Thanks for sharing ... I will watch it later. Which movie will you promote next time ? [版主回覆01/11/2009 00:31:00]I will try to talk about 超級零零狗, 奇幻逆緣 and 馬利與我 next Sunday. In other words, I will be very busy watching films and thinking about films next week.
好好聽...把聲好吸引...同我姨生仔有得比...佢都係6歲 :-) 我會播俾我姨生仔聽...! [版主回覆01/11/2009 00:34:00]At first, I thought you were talking about MY voice. HAHAHA... OKOK...the girl is so cute and the song should really be sung by a little girl, instead of an adult. I dislike the adult version!
宮的動畫一向沒有令我失望, 相信這齣也不例外呢! [版主回覆01/11/2009 00:53:00]BUT some people dislike it. Of course, it is much different from The Castle in the Sky and the ones about BIG ISSUES. Ponyo is just a tiny little film about love, poor parenting and environment. With a kid's mind and right expectations, you will like it. ENJOY!!!
But sometimes, simple message can make great impression like (龍貓) also! [版主回覆01/11/2009 01:11:00]RIGHT! Right after seeing the film, I found it OK. On the second day, I found it NICE! I begin to love it. It seems that the movie affects me unconsciously. The images are memorable. I really enjoyed it, though my best director's film is still The Castle in the Sky.
Kenji兄讚得嘅都應該睇得過, 況且宮崎駿真係好少會令人失望嘅. [版主回覆01/11/2009 16:56:00]I think the little film is quite SWEET and CUTE! But it seems that one of my blogmates is disappointed. Perhaps he does not have a kid's mind haha!!!
這齣一定會看,所以暫時不聽Kenji的影評,看後才來討教 每次看見波兒,我就會想起我的六婆 [版主回覆01/11/2009 16:57:00]討教 is too much. Just some sharing! Please share how you feel after watching the film. It will be released on 17/1. ^^
多謝你的support~~ 第一次糾正kenji中文——反璞歸真,不是反「樸」歸真。不厭其煩解釋一遍吧(希望冇人嫌我老積),「璞」是「璞玉」,即珍貴的東西,反璞歸真意為將高雅的事物回歸為簡單樸素,如果你寫了「樸」,變了「將樸素的事物回歸為簡單」????? 你睇《超級零零狗》,睇3D版呀?? 我想睇《奇幻逆緣》。 [版主回覆01/11/2009 17:03:00]Thank you 老吹! I copied the word from the production notes and thanks for spotting the error. BOLT? I still dunno if it is a 3D version or not!
首歌好得呀!!!如果你把聲好似佢咁講電影可能仲得呀!!! 不過都係對Cartoon冇咩興趣......下次等你再介紹〈The Curious Case of Benjamin Button〉再來搵你!!! [版主回覆01/11/2009 21:12:00]Thanks very much for your support!!! Welcome back!!!
我都有聽過你講戲把聲...我留言話你把聲都好細路0下...(你無睇到咩 :-) ) [版主回覆01/13/2009 11:46:00]thanks I have just seen it. Thanks so much for your support. I will work harder because of your words. THX!
我發覺你講野同以前我識0既"飛機師"d 口吻好似喎... 總之興趣0既野唔好太博...注意作息時間都好緊要 點都好啦...最近我都有事煩緊...!不過都會盡量抽時間睇你個blog... [版主回覆01/14/2009 12:07:00]Thnaks for your visit and support. you are right... so I will leave HK for 5 days at the end of Jan. ^^
why did you take off the clip of the theme song? was it cos you receviced loads of compliants about the disturbing lyrics? did you notice... (exerpts of cantonese version) 波兒波兒波兒 肚臍(音: 慈)/ 陶瓷脹卜卜... 獻著你走 廢人廢手... 波兒波兒波兒 魚兒笑寶杯 在那海邊不遠的山埃小屋... thanks to the lyrics, marking papers is now bearable (we listen to it in office!) I'll come back after watching it! [版主回覆01/14/2009 12:09:00]1. NO! It works. I have not taken it off. 2. Yes I know the problem of the lyrics, but I think they fit the story and it is really cute!!!
Dear TEACHERS: This Sat, at 11 a.m., there will be a private screening of "The Class" (課室風雲), a very realistic French movie about teachers and students. All participants are teachers. After the screening, a reporter from SCMP will have a group discussion with participants and do some interviews. The whole thing will last for around 2.5 hours. It is of course free of charge. I have seen the film and so I won't go. The venue is the internal screening room of Edko Film Distributor, Rm 1212, Tower II, Admiralty Centre,18 Harcourt Road.H.K. If interested, pls let me know. I will help make arrangements. Thanks!
Kenji , can i take some photo from your blog ? [版主回覆01/15/2009 22:24:00]Hei, I'm not sure if it is OK because I post the movie stills here with the permission of the film distributor. But I personally guess it doesn't mind if you use the movie stills to promote the film hahaha. So you know what I mean Gar Lar ^^!!!
我係youtube到見到你俾左你自己個blog.. 按左泥睇~ cm` 我都覺得岸上的波兒好得意>o< [版主回覆01/17/2009 02:27:00]Thanks for your visit. Welcome to visit our online radio station too.
Hello~ Kenji, the " Vicky Cristina Barcelona" vcd will coming soon at 23 of January, will you buy it??? [版主回覆01/17/2009 02:29:00]NO because there are too many VCDs in my movie drawer and I have not seen them.
我今日都睇咗〈The Phantom of the Opera〉,但係冇想像中咁好睇......始終都係太重歌劇味道,唔啱睇 [版主回覆01/17/2009 22:37:00]After seeing The Phantom of the Opera, I had my students produce a drama at school 2 years ago. It was great fun. Of course, although the film is just OK, it is still worth seeing if you want to know more about this classic musical.
圖可否轉貼到第二度? [版主回覆01/23/2009 14:09:00]So sorry that I can't answer this question. The movie stills are posted here with the film distributor's permission. I think only the film distributor has the right to answer your question. Thank you for your visit.
崖上的波兒 成龍 霸王洗髮液 添加片段,字幕版 [版主回覆01/23/2009 15:12:00]FUN, but somehow I think the melody is polluted!
Previously I said: Simple message can make great impression, but "Ponyo" is absolutely exception! It is very boring and I'm so disappointed! [版主回覆01/30/2009 13:31:00]Oh really? I think Ponyo is cute and the film has messages, though it is obviously not the director's best animation.
hi Kenji, Happy Lunar Year^^ I watched this movie and finding it's a lovely film especially for children^^ In their world the 'love' message was easily touched by each other...... they love each other and without any doubtfulness and because they are only 5 yrs old child....... But just looking at Bonyo's mother, she's not child and loving her husband not really easily and seems complicated...... I find this message about the different attitude between the childs and the adults toward loves.......... [版主回覆01/30/2009 13:33:00]Perhaps. The kids' love is purer. The film is also about the poor parenting.
but i'm not really touching by what you said ' poor parenting' ! because it seems 宗介's mother really take care his son in this film i found!! but what you said about the milk ..... maybe it's brings this message?! btw, kenji, i watched ' 非誠勿擾' and it's really a good movie ar [版主回覆01/30/2009 23:41:00]Sometimes, but his mother drinks beer and leaves two kids at home during the disaster. It can be very dangerous. More and more people recommend 非誠勿擾 to me. Perhaps I should see it in my spare time. Does it touch you? Thanks!
'drinks beer' because she's upset by his husband, and 'leave 2 kids' at home because she find the elders need her more than her kids....... i think '非誠勿擾' is a good film brings some messages to the ppls in this modern world!! A lot of dialogues in the film is good and i think it will touch so many ppls ! Suggest you go to see it asap because it seems only one cinema- BC is showing now!! [版主回覆01/31/2009 00:00:00]I do know the reasons, but I don't think they justify the behavior. / BC has 5 screenings every day. It is really amazing!!!
I finally saw Ponyo...haha~ Let's face it, it's not logical or realistic at all. The characters were not well developed, and so is the plot! It's so different from his previous two cartoons! I guess it's made specifically for the kids, right?! Having said that, I found it so cute and adorable, and I enjoyed it more than Bolt overall...don't know why?!? [版主回覆02/02/2009 20:47:00]AGREE!!! Although I personally prefer Bolt, it seems to me that Ponyo has magic. The movie has been unconsciously affecting me for a few days and the character design is superb. By the way, when I was in Japan, a picture suddenly came across my mind. I found that Ponyo actually resembled a sperm and her sisters are other sperms. I think the film has lots of symbolic images and the sperm-like character without LOVE becoming a human girl with LOVE is actually the process the director wants to show us. Just my 2 cents!!!
Ponyo佢就係咁樣係裡面發展成有手有腳嘅人呢!!! 因此, 我同意你嘅論點同當中嘅寓意啊! [版主回覆02/04/2009 20:24:00]Thanks very much for your support!!! When I was in Japan, I drew some pictures on the glass and suddenly found that Ponyo looked like a sperm. I think the film shows us the process of learning how to LOVE (from a sperm knowing nothing about love to a human girl)! AND only one sperm can become a human! My theory sounds crazy and I hope I have not polluted the director's work hahaha. Thanks again and the pic is just great!!!
I love the theme song so much!
回覆刪除Thanks for sharing ...
回覆刪除I will watch it later.
Which movie will you promote next time ?
[版主回覆01/11/2009 00:31:00]I will try to talk about 超級零零狗, 奇幻逆緣 and 馬利與我 next Sunday. In other words, I will be very busy watching films and thinking about films next week.
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/11/2009 00:32:00]Please come back and share how you feel! ^^
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/11/2009 00:33:00]Support!
好好聽...把聲好吸引...同我姨生仔有得比...佢都係6歲 :-) 我會播俾我姨生仔聽...!
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/11/2009 00:34:00]At first, I thought you were talking about MY voice. HAHAHA... OKOK...the girl is so cute and the song should really be sung by a little girl, instead of an adult. I dislike the adult version!
宮的動畫一向沒有令我失望, 相信這齣也不例外呢!
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/11/2009 00:53:00]BUT some people dislike it. Of course, it is much different from The Castle in the Sky and the ones about BIG ISSUES. Ponyo is just a tiny little film about love, poor parenting and environment. With a kid's mind and right expectations, you will like it. ENJOY!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/11/2009 01:09:00]Waiting for your sharing!
But sometimes, simple message can make great impression like (龍貓) also!
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/11/2009 01:11:00]RIGHT! Right after seeing the film, I found it OK. On the second day, I found it NICE! I begin to love it. It seems that the movie affects me unconsciously. The images are memorable. I really enjoyed it, though my best director's film is still The Castle in the Sky.
Kenji兄讚得嘅都應該睇得過, 況且宮崎駿真係好少會令人失望嘅.
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/11/2009 16:56:00]I think the little film is quite SWEET and CUTE! But it seems that one of my blogmates is disappointed. Perhaps he does not have a kid's mind haha!!!
[版主回覆01/11/2009 16:57:00]討教 is too much. Just some sharing! Please share how you feel after watching the film. It will be released on 17/1. ^^
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/11/2009 17:00:00]It is said that people working in cinemas can watch free movies. Is it true?
你睇《超級零零狗》,睇3D版呀?? 我想睇《奇幻逆緣》。
[版主回覆01/11/2009 17:03:00]Thank you 老吹! I copied the word from the production notes and thanks for spotting the error. BOLT? I still dunno if it is a 3D version or not!
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/11/2009 21:11:00]Adults will become kids after watching this film.
facebook add我嘅kenji係咪你????
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/11/2009 21:10:00]I seldom use facebook, so I guess not haha.
回覆刪除不過都係對Cartoon冇咩興趣......下次等你再介紹〈The Curious Case of Benjamin Button〉再來搵你!!!
[版主回覆01/11/2009 21:12:00]Thanks very much for your support!!! Welcome back!!!
宮崎駿的電影我大部份也有看的, 17號上映, 多謝Kenji 的介紹呀~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/13/2009 11:45:00]Welcome! Come back and share how you feel pls.
我都有聽過你講戲把聲...我留言話你把聲都好細路0下...(你無睇到咩 :-) )
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/13/2009 11:46:00]thanks I have just seen it. Thanks so much for your support. I will work harder because of your words. THX!
我發覺你講野同以前我識0既"飛機師"d 口吻好似喎...
[版主回覆01/14/2009 12:07:00]Thnaks for your visit and support. you are right... so I will leave HK for 5 days at the end of Jan. ^^
why did you take off the clip of the theme song? was it cos you receviced loads of compliants about the disturbing lyrics?
回覆刪除did you notice... (exerpts of cantonese version)
波兒波兒波兒 肚臍(音: 慈)/ 陶瓷脹卜卜...
獻著你走 廢人廢手...
波兒波兒波兒 魚兒笑寶杯 在那海邊不遠的山埃小屋...
thanks to the lyrics, marking papers is now bearable (we listen to it in office!) I'll come back after watching it!
[版主回覆01/14/2009 12:09:00]1. NO! It works. I have not taken it off.
2. Yes I know the problem of the lyrics, but I think they fit the story and it is really cute!!!
Great to know that you have a holiday & will leave HK for 5 days...!
[版主回覆01/15/2009 12:47:00]Thanks!!! Time to relax.
Dear TEACHERS: This Sat, at 11 a.m., there will be a private screening of "The Class" (課室風雲), a very realistic French movie about teachers and students. All participants are teachers. After the screening, a reporter from SCMP will have a group discussion with participants and do some interviews. The whole thing will last for around 2.5 hours. It is of course free of charge. I have seen the film and so I won't go. The venue is the internal screening room of Edko Film Distributor, Rm 1212, Tower II, Admiralty Centre,18 Harcourt Road.H.K. If interested, pls let me know. I will help make arrangements. Thanks!
回覆刪除Kenji , can i take some photo from your blog ?
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/15/2009 22:24:00]Hei, I'm not sure if it is OK because I post the movie stills here with the permission of the film distributor. But I personally guess it doesn't mind if you use the movie stills to promote the film hahaha. So you know what I mean Gar Lar ^^!!!
thx for visit my blog.....very detail info and movie picture..i want to cinema to see this one also...
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/16/2009 13:03:00]Welcome! ^^
我係youtube到見到你俾左你自己個blog.. 按左泥睇~ cm` 我都覺得岸上的波兒好得意>o<
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/17/2009 02:27:00]Thanks for your visit. Welcome to visit our online radio station too.
i already watched on 10/1 , good film. i like it!
i won 奇幻逆緣 tickets as well!
[版主回覆01/17/2009 02:28:00]You are so lucky. I have seen it too. Nice make up and acting, but somehow I was just a bit moved. Still thinking why.
Hello~ Kenji, the " Vicky Cristina Barcelona" vcd will coming soon at 23 of January, will you buy it???
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/17/2009 02:29:00]NO because there are too many VCDs in my movie drawer and I have not seen them.
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/17/2009 13:29:00]Yes, at least 20 DVDs are waiting for me quietly in my movie drawer.
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/17/2009 21:54:00]Go Go Go! I have been always thinking of the images and messages since I watched it. Very sweet and cute!!!
我今日都睇咗〈The Phantom of the Opera〉,但係冇想像中咁好睇......始終都係太重歌劇味道,唔啱睇
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/17/2009 22:37:00]After seeing The Phantom of the Opera, I had my students produce a drama at school 2 years ago. It was great fun. Of course, although the film is just OK, it is still worth seeing if you want to know more about this classic musical.
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/17/2009 23:31:00](Empty)
好正呀,不過好 full ,好難買飛,看電腦動畫看得厭了,宮崎駿的總給人十分清新的感覺 。
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/17/2009 23:33:00]YES!!! I became a kid after the screening.
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/23/2009 14:09:00]So sorry that I can't answer this question. The movie stills are posted here with the film distributor's permission. I think only the film distributor has the right to answer your question. Thank you for your visit.
崖上的波兒 成龍 霸王洗髮液 添加片段,字幕版
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/23/2009 15:12:00]FUN, but somehow I think the melody is polluted!
Previously I said: Simple message can make great impression, but "Ponyo" is absolutely exception!
回覆刪除It is very boring and I'm so disappointed!
[版主回覆01/30/2009 13:31:00]Oh really? I think Ponyo is cute and the film has messages, though it is obviously not the director's best animation.
hi Kenji, Happy Lunar Year^^
回覆刪除I watched this movie and finding it's a lovely film especially for children^^ In their world the 'love' message was easily touched by each other...... they love each other and without any doubtfulness and because they are only 5 yrs old child....... But just looking at Bonyo's mother, she's not child and loving her husband not really easily and seems complicated...... I find this message about the different attitude between the childs and the adults toward loves..........
[版主回覆01/30/2009 13:33:00]Perhaps. The kids' love is purer. The film is also about the poor parenting.
but i'm not really touching by what you said ' poor parenting' ! because it seems 宗介's mother really take care his son in this film i found!! but what you said about the milk ..... maybe it's brings this message?! btw, kenji, i watched ' 非誠勿擾' and it's really a good movie ar
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/30/2009 23:41:00]Sometimes, but his mother drinks beer and leaves two kids at home during the disaster. It can be very dangerous. More and more people recommend 非誠勿擾 to me. Perhaps I should see it in my spare time. Does it touch you? Thanks!
'drinks beer' because she's upset by his husband, and 'leave 2 kids' at home because she find the elders need her more than her kids.......
回覆刪除i think '非誠勿擾' is a good film brings some messages to the ppls in this modern world!! A lot of dialogues in the film is good and i think it will touch so many ppls ! Suggest you go to see it asap because it seems only one cinema- BC is showing now!!
[版主回覆01/31/2009 00:00:00]I do know the reasons, but I don't think they justify the behavior. / BC has 5 screenings every day. It is really amazing!!!
I finally saw Ponyo...haha~
回覆刪除Let's face it, it's not logical or realistic at all. The characters were not well developed, and so is the plot! It's so different from his previous two cartoons!
I guess it's made specifically for the kids, right?!
Having said that, I found it so cute and adorable, and I enjoyed it more than Bolt overall...don't know why?!?
[版主回覆02/02/2009 20:47:00]AGREE!!! Although I personally prefer Bolt, it seems to me that Ponyo has magic. The movie has been unconsciously affecting me for a few days and the character design is superb. By the way, when I was in Japan, a picture suddenly came across my mind. I found that Ponyo actually resembled a sperm and her sisters are other sperms. I think the film has lots of symbolic images and the sperm-like character without LOVE becoming a human girl with LOVE is actually the process the director wants to show us. Just my 2 cents!!!
嘩~你lee個觀點真係精彩絕倫, 同埋被你一言驚醒呢...
回覆刪除你睇下lee張, 簡直同我地以前學嘅受精卵圖不謀而合呀!!!
因此, 我同意你嘅論點同當中嘅寓意啊!
[版主回覆02/04/2009 20:24:00]Thanks very much for your support!!! When I was in Japan, I drew some pictures on the glass and suddenly found that Ponyo looked like a sperm. I think the film shows us the process of learning how to LOVE (from a sperm knowing nothing about love to a human girl)! AND only one sperm can become a human! My theory sounds crazy and I hope I have not polluted the director's work hahaha. Thanks again and the pic is just great!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/24/2009 16:51:00]這個 what?
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/24/2009 16:51:00]THANKS!!! The movie stills are just GREAT!!!
回覆刪除我去電影院睇左啦!! >.<"||
回覆刪除真係 超 好睇啊!!!!!! ha ha ha............
[版主回覆04/18/2009 19:59:00]So cute... lots of symbols. ^^