Titanic 鐵達尼號; Artificial Intelligence 人工智能; Christmas in August 8月照相館;
Billy Elliot 跳出我天地; Castaway 劫後餘生; Blue Gate Crossing 藍色大門;
Far from heaven 天上人間; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 無痛失戀;
The English Patient 別問我是誰; Brokeback Mountain 斷背山;
Love Letter 情書; The Talented Mr. Ripley 心計; American Beauty 美麗有罪;
The Trueman Show 真人Show; Memories of Matsuko 花樣奇緣;
Laputa Castle in the Sky 天空之城; Central Station 中央車站;
IL Mare 觸不到的戀人 ; Nana 世界上的另一個我 ; Amelie 天使愛美麗;
City of God 無主之城; Be With You 藉著雨點說愛你; A Clockwork Orange 發條橙;
Chicago 芝加哥; Life is Beautiful 一個快樂的傳說; 28 Days Later 28日後;
Moulin Rouge 情陷紅磨坊; Finding Nemo 海底奇兵;
Dancer in the Dark 天黑黑; Kamikaze girls 下妻物語;
Bad Education 聖教慾; Y Tu Mama Tambien 衰仔失樂園 ; Evil 壞孩子;
Not One Less 一個都不能少 ; Touching the Void 冰峰168小時 ;
The Laramie Project 少年同志殺人事件; Lost in Translation 迷失東京;
The Wedding Banquet 喜宴; Before Sunrise 情留半天; 3 Iron 感官樂園;
Gloomy Sunday 布達佩斯之戀; Dogville 人間狗鎮; All About My Mother 論盡我阿媽;
Kekexili Mountain Patrol 可可西里; Silmido 實尾島; Black Hawk Down 黑鷹15小時 ;
Match Point 迷失決勝分; Dear Frankie 爸爸愛的回信;
Marathon 我的馬拉松; Turn 漂靈 2:15;
Beautiful Boxer 美麗拳王; Farewell to My Concubine 霸王別姬; Spiderman 2 蜘蛛俠 2;
The Pianist 鋼琴戰曲; Sex In A Cold Climate (The Magdalene Sisters) 瑪德蓮少女之墮落真相;
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring 春去春又來; Forest Gump 阿甘正傳;
Boys Don't Cry 沒哭聲的抉擇; Minority Report 未來報告; Bridget Jones's Diary BJ單身日記;
Kiki's Delivery Service 魔女宅急便; Oasis 愛的綠洲; C'est La Vie, Mon Cheri 新不了情;
Bungee Jumping of Their Own 情約笨朱跳; Peter Pan 小飛俠; My Girl 小情人;
Erin Brockovich 伊人當自強; Bend It Like Beckham 我愛碧咸;
Cube 心慌方; Broken Flowers 當年相戀意中人;
Spirited Away 千與千尋; Sliding Doors 緣份兩面睇; Rice Rhapsody 海南雞飯;
Sleepless in Seattle 緣份的天空; Spiderman 蜘蛛俠;
City of Glass 玻璃之城; Closer 誘心人; August Story 八月的故事;
Transamerica 尋找他媽...的故事; Catch Me If You Can 捉智雙雄;
Gattaca 變種異煞; An Affair 婚外初夜; Metropolis 大都會; Rouge 胭脂扣;
The Incredibles 超人特工隊; Whisper of the Heart 夢幻街少女; Samaritan Girl 慾海慈航;
Infernal Affairs 無間道; Together 和你在一起; Nobody Knows 誰知赤子心;
Little Miss Sunshine 陽光小小姐; Tempting Heart 心動; The Terminal 機場客運站;
Million Dollar Baby 擊情; The Host 韓流怪嚇; Battle Royale 大逃殺;
Sophie Scholl -The Final Days 蘇菲最後的5天; Five Times Two 5X2;
Scent of a Woman 女人香; Shaun of the Dead 笑死人凶間;
OK, I try to pick my most favourite moives from your list...
回覆刪除Titanic 鐵達尼號; Artificial Intelligence 人工智能; Christmas in August 8月照相館; Billy Elliot 跳出我天地; Castaway 劫後餘生; Blue Gate Crossing 藍色大門; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 無痛失戀; Love Letter 情書; American Beauty 美麗有罪; The Trueman Show 真人Show; Memories of Matsuko 花樣奇緣; Laputa Castle in the Sky 天空之城; IL Mare 觸不到的戀人 ; Amelie 天使愛美麗; Life is Beautiful 一個快樂的傳說; Finding Nemo 海底奇兵; Dancer in the Dark 天黑黑; Kamikaze girls 下妻物語; Bad Education 聖教慾; Not One Less 一個都不能少 ; The Laramie Project 少年同志殺人事件; Lost in Translation 迷失東京; The Wedding Banquet 喜宴; Before Sunrise 情留半天; All About My Mother 論盡我阿媽; Silmido 實尾島; Match Point 迷失決勝分; Farewell to My Concubine 霸王別姬; The Pianist 鋼琴戰曲; Sex In A Cold Climate (The Magdalene Sisters) 瑪德蓮少女之墮落真相; Forest Gump 阿甘正傳; Bridget Jones's Diary BJ單身日記; Kiki's Delivery Service 魔女宅急便; Spirited Away 千與千尋; Sliding Doors 緣份兩面睇; Sleepless in Seattle 緣份的天空; Catch Me If You Can 捉智雙雄; Rouge 胭脂扣; The Incredibles 超人特工隊; Whisper of the Heart 夢幻街少女; Samaritan Girl 慾海慈航; Infernal Affairs 無間道; Little Miss Sunshine 陽光小小姐; The Host 韓流怪嚇; Five Times Two 5X2;
Wow... it seems that you have watched lots of movies, but do you like Brokeback Mountain, 天上人間 and 別問我是誰?
回覆刪除Among the 100 titles you mentioned, I like (those not mentioned are either I don't like or I haven't watched them, haha)
回覆刪除Titanic 鐵達尼號; Billy Elliot 跳出我天地; Castaway 劫後餘生; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 無痛失戀; Brokeback Mountain 斷背山; The Talented Mr. Ripley 心計; American Beauty 美麗有罪; The Truman Show 真人Show Life is Beautiful 一個快樂的傳說; Moulin Rouge 情陷紅磨坊; Not One Less 一個都不能少; Lost in Translation 迷失東京; Match Point 迷失決勝分 The Pianist 鋼琴戰曲; Forest Gump 阿甘正傳; Bridget Jones's Diary BJ單身日記; Erin Brockovich 伊人當自強; Bend It Like Beckham 我愛碧咸; Rice Rhapsody 海南雞飯; Closer 誘心人; Catch Me If You Can 捉智雙雄; The Incredibles 超人特工隊; Little Miss Sunshine 陽光小小姐; The Terminal 機場客運站;
恭喜 韓流怪嚇
回覆刪除WOW... amazing. May I address you as Moviophile?
回覆刪除嘩! 這麼多好戲。等我從你的名單列出我喜愛的:
回覆刪除Artificial Intelligence 人工智能; Christmas in August 8月照相館; Brokeback Mountain 斷背山;Love Letter 情書; Laputa Castle in the Sky 天空之城; IL Mare 觸不到的戀人 ; Amelie 天使愛美麗; Be With You 藉著雨點說愛你; Finding Nemo 海底奇兵; The Wedding Banquet 喜宴; Before Sunrise 情留半天; Bridget Jones's Diary BJ單身日記; Spirited Away 千與千尋; Sliding Doors 緣份兩面睇; Sleepless in Seattle 緣份的天空; Rouge 胭脂扣; The Incredibles 超人特工隊; Scent of a Woman 女人香 以下兩套未看,稍後時間會租回來看的: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 無痛失戀 ;Memories of Matsuko 花樣奇緣
無痛失戀 & 花樣奇緣 are must-see.
回覆刪除A Clockwork Orange 發條橙, Metropolis 大都會是一定有的名單。 Little Miss Sunshine 陽光小小姐是2006年最突出的電影,未致於100名內。] 我個人一定會選ashes and diamonds,rules of games,l'atlante,battleship potemkin,citizen kane,kind hearts and coronets,the third man,all the king"s man,8 1/2,story of apu,24 eyes,tokyo story,400 blows,knife in the water等。 28 days later....儘管有chris演,但我覺得呢部作品跟danny高峰期比,真的有一段距離。
回覆刪除待我考試後,會租回來看的。謝謝! 你的名單裡,只有Before Sunrise 情留半天,Before Sunset日落巴黎也不錯。這兩齣戲我同時看的,所以好有feel。 Ending有思想空間 ,我覺得他們會一起的。
回覆刪除I just discover your list! Let me see...... I strongly agree with your choices of : A.I., Billy Elliot, Eternal Sunshine, Love Letter, Laputa, Truman Show, IL Mare, Amelie, Finding Nemo, Before Sunrise (and Before Sunset), All about My Mother, Match Point, The Pianist, Forrest Gump, Broken Flowers, Spirited Away, Sliding Doors, Sleepless in Seattle, Gattaca, The Incredibles, Little Miss Sunshine. I strongly disagree with the choices of : Titanic, 藉著雨點說愛你, 一個快樂的傳說, Moulin Rouge, 一個都不能少, Minority Report, Peter Pan 小飛俠 (if you're referring to the one released in 2000), My Girl 小情人(if you're talking about the one with Macaulay Culkin), Catch me if you can, The Terminal. I personally suggest : Road to Perdition, Shawshank Redemption, Se7en, Fight Club, Shadowland, Groundhog Day, Untouchables, Edward Scissorhands, Cinema Paradiso, and a few genuine classics like 12 Angry Men, Amadeus, North by Northwest, It's a Wonderful Life, Citizen Kane, Gone with the Wind...
回覆刪除Indeed I have made changes to the list and I will post the new one after a year. Thanks for your recommendations. Indeed I do like Fight Club, but Shawshank Redemption and Cinema Paradiso are too long and Edward Scissorhands's ending is abit disappointing. Peter Pan 小飛俠 (released in 2000) & My Girl 小情人 (The Thai Film) are not classic, but I do like them. Catch Me If You Can is wise and The Terminal is touching.
回覆刪除〈Titanic〉唔駛講la~ 一定要榜上有名!!!
〈Far from heaven〉好感人,特別係女主角最後去火車站嗰幕,我一早知道佢唔會同個男人一齊,但係佢都願意去送佢一程,呢度好深刻印象,不過唔提返都唔記得自己有睇過…
〈Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind〉係一套好特別嘅電影,Jim Carey難得正經做戲個款真係好,睇完自己都有d想去洗腦!!!
〈The Talented Mr. Ripley〉其實都係因為想睇Jude Law咖咋~ 不過又估唔到會幾好睇喎~ 只係唔太鍾意Matt Demon最後都冇事啫~
〈American Beauty〉唔駛講la~ 好好笑,但係又可以講出嗰種男主角面對嘅煩惱嗰種心情,睇完真係覺得要睇多次!!!
〈Moulin Rouge〉睇咗〈Chicago〉之後有人介紹我睇呢套,但係都係鍾意〈Chicago〉多d!!!
〈Before Sunrise〉都係鍾意續集多d…
〈Gloomy Sunday〉呢套唔駛講,幾時都係咁好睇!!!
〈Match Point〉最近又睇多一次,感受多咗,比起頭十次睇覺得更加深感受…
〈Spiderman 2〉幾好睇,反而因為嗰時冇去戲院睇有d後悔…
〈The Pianist〉除咗〈Saving Private Ryan〉之外,第二套比較鍾意嘅戰爭電影…
〈Spiderman〉係睇咗卡通版再睇真人版,感覺上有d唔同,視覺效果幾好,不過都係鍾意〈Pirates of the Caribbean〉系列多d…
〈Catch Me If You Can〉睇到好精彩緊張,仲要係真人真事,真係好得!!!
〈The Incredibles〉嗰時入戲院睇,都幾值回票價!!!
〈Infernal Affairs〉一套比較有質素嘅港產片!!!
〈The Terminal〉真人真事,有d唔知點咁,覺得好似好慘咁,走唔到出去機場,都幾令人感動!!!
〈Five Times Two〉呢套冇得頂,好觸動心寧!!!
[版主回覆12/24/2008 11:08:00]wow... THANKS for your sharing. In fact, many people (critics + audience) love most of the films I mentioned above.