This year, I have watched 53 movies in cinemas. 27 of them are good or excellent to my mind. I am looking forward to seeing more good movies and talking about movies with you next year.
優 Excellent – 4.5 / 5 良 Good – 3.5 / 4
常 So-so – 2.5 / 3 差 Bad – 1.5 / 2 劣 Poor – 1
1. 魔幻王國:獅子‧女巫‧魔衣櫥 – 2
2. 鋼之鍊金術師 - 森巴拉的征服者 Fullmetal Alchemist - Conqueror of Shamballa – 2
3. 斷背山 Brokeback Mountain – 4.5
4. 冷血字傳 Capote – 3.5
5. 極地雪犬 Eight Below – 3.5
6. 尋找他媽…的故事 Transamerica – 4
7. 伊莎貝拉 Isabella – 2
8. 千里走單騎 Riding Alone For Thousands of Miles – 2.5
9. 迷失決勝分 Match Point – 4
10. 巴比龍 Papillon – 3
11. 你是我的命運 You Are My Sunshine – 2.5
12. 撞車 Crash – 3.5
13. 你,我,他她他 Me and You and Everyone We Know – 3.5
14. 4條腿拯救隊 Over the Hedge – 3
15. 立見天國 Paradise Now – 3.5
16. 球愛可人兒 She's the Man – 3
17. 鬼域 Re-Cycle – 2.5
18. 生命的飲歌 As It Is in Heaven – 3.5
19. 反斗車王 Cars – 3.5
20. 子狐物語 Helen the Baby Fox – 2.5
21. 偷拍 Hidden (Cache) – 3.5
22. 魔怪屋 Monster House – 3.5
23. 死亡筆記 Death Note – 3
24. 情獄 Hell (L'enfer) –3.5
25. 日本沉沒 Sinking of Japan – 2
26. 真心無戾 Tsotsi – 4
27. 兩生花 The Double Life Of Veronique – 2
28. 往關塔那摩之路 The Road to Guantanamo – 3
29. 蘇菲最後的5天 Sophie Scholl - The Final Days – 4
30. 聯合93 / United 93 – 3.5
31. 布達佩斯之戀 Gloomy Sunday – 4
32. 韓流怪嚇 The Host – 4
33. 花樣奇緣 Memories of Matsuko – 4
34. 燦爛人生 The Best of Youth – 3
35. 越位女球迷 Offside – 3
36. 怎捨得我難過 The Unforgiven – 1
37. 太陽雨 Rain Dogs – 2
38. 鬼書友 The Dorm – 3.5
39. 死亡魔法 The Prestige – 4
40. 地海傳說 Tales from Earthsea – 2
41. 浮花 Volver – 3.5
42. 世貿中心 World Trade Center – 3.5
43. 父子 After This Our Exile – 2.5
44. 大狗民 Citizen Dog – 2.5
45. 奏出我未來 For Horowitz – 2.5
46. 攣鳳和鳴 Metrosexual – 1.5
47. 那山那人那狗 Postmen In The Mountains – 3.5
48. 恐懼鬥室3死神在齒 Saw 3 – 3
49. 戀愛夢遊中 Science of Sleep – 2.5
50. 慾望的謊容 Time – 3.5
51. 陽光小小姐 Little Miss Sunshine – 4
52. 我愛巴黎 Paris, Je T'aime – 3
53. 新鐵金剛智破皇家賭場 Casino Royale – 3.5
Here is my grades: 優 Excellent – 4.5 / 5 良 Good – 3.5 / 4 常 So-so – 2.5 / 3 差 Bad – 1.5 / 2 劣 Poor – 1 N/A - Not Yet Watched 1. 魔幻王國 : 獅子 ‧ 女巫 ‧ 魔衣櫥 – 4 2. 鋼之鍊金術師 - 森巴拉的征服者 Fullmetal Alchemist - Conqueror of Shamballa – 3 3. 斷背山 Brokeback Mountain – 4 4. 冷血字傳 Capote – 4 5. 極地雪犬 Eight Below – 4.5 6. 尋找他媽 … 的故事 Transamerica – 4 7. 伊莎貝拉 Isabella – 2.5 8. 千里走單騎 Riding Alone For Thousands of Miles – 4.5 9. 迷失決勝分 Match Point – N/A 10. 巴比龍 Papillon – N/A 11. 你是我的命運 You Are My Sunshine – 2 12. 撞車 Crash – 4 13. 你 , 我 , 他她他 Me and You and Everyone We Know – N/A 14. 4 條腿拯救隊 Over the Hedge – 5 15. 立見天國 Paradise Now – 4 16. 球愛可人兒 She's the Man – 3.5 17. 鬼域 Re-Cycle – N/A 18. 生命的飲歌 As It Is in Heaven – N/A 19. 反斗車王 Cars – 3.5 20. 子狐物語 Helen the Baby Fox – N/A 21. 偷拍 Hidden (Cache) – N/A 22. 魔怪屋 Monster House – 4 23. 死亡筆記 Death Note – 3.5 24. 情獄 Hell (L'enfer) – 3 25. 日本沉沒 Sinking of Japan – 4 26. 真心無戾 Tsotsi – N/A 27. 兩生花 The Double Life Of Veronique – N/A 28. 往關塔那摩之路 The Road to Guantanamo – N/A 29. 蘇菲最後的 5 天 S ophie Scholl - The Final Days – N/A 30. 聯合 93 / United 93 – 5 31. 布達佩斯之戀 Gloomy Sunday – N/A 32. 韓流怪嚇 The Host – N/A 33. 花樣奇緣 Memories of Matsuko – N/A 34. 燦爛人生 The Best of Youth – N/A 35. 越位女球迷 Offside – N/A 36. 怎捨得我難過 The Unforgiven – N/A 37. 太陽雨 Rain Dogs – N/A 38. 鬼書友 The Dorm – 4.5 39. 死亡魔法 The Prestige – 4.5 40. 地海傳說 Tales from Earthsea – 3.5 41. 浮花 Volver – N/A 42. 世貿中心 World Trade Center – 5 43. 父子 After This Our Exile – 4 44. 大狗民 Citizen Dog – N/A 45. 奏出我未來 For Horowitz – N/A 46. 攣鳳和鳴 Metrosexual – 3.5 47. 那山那人那狗 Postmen In The Mountains – N/A 48. 恐懼鬥室 3 死神在齒 Saw 3 – N/A 49. 戀愛夢遊中 Science of Sleep – N/A 50. 慾望的謊容 Time – N/A 51. 陽光小小姐 Little Miss Sunshine – 4.5 52. 我愛巴黎 Paris, Je T'aime – N/A 53. 新鐵金剛智破皇家賭場 Casino Royale – 4 Oh my God, Kenneth you have watched so many movies! It seems that we have different preference of movies, but it is interesting to share our passion for movies. D
回覆刪除Agree that 好戲真的是買少見少... I will try to choose some good ones next year. Listening to radio programmes on movies and visiting the website Rottontomatoes can help me decide on which movies I should see. Happy New Year
回覆刪除Rotten tomatoes 我都成日睇,不過有時東西方觀眾口味不同,有時又好難作準,當係參考下。但係我多數都會睇報紙專欄,或者聽電台既電影評論節目,邁克、畢明同登徒、紀陶講得都唔錯,簡直一矢中的。
回覆刪除The reviews in Rotten Tomatoes are comprehensive and I learn how to write film reviews there. Very often, the reviews accurately reveal the truth and I have been disappointed "just" a few times. It is a useful tool from my perspective. I also listen to the radio programmes hosted by 登徒 too. His review is quite objective, but I may disagree with him sometimes. Where can I see the reviews written by 邁克、畢明同、紀陶? Thanks!
回覆刪除You can see 邁克(everyday)and畢明(only on Sun) 's review on Apple Daily.I dun know 紀陶's articles , I just listen his radio show but he seems not show up very often, or you can buy the U travel magazine every Thu, the guy called 何文龍 attend the radio show every Sat.
回覆刪除oh.. my dear Kenji,, Crystofa here...!!!
回覆刪除睇咁多戲,正! 我今年在戲院看的電影不多,主要係冇乜時間,不過也在家裏看很多影碟
回覆刪除I really enjoy watching good movies in cinemas. I can be away from the place I am familiar with and things annoying me, purely concentrating on the story. Psychology calls it a climax experience which leads to self-reflection. Surely, as I am busy sometimes, I have to watch VCDs too. ^&^
回覆刪除1. 斷背山 Brokeback Mountain – 4 2. 冷血字傳 Capote – 4 3. 尋找他媽 … 的故事 Transamerica – 3 4. 迷失決勝分 Match Point – 3.5 5. 遇上塔羅牌殺手 - 3.5 6. 撞車 Crash – 4.5 7. 你,我,他她他 Me and You and Everyone We Know – 3.5 8. 生命的飲歌 As It Is in Heaven – 4.5 9. 反斗車王 Cars – 2.5 10. 子狐物語 Helen the Baby Fox – 2.5 11. 偷拍 Hidden (Cache) – 4
回覆刪除12. 兩生花 The Double Life Of Veronique – 3.5
13. 布達佩斯之戀 Gloomy Sunday – 3 14. 花樣奇緣 Memories of Matsuko – 4.5 15. 浮花 Volver – 3.5 16. 戀愛夢遊中 Science of Sleep – 4.5 17. 陽光小小姐 Little Miss Sunshine – 4 18. 我愛巴黎 Paris, Je T'aime – 3 應該仲有其他......
Thanks for your reply.
回覆刪除I think Crash is a good and, to a certain extent, entertaining movie, but the tag lines are too intentional. I prefer Brokeback Mountain to Crash as it is more natural.
生命的飲歌 is fresh and 戀愛夢遊中 is creative, but I think their plots are flawed.
兩生花 is disappointing to my mind. Do you know the message of the movie? Why should I relate myself to the main characters in the movie? Is there another ME in the world? Even if there is one, why do I bother to know him?
Gloomy Sunday is just so so to you? I think cinematography is gripping and the story is impressive.
Agree that 花樣奇緣 is excellent. It was actually my second best last year.
慕尼黑 同 油激暗戰係咪2006上?呢兩套我都好喜歡。 Gloomy Sunday .... 唔知點解,唔係太感動我,戀愛夢遊中 反而好有共鳴,因為好"我",電影就係咁,hit 唔 hit 到,好難講。正如剛看了"the holiday " , 好開心,好講到女性的感情弱點,佢hit到我囉。
回覆刪除YES 慕尼黑 & 油激暗戰係2006上, but I have not watched them. Gloomy Sunday is a beautiful film and I felt very sad! GOOD to find movies which can touch you. The experience is satisfying... "The holiday" is cosy, but the ending is a bit disappointing!
回覆刪除There shouldn't be ANOTHER me in this world. However, the world is not as simple as I see it. Forever the visionary Kieslowski.
回覆刪除The opinions on this movie are very extreme! ... I do feel that different individuals have some connections when they do the same thing.
回覆刪除2006年有三套港產片值得一看: 《放.逐》 《半醉人間》 《黑社會以和為貴》
回覆刪除Thanks for your recommendation! I would love to see 放.逐.
回覆刪除Wow, i estimated i had seen at least 70 movies in cinema last year when i counting my movie ends. And had also seen the same size of movies DVD at home, but can't remember what is it about on some of them. The movie i seen most in 2006 was brokeback mountain and Hidden (Cache), i saw brokeback mountain many time beacause i think it really good, i became a fans of Ang Lee since then; But i saw "Hidden" many times because i had fell in sleep in the middle of the movie everytime and can't finish it, so i saw it again and again, till now, i still not know how the ending was, hahaha. i think the the casting is good, I just not in the right mood to see that movie. Bytheway, my most favorite movie is still "Seven", i thought i already saw it more than ten times. The story is really good, and Kevin Spacey is brilliant, he is really a great actor! Hey guys, are you all Broadway Insight Pass member? I am think of a constant movie gethering, so we all movie fan can enjoy good movie togther and talk about it in the dinner aftermath, like what we are talking about in my blog, right Kenji?
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/17/2011 12:31:00]
1. I am quite sure I will watch more than 80 movies in cinemas this year. 2. I know there will be some good ones in March. Let's watch them together if we are free. 3.
I do not have an insight pass, but I may sometimes get free tickets
from different websites. If you also get free tickets sometimes, we can
watch two movies for free. You may contact me at (Of
course, the free tickets from the film distributors are only for
the critics of our online radio programme which will be launched soon.) Thanks for your support Leo!
but do you have many free tickets for few people? i mean we all movie fans here in our network can go movies together. It's nice, right, occupy the whole row in the cinema and what a nice moment we all discuss about the movie in a nice restaurant or cafe togehter.kind of mini movies club. may one day we all can lunch a private member club somewhere, donate our movie or music collections and share to each other. May be there will be another Fran c ois Truffaut in between. Bytheway, i think there is a coming one called " pan's labyrinth 魔間迷宮" seems quite nice, is any guys have interest to see it together?
回覆刪除I am looking forward to seeing 魔間迷宮! It is a great film having won several awards. I am interested... Any other people? About the free tickets, I mean only two people can watch two movies for free.
回覆刪除please count me in if there is any movie gethering in the future.
恭喜 韓流怪嚇
The Host is a creative mixture of different genres. I love it very much!