

As the founder of Move Thee Reviews, I was invited to be interviewed in a short documentary on film reviews. Many thanks to Lok Hang for his invitation. However, since I was extremely busy with my school and I thought I was not professional enough, I kindly turned down his sincere request. Please watch 影真識評 if you are interested in movie reviews. Also, Ka Ka and I once talked about the qualities of a good reviewer.
I really miss the good old days...

By the way, do you listen to radio shows on movie reviews? Although I listen to 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 and visit movie blogs from time to time, I choose movies mainly based on Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB and Metacritic. Which show do you like best?

1. 雷霆881《一台好戲》馮志豐、黎淑芬、鄔家麟
2. 第一台《電影兩面睇》李思維
3. 第五台《電影乾坤》施介強、劉錫賢

4. Youtube Channel《影畫絮語》Bobby、Mickey    http://www.youtube.com/movetheereviews
5. My Radio《大把戲》蕭定一、林紀陶、Mark、Albert、羽翹             
6. 開台《影畫春秋》Dieman、Kingman、Charlie、辛比       
7. 開台《電影長短打》Bandsir、Harrison
8. 開台《後巷電影院》小兵、電影俠
9. 開台《Sci-Fi全面睇》Tasuku、瀚永、路易
10. 開台《動漫無雙》薄荷朱古力、樹靈、內木一郎、北條彰、有馬二

Dear Blog, Happy Birthday!

Dear Blog,

Happy birthday! 3 years ago, you were born. Your task was to provide the audience of an online radio station Move Thee Reviews with a place where they can discuss movies. Now, I am no longer hosting the show, but I am glad that you are still very healthy. Thank you so much for what you have done. I can feel the warmth and love in this cosy home, with a united family of many.





Candy was sweet
A smile please
Need not grieve
Don't forget us
You are loved