Thanks to my friends' encouragement,
I will share with you my ratings of the films I watch here.
You are welcome to leave messages and discuss the films with me.
荒謬啟示錄 Leviathan ~~~ 3.9 / 5
狂野行 Wild ~~~ 3.7 / 5
獵狐捕手 Foxcatcher ~~~ 4.3 / 5
解碼遊戲 The Imitation Game ~~~ 4.4 / 5
永遠的愛麗絲 Still Alice ~~~ 3.9 / 5
公投飯票 Two Days, One Night ~~~ 3.7 / 5
黑海潛航:追擊20億 Black Sea ~~~ 3.6 / 5
聖瘟神正傳 St.Vincent ~~~ 3.7 / 5
頭條殺機 Nightcrawler ~~~ 4.4 / 5
寄生獸 Parasyte ~~~ 4.2 / 5
美國狙擊手 American Sniper ~~~ 3.8 / 5
飛鳥俠 Birdman ~~~ 4.1 / 5
迴光奏鳴曲 Exit ~~~ 3.9 / 5
推拿 Blind Massage ~~~ 3.9 / 5
坐看雲起時 Clouds of Sils Maria ~~~ 3.9 / 5
80分鐘死亡直播:屍人嚇輪 [REC] 4 ~~~ 3.5 / 5
我們都是這樣長大的 Boyhood ~~~ 4.4 / 5
回覆刪除I watched What If and Big Eyes and I prefer the first one :P
When will What If be formally released?
刪除It is showing in some cinemas now!
刪除Support! 就算不寫blog,也有個傾戲的地方。
回覆刪除YEAH!!! OKOK!!! I will try to keep updating the list.
刪除long long long long time no see!!~Kenji兄!!~~先工作有空再來!!~~
回覆刪除Thanks a lot. You have taken a long break. It's time to come back.
刪除Thank you! This is awesome!
回覆刪除Thank you so much for your visit. Welcome to discuss movies here. You are also welcome to recommend to me films I have not watched. Thank you! ^^
回覆刪除明天看Into the woods :p
昨晚重看Crazy stupid love, 感覺還很好。
The THREE actresses are SUPERB and the cinematography is great, but it is slow-paced. By the way, Joey expressed via Facebook that she LOVES it.
刪除PLEASE let me know whether you like it. Another blogger does NOT, saying that it is lousy.
I do LIKE Crazy Stupid Love.
Do you like Winter Sleep?
Slow-paced 就要 pass 啦,最近很累,不能看節奏慢的電影。或許等出碟再看。
刪除我今早看Two Days in New York,不錯,未看又想看的話我可借出影碟 :)
Winter Sleep 太長不看了,有機會影碟補回。
My next targets:
刪除- 飛鳥俠
- 寄生獸
- 美國狙擊手
By the way, do you like Into the Woods?
Settle down and get some rest. Watch more movies later.
Into the Woods is really lousy.
你都要爭取機會休息和看電影 :)
THANKS haha. The reviews of 解涷人生 are below average. I do like the leading actress though.
刪除我也沒什麼時間出街看戲,因為是Tim Burton fan, 所以看了Big Eye. (這套一般,我覺得講得太少男女主角的內心世界)。長的戲暫未有時間看(但又打算睇Boyhood.我應會放棄Winter Light). 在家重看了Ed Wood, 依然覺得感動。
刪除Big Eyes
Thanks for your information. I have decided to skip Big Eyes, yet Boyhood is an important film this year. I highly recommend it to you.
刪除Just finished You're Not You, and it was actually quite good. Hillary Swank was awesome in it.
刪除I'm going to watch Birdman this Thurs, and American Sniper next week :)
刪除Honestly, I don't like Birdman.
刪除Gonna watch American Sniper tonight. Hope this is better.
我喜歡《寄生獸》,比想像中好。(我和兩位戲迷同事本來以為這是套「膠片」hope you know what I mean-- 有些漫畫改編的日本片的特技很差,或拍出來像電視劇多於電影--這套沒有那些「膠片」的缺點。劇情緊湊,令人看得投入,亦沒有某些日本片的通病--煽情)
刪除I like Birdman as the "ONE" long shot is a creative tribute to drama and it delivers a message that life is like drama. Also, I feel for the main character who longs for the fame he used to have and it seems that humans are worried about being UNIMPORTANT. Moreover, the acting is generally great.
刪除寄生獸 is a guilty pleasure. I really LIKE it, haha. It is creative, exciting and entertaining! I look forward to the second episode.
只能説Birdman完全引發不到我的共鳴,我只覺得煩。相比起來,American Sniper這種傳統故事就比較合我口胃。
刪除不過,我還是很喜歡Edward Norton的演出,雖然最佳男配角我屬意 Whiplash 的魔鬼教官 :p
I don't like Emma Stone. -_-
刪除American Sniper - It is exciting and Cooper performs well and sacrifices a lot by gaining a lot of weight and working out. However, it seems that the local people there are depicted as terrorists and "things" like zombies especially in the last shooting scene. The film is pro US and shows stereotyped characters.
很喜歡Edward Norton的演出,雖然最佳男配角我屬意 Whiplash 的魔鬼教官 --- 1000% agree!
分析得對!我喜歡美國狙擊手當中的family scenes,男主角的際遇也吸引到我(我喜歡宿命論)。
刪除昨晚和朋友看了華麗怪盜(Mortdecai),感覺像在看最佳拍檔。見到Ewan McGregor和Johnny Depp爭風呷醋,我頂唔順。有年輕人笑到卡卡聲,我覺得係因為佢地未睇過最佳拍檔。:P
刪除Very busy indeed... Next week, there are special screenings of Oscar films at BC. Gi, please take a look and see if you are interested.
刪除朋友約我看Into the woods, 我說這套評價很差,所以我們轉睇《華麗怪盜》。怎知這套也不好看。
刪除嘩,謝提醒! 我上次在B C看戲時不見有奧斯卡特別放映的宣傳。Imitation Game超多人看,已買不到好位。Two days, one night和Alice都吸引。(不過後者都好受歡迎)。你們會看哪套?
The reviews of 華麗怪盜 are below average. Rottentomatoes may help you decide whether you should buy a ticket next time.
刪除I will be at BC from Thu to Sun. On Thu and Sat, I may watch Wild / Still Alice at 5 something... busy next week indeed haha.
刪除我終於睇番兩套好戲:American Sniper和Nightcrawler! (至於Birdman,我和栗妹的感覺相近)
刪除Still Alice似乎過譽了,Wild倒是有驚喜。
Nightcrawler is VERY impressive haha. I reallllllllly like it and I think Jake Gyllenhaal is snubbed at Oscars. I also love the story and is even better than American Sniper, which stereotypes those "terrorists". Still Alice is touching and Julianne Moore is good!
刪除我覺得Still Alice半點兒也不感動,解凍人生反而有幾處觸動到我。
刪除Nightcrawler算是合格吧,to me it's just not impressive.
Still Alice's story does not have big surprises, but the speech is touching and I like Julianne Moore's acting. As for Nightcrawler, the story is very engaging and it is terrifying to see evil spread.
刪除Nightcrawler is my cup of tea. 成套戲都dark. (我沒看過Enemy呢)
刪除我沒看Still Alice, 不過看了Wild, 看完後想寫點什麼(之前沒時間寫,現在忘了當初想寫什麼)。
Wanna watch Enemy... btw, Wild is above average and it is about her love for her mother, but I expect MORE from the journey. I mean... what causes the change? Perhaps she learns to treasure what she has owing to the hardship.
刪除類似題材的電影,我更喜歡Into the Wild。(不過對Eat, Pray, Love就一點興趣也沒有)
小男孩的一首歌 - RIGHT! That triggers her emotional outbreak.
刪除對Eat, Pray, Love就一點興趣也沒有 - Me neither
You seem very busy all the time, I miss your movie reviews!
回覆刪除Anyway...我最近看了《大眼睛奇緣》和《魔法黑森林 》,前者我超級推介的!
Teachers are buys nowadays, especially English teachers and those who are experienced as they usually have more administrative duties. Anyway, thanks for your visit and recommendation. You are also welcome to discuss movies here. ^^
刪除Boyhood is just OK to me. I don't see why it is necessary to film the same boy over 12 years. It is a film, not a documentary.
回覆刪除I really like Exit, and I look forward to watching Nightcrawler :)
Right after watching Boyhood, I was like you. After an hour, the images began to flash across my mind. To my surprise, my mum also loves it.
刪除First, the film looks very realistic and it is heartwarming to witness the growth of the boy. My mum identifies with the mum who devotes her life to raising the kids and suffers when they have to leave her. This is life and that's also why some people think marriage sucks.
Another reason why I like it is that I can feel the producer's and director's love for movies. Who is willing to spend 12 years making a film?
Nightcrawler is superb!!! The leading actor is superb and he should be nominated at Oscar.
P.S. By the way, do you know that the lady in the last scene is actually the girl who passes the boy a note about his hairstyle? ^^
刪除唔,那不過表示攝製圑隊有股傻勁,跟愛電影是兩回事 :p
I think they mean the same. If he did not love movies, he would not spend 12 YEARS making this film. He insists on using this approach as it makes the film more realistic. Not until the last year did he know how to end the movie. I do appreciate what he has done.
RIGHT since the ending is confusing. 4.1 is quite high though. 解碼遊戲 a touching mixture of different genres. Don't miss it.