

2016年我最喜愛的十大電影 TOP 10: -------------------------------------------

1. 比海還深 After The Storm
2. 單身動物園 The Lobster
3. 初戀無限Jam // Sing Street
4. 羊羊大愛 Rams
5. 末世街10 // 10 Cloverfield Lane
6. 哭聲 The Wailing
7. 下女誘罪 The Handmaiden
8. 點五步 Weeds On Fire
9. 洛奇外傳 - 王者之後 Creed
10. 灣生回家 Wansei Back Home

其他心水推介 EXCELLENT: ----------------------------------------------------

神奇虎爸 Captain Fantastic
喪屍末日戰 I am a Hero
救你命3000 Swiss Army Man
與蛇共舞 Embrace of the Serpent
時代教主:喬布斯 Steve Jobs
薩利機長:迫降奇蹟 Sully
我們倆 The World of Us
給兒子的安魂曲 Nagasaki: Memories of My Son
鋼鋸嶺 Hacksaw Ridge
天眼狙擊 Eye in the Sky
卡露的情人 Carol
怪鄰居 Creepy
抖室 Room
不做二等媽 The Second Mother
甜味人間 An
兩個沸青去旅行 Microbe and Gasoline
美豬出城 Where to Invade Next
你的名字 Your Name
一鏡柏林 Victoria
自己地球自己救 Tomorrow

其他心水推介 GOOD: ----------------------------------------------------

夢之花嫁 A Bride For Rip Van Winkle
復仇勇者 The Revenant
丹麥女孩 The Danish Girl
星空奇遇記:超域時空 Star Trek Beyond
優獸大都會 Zootopia
焦點追撃 Spotlight
緣來他不夠愛我 45 Years
天堂無門 Son of Saul
海底奇兵2 Finding Dory
BJ單身日記:生得啦BABY Bridget Jones's Baby
紐約巴別塔 In Jackson Heights
登上須彌山 Meru
古巴女孩 Viva
七日告別 Calvary
屍殺前傳:首爾站 Seoul Station
戀人們 Three Stories of Love
絕地戰場 Kilo Two Bravo
捉鬼敢死隊 Ghostbusters
奇異博士 Doctor Strange
烈女本色 Elle
七月與安生 Soul Mate
捉妖敢死隊 Kubo And The Two Strings
走音歌后 Florence Foster Jenkins
幸運是我 Happiness
美國第一情緣 Southside with You
禁室殺戮 Don't Breathe

2015年走漏眼佳作: 老師作反 The Lesson / Urok

As a movie maniac, I have watched 95 movies in cinemas in 2016.
The movies released this year are less impressive than the ones released in 2015.
Do you have a top-10-movie list? Are there any films that you highly recommend?

2 則留言:

  1. Hi Kenji,好耐無見喔!
    上面咁多部電影我幾乎都無聽過(可能呢度戲院無上映),唯知道 Seoul Station, Star Trek Beyond, Ghostbusters,但未睇Seoul Station... 换言之,今年未睇到一部可以捉住眼球嘅心水片...
    Anyway, Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you for your visit. I have abandoned the blog, but I think I should upload the list here once a year. 屍殺前傳:首爾站 is an animation from Korea. I really like it except the ending which does not make much sense. I think it is better than 屍殺列車.
