回覆刪除Thanks your message! I just know the movie "Pan's Labyrinth" form's trailer. I really like the style and art direct for the movie. It's so exciting to hear that it will issue on HK. Moreover you watched it already. I will try my best to find a space to watch it during my large number of HKIFF period.
回覆刪除Why the secret police HGW XX/7 in The lives of Others help the writer? Just becoz the writer play the piano of classical music touching him very much.
回覆刪除oh~maybe u right, but i still stand for《the lives of others》~~~haha~ i love HGW XX/7 so much~~~~~~~ by the way, i think《children of men》should win the最佳攝影.
回覆刪除Ah Kin: A secret police is supposed to be very loyal to his political party. It is unlikely that a piece of classical music can motivate him to betray his country. He may even risk losing his job or being arrested. That's why I believe it will be better if the director spends more time describing what makes him change. Selphie: Whether one likes a film or not is always a subjective decision. Still, a movie can be objectively discussed. Thanks so much for your opinions and welcome to leave messages here. Indeed I like both movies, though I prefer PL to TLOO. BTW, I am looking forward to seeing Children of Men. K Boy: The movie is now showing in HK. Don't expect that it is Harry Potter or Naria, or you may be disappointed.
回覆刪除Kenji:《LFIJ》裡日本遣 憲兵為什不順從上司指令去殺那隻狗隻? 他不殺狗之後就被調派往硫磺島服役了。正如《竊聽者》的秘密警察心態一樣。
回覆刪除I think they are much different. 憲兵 is a soldier with conscience... He has not changed from the beginning to the end. After serving in the team for ONE WEEK, he is expelled. It shows that he is still who he is after joining the army. However, HGW used to be loyal to his political party and he has served in the team for so LONG that he should have known the "dark side" of the group, but he suddenly changes just because of the music and novel. It is unlikely to happen.
回覆刪除好多謝你的回應,我仍未看竊聽者,不過某程序上我對《魔間迷宮》此類科幻怪誕電影是有一點情意結的,我覺得此片很多方面亦配合得很出色,除了故事外其他如配樂、特技化妝、小女孩Ofelia也做得很不錯!!Um...我最喜歡Mercedes的角色,即是幫法西斯軍官開刀的女傭人,雖然地位低微,但卻做了最正義的事。 其實我們真的無須為研究是Ofelia的幻想還是真有地下迷宮,而找出確實答案,或者這正是導演留給觀眾一點幻想空間。大概我們每人心中也常幻想著屬於自己的另一個世界!
回覆刪除Welcome welcome welcome! Mercedes and the doctor symbolize the fight for freedom! Anyway, I love the two-edged ending. Either Ending A or B whispers the horrors of war... I personally prefer the sad ending *-*
回覆刪除魔間迷宮.... 我寧願佢係兩套戲,我真係唔覺得佢融和得好,睇得好唔舒服... 個女仔.... 唔,我較欣賞另一套"夢遊天地"個女仔,做得幾好...
回覆刪除I think they had a fabulous score.
回覆刪除I think it is a depressing film which mixes different elements well. Indeed, the contrast between the cruel reality and the "imagined" underground fairy kingdom made a strong impression on me. Indeed some bloggers also criticize The Host for mixing different elements. From my point of view, I have seen lots of war films and fantasy films. I am looking for some creative ones allowing me to gain a new insight into the problem of wars. Surely, the film is not for children and those who don't wanna feel depressed. The music score is so beautiful, but it is also depressing haha. Those who are misled by the trailer and the name will also feel disappointed.
回覆刪除What a wonderful blog. Nice to meet a movie buff. Hey if you have time check out my youtube profile as well
回覆刪除I make indpendent films and love to hear what you think (even if it is critical) Write more movie reviews!
Thanks for your words. I will try to squeeze more time to write reviews. I have seen your short films. I am looking forward to seeing The Guest, but it seems that the scream in The Guest is too loud! Besides, the cinematography in Dog Day Morning is good. Looking forward to seeing more creative films in which you can convey a message in a short period of time. Btw, it is hard to be a director in HK. Anyway, I do support you!
回覆刪除Thx for leaving your comment in my blog :) Pan's Labyrinth is indeed a good movie:nice production, nice plot, nice ending it also tells us that war is nasty Ofelia(I mean the actress) has a lot potential, she performed well in this movie
回覆刪除Both are I think I iwll go to see both of them...if I can find someone go with me....
回覆刪除Kenji, 首先,我認為兩出戲完全係唔同的戲種,想帶出的信息亦好唔同,好難雙提並論。 先談該談"魔間迷宮"。無可否認,入場被預告片誤導,以為會係一出近似 Big Fish 的童話式寓言(悲劇版)或 Fight Club式的現實與幻想交替。個人認為此劇導演的所謂MIX,真係Mix得唔係幾好,戲中大人現實的世界,與女童的地下童話世界,完全係兩個可以分開既故事。真唔到最後結局,你都完全feel唔到導演係帶你去諗緊一D。 第二,其實戲中的特技化妝,童話部份的角色造型、場景、美術指導係好正,但所佔的編幅太少,好浪費,尤其係Pale Man地下室果幕戲,個景相信花好多心機,但鏡頭的捕捉好窄,如果我係導演,我會將視點係女童出發,一面入到餐前,作為一個小朋友,係一個咁新奇既地方,點會唔周圍望周圍八,再者,成咁多好食,如果佢真係忍唔住,點會只選中一粒黑蚊蚊既提子,仲要偷食全程都唔望個隻咁恐怖既怪物,導演係型做呢個細路仔的好奇心、心智等,都唔係好一致。作為一個出色的導演,我認為拍好套戲故然係大前題,但既然套戲既賣點係童話為Base,如果佢唔令觀眾視覺上對童話角色的ICON加深印象,咁無論係套戲既Side Product, image, 定係作為一部經典,導演好似都重係欠D火喉,要好好向Tim Burton偷師。 反知,竊聽者我初時入場的期望不高,反而對主角的演技,喜出望外。佢無論你認唔認同戲中主角的內心世界轉變夠唔夠說服力。但無可否認,主角演譯得洽到好處,與故事中角色心理轉變既time frame配合好自然,好smooth。覺得有D似我最愛的演員之一Kevin Spacy(無論係演技定外型)。 其實唔可以話HGW XX/7的心理係由左變右,而應該係由無變有。由一個長期由統治政府洗腦、教育、特訓出黎,無人性存在的"政治工具",在長期抑壓下、受監察、冷血、機械式接收命令、過住每日死板、孤獨的日子。因為一個任務,佢孤自留在密室,成為監察行動中發展的話事人(雖然他俊仍要向上級提交報告)。雖然自己困在室,但反而發覺自己初次呼吸到"思想"的自由空氣及人性。作為元一個從前忠心,從不問why的優秀下屬。在打小報告的時候,他不再只成為聽乜打乜既報告員。他開始問自己所造的一切係為乜?追求的係乜?人生係為乜?理想係乜?佢係掙扎中,搵到出路,搵到平均。而戲中,其實HGW XX/7的行為,某程度係係因為對女角動情,佢可能有幻像自融入做佢丈夫的身份。 最後,如果真係要比較"魔間迷宮"同"竊聽者",我認為會係"魔"片中"將軍"與"竊"片中HGW XX/7的本性與道德標準的比較。 兩人都係冷血的角色, -前者天生冷血,後者被迫成冷血。 -前者感情、人性只fit for 自己的財產、喜好(亡父的陀錶、自己的軍靴、自己的太太、兒子),後者係發現人性(無論係初次或再次)。 -前者係追求權力,後者係追求理想。 兩套戲選一,我還是選擇竊聽者,拍呢套戲的目的同信息都比較清晰。再者美國人同奧斯卡的口味,我覺得同香港既勁歌金曲頒獎禮,都係俾面派對。
回覆刪除Thanks for your detailed reply, CC Yin. Perhaps my title is a bit misleading. Indeed I just wanna know which movie most HK people “subjectively” prefer as both of them are also nominated for the Best Foreign Movie in Oscar. I agree that it is hard to compare two movies. I agree that 戲中現實的世界與女童的童話世界 can be two separate stories, but, as I have said before, I think the creative mixture of these two elements creates a stronger impact, at least on ME. There can be two interpretations. 1. The fairy kingdom does exist and the reality looks MORE cruel. The mixture creates a contrast. 2. Everything is imagined by Ofelia as she cannot cope with the cruel reality. The mixture makes the audience feel more pity for Ofelia. “ Pale M an 地下室果幕戲,我會將視點係女童出發 …” I totally agree! “ 作為一個小朋友係一個咁新奇既地方,點會唔周圍望 ”… She has! She can see the pictures on the wall. “ 如果佢真係忍唔住,點會只選中一粒黑蚊蚊既提子 ” Ofelia eats grapes out of curiosity. She may pick a small one first and then other kinds of food. It makes sense to me. Besides, I can remember my mother asked me, after sharpening a pencil, not to blow the debris. Nevertheless, I still did it, haha… I really understand why Ofelia did that despite Pan’s warning. “ 佢唔令觀眾視覺上對童話角色的 ICON 加深印象 ? ” Do you mean those fairies transforming themselves from praying mantises, Pan , the toad and Pale Man? I am impressed by these characters! 竊聽者 is A BIT disappointing to me, though it is for sure a good movie. Maybe I expect ed too much from it. I think 戲中主角的內心世界轉變夠唔夠說服力 . Still, the acting is superb. I have visited more than 100 blogs and find that around 60% of them prefer Lives of Others to Pan’s Labyrinth! BUT according to Rottentomatoes and IMBD, more people prefer Pan’s Labyrinth. Anyway, thanks very much for sharing with us your opnion on these two movies.
回覆刪除唔駛客氣。其實兩套都算係好戲,但就正如大家所提"期望"的問題。所以其實我睇一套戲之前,多數都唔會先睇任何既影評。俾自己多D思考既空間。 好高你都係 IMDB既擁Fans,我睇佢地個website都十年有多,個website轉變好多,以前有好多高質電影劇照俾人download,依家可能版權問題,D劇照只睇得,唔羅得。版面都轉晒,所以依家好少睇啦。 好羨慕你同黃格子咁,可以花咁多時間去寫咁多blog同人分享。我真係很愛電影、音樂,好希望係5至10年可以係呢行創事業。就正如之前同你講過,開一間好似Kurbick咁既聚腳點俾電影、音樂 fans。 Kenji, 很佩服你為自己興趣所投資的心血,既然你有你既網站,期待很快會如之前談論般,可以搞到一D電影既weekly gethering等活動,有幫手記得搵我呀!祝大家夢想成真!
回覆刪除1. As I don't want to waste my time watching no-so-good movies, I usuawlly read reviews about the movie first. haha! 2. IMDB has memorable quotes. There are lots of reviews too. I love it! 3. I am buys with my work too and I am working full-time. Sometimes, I do feel very tired... Nevertheless,I will still try my best to write more reviews in the future. I think it is an effective way for me to improve my English. 4. I will support you, though it is not easy as you may know. It takes lots of time and there are risks. It is also difficult to arrange a time for 4 people or more to watch one movie. Still, you can share how you feel here and ... you may consider hosting the online radio show with us after watching a movie together. We welcome volunteers who enjoys talking about movies. Indeed, we will be recruiting guest hosts. ^^
回覆刪除RIGHT! It is GREAT FUNNNNNNNNNNNN Movie maniacs who are talkative are welcome to be our guests in 影畫絮語 . As we are running the website with our own money, we are not able to pay our guests. Nevertheless, you will make the most of the hosting experience. Interested individuals can email your name, phone number and a brief self-introduction to . ^^
回覆刪除I'd love to see the Pan's Labyrinth, but only 2 cinemas are showing currently. I hope that I can see it before it's off!
回覆刪除Dont worry! Try to see it in one week! Be prepared that some scenes are quite disgusting!
回覆刪除多謝你訂閱哦~~~!!!你寫得好詳盡喔~~ 我未睇竊聽者~~魔間迷宮我本人都好鍾意~~~!!
回覆刪除今晚看了《魔間》,再比較之前看的《竊聽》,本人也比較偏愛《魔間》。原因是比較啟發本人的思想。 人類的欲望(包括權力、金錢和....)令現實世界變得罪惡(一切一切的鬥爭)。人本性就有貪念(貪權貪名貪利…),片中那位小女孩貪吃兩顆提子可見。貪其實不是不好,但太多的貪念而不去抑制就會引申許多社會(權力)鬥爭。 電影裡結局小女孩最終都克服了貪念(對成為魔宮的公主的欲望而可能犠性自己弟弟的生命),她的決擇是對的,她是一位天使……
回覆刪除Seen Pan's Labyrinth finally. Very bloody and scary as you've said. More horrible than Schindler's List. Agree with you very much that it's visually stunning, full of imagination. The simple lullaby is mesmerising, adding the right element of "bitter-sweet" to the film. My favourite scene is the stealing of the grape by the girl, resembling Eva eating the forbidden apple. I just wonder if she became mature and wise afterwards. I would like to see it as the girl's escape through fairy tales rather than it actually happened, though it's very ambiguous overall. Very good and enjoyable film. Thanks!
回覆刪除很多謝你來探訪我的blog呢~ 我也喜歡pan's 多於 lives... 嗯,不過極不同意「audiences should read more reviews before choosing what films to watch」的,幹嗎要看那麼多別人說有關此電影的東西來充昏自已頭腦?我覺得電影是聲畫配合,先以文字溫習一遍,並將電影的情節揭露是超級呆子行為(可能得罪不少人呢,呵呵),嚴重影響欣賞。 其實很少電影是與預期相反的,明明是笑片沒理由會變恐怖片;明明是合家歡片沒理由變艷情片吧?!此片令人預期錯,與預告片有莫大關係呢,片內講述魔間與現實的比率是1:3,預告片卻是相反。如果魔間真是戲的主幹,不就是就是冒險故事嗎?當然不是導演旳錯,那個導演會在上畫前和期間大說電影詳細內容?絕對是宣傳有關的人員和部門的錯! 另外,不對電影又少少期望,幹嗎要付錢去零期待... 我不介意齣齣電影都爛,但我介意句句說話都「Should」囉~ 老實說,很欣賞你對電影的熱情,而且也是看完我的網誌後的留言,不是copy and paste去洗大量blog,加油~ 要是你不喜歡反意見,我當然不會再來打攪你的~
回覆刪除Wow... Ar Kin and Fung also prefer Pan to Lives. GOOD! Perdition & Ar Kin: Thanks for your sharing. I think Ofelia eats the grapes as she is curious. Fung: Welcome to visit my blog. I agree that "看電影時與預期完全異樣" is not the director's fault. The trailer may mislead the audiences, but we are not sure if "the cheating" is INTENTIONAL. At least I was not misled. In order to avoid disappointment, people may read some reviews first. Indeed, it is useless for people to complain about being cheated... They have wasted their time and money if they don't read reviews before watching the film. So it is their decision. I know that some people don't like reading reviews before watching films, while some do. Just a piece of advice!
回覆刪除I like seeing the review before selecting which movies to see, as I don't want to waste money. But I hate critics giving away too much of the plot or say something irrelevant. Not happening here yet, so I would come to this blog before I go to movies. Subscribing right away, and keep up the good works!
回覆刪除I am also used to reading film reviews AND listening to radio programmes before selecting which movies to see. As you know, time and m0ney are precious. Thanks for your words and your messages encourage us to work harder.
回覆刪除Theatre and music have enlightened HGW XX/7 to become human and to question about authority. The transformation is subtle but convincing to me. Its ending affirms the value of sacrificing for others, as in "Pan's Labyrinth" but I find the former more moving and subtle.
回覆刪除Thanks for your sharing!